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Comment History
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ The Trojan War

Looks interesting, make it good :)

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

Already did it. Meh, I still enjoy the mod, will try to find solution :)

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

So, I downloaded the patch, moved it to warband modules and placed it in l'aigle folder. I extracted it there and replaced all previous files.

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

First of all, thank you for the response. It's really nice when you see creator actually reading people's opinions etc. Okay, today I tried re-downloading patches and installing them again, started new game and everything again. I played like 3-4 hours and I finally managed to make myself some nice army and sadly but first thing I found flying fortress again and second thing I found random ship battles far away from sea and ofcourse cavalry mounted on ships. Do not get me wrong, I really love the mod, it's amazing, I'm just saying, those 2 things should be fixed, they are really annoying. If they will be fixed soon, I don't see any other big problem that would affect the gameplay.

Good karma+3 votes
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

Okay, I finally feel confident to place a review about this mod as I played it for more than 400 hours for sure. Okay let me tell you something, this mod.. Oh boy it's amazing, like it really is, all field battles are great, textures are awesome, map and everything else is also amazing. For alpha version it's very playable. Okay, the mod itself has a great potential but it's still not there yet... First of all, most of siege battles like when you want to take a town are glitched if you ask me. There are even some situations where buildings are in air and basically you have to give up a fight because you can't kill the enemy. Second of all sometimes enemy troops are spawned somewhere where you can't get your troops (really killing the fun). Also I find really frustrating when i get to battle in middle of the map far away from sea, I get spawned on ship and all my cavalry is mounted on horses and glitched.. there are also other bugs but those are not so "big deal" bugs. ANyways don't get me wrong, mod is amazing and you should deffinetly download it and play it but you'll get frustrated at some times... Also if you want to win all battles just get yourself french cavalry, it's OP and that should be fixed too. Anyways when I look all together I'd give 6.7/10 to this mod. If you ask me why I'd give that grade well it's easy. Mod would be clear 10/10 if all those bugs that are affecting the gameplay would be fixed. This is an amazing alpha version mod and it's expected to have bugs. I hope creator will see this and I hope he'll understand how much I admire his work and my critics are only here to help him fix the greater bugs if he's not aware of them. ANd last thing, @Docm30 You are doing amazing job, just fix the bugs ASAP.

Good karma+3 votes
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ legionar123

Only strong ones survive.

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

I personally have 4 mb/s and basically yeah it happens to me too sometimes that my downloads get down to 1 kb/s. Only solution I figured that works is basically cancel the current download and start it all over again. Works for me in 99% cases. I ussualy then get around 350-500 kb/s downloading (which is kinda huge for my country)

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

What marko.c said, and also try to reinstall whole mod.

Good karma+2 votes
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

Uhm, I'm not sure about thta "Rifleman useless" lol... Ofcourse they are useless if you have no idea how to lead them heh... Basically, riflemans are better then cavalary. My riflemans got attacked by 71 cavalry troops, I had only 84 riflemans, 37 riflemans died while all 71 cavalry got killed, 34 cavalry troops already got killed before they even came "close" to my riflemans. So my response is, with good leader, troops are useful, without it they are just useless waste of ammo. (You'll understand it when you'll read it few times)

Good karma+3 votes
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

Do not worry about it. They all have shirts in battle ;)

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

The newest one I think. Version 1.165 is newest, atleast that's what I'm using :)

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle

Couldn't say it better :)

Good karma+1 vote
legionar123 - - 14 comments @ L'Aigle Alpha Patch 1.2

This mod... Oh boy it's ******' awesome!!! Even better when it's getting updated, keep with awesome work. Just one thingy, Accuracy should be fixed. I place my line infantry like 10 meters from enemy and they need 5 minutes to shoot god damn enemy, while enemy takes all my guys out in a minute... Anyways, epic mod, best so far.

Good karma+5 votes

So, I extracted it into modules and everything but when I open M&B there's no option in module for this mod. Help! I do own NW DLC.

*EDIT* fixed

Good karma+2 votes