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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 371)
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Research and Development: Settlements

Continued from above....

This is evident in his future terms of negotiation...Babur now in a stronger position assigned sultanpur and jullunder(Jalandhar) to Daulat instead of Lahore.Alam khan lodi was assigned Dipalpur.Thus the struggle for mastery of north india was triggered by an escalation of violence that began for the mastery of the Punjab...Daulat was predictably unhappy with his new assignments and went into hiding with his son Ghazi khan.His other son Dilawar khan would betray and accept sultanpur.

But it is suspect if Babur had any imperial ambitions over delhi immediately after taking the Punjab...He may have nursed ambitions over delhi from the beginning.As time would show alam khan was evicted from dipalpur by Sultanate forces dispatched by Sultan Ibrahim..Alam khan now without a fief once again sought the help of Babur who instructed his begs(officials) in lahore to support him against Ibrahim's forces.He also promised to back him up but he couldnt for other circumstances(problems in balkh if I'm not wrong).The pact between Babur and alam khan entailed alam taking the delhi throne and Babur retaining his holdings in Punjab.Thus the prelude for panipat began with babur hoping to install a friendly monarch at delhi.

Alam khan took daulat's sons and with an army began marching towards delhi.He was approached by the now disaffected Daulat but it seems his assistance was declined since he was no longer on friendly terms with Babur.

They besieged Sultan ibrahim at Delhi...Ibrahim sallied out of delhi and routed them off the field putting an end to all their ambitions.

Upon hearing of alam's failure and daulat switching sides once again,Babur returned to punjab.Upon his arrival Daulat and his forces melted away and along with his son ghazi khan fled to fotress of milwat.Babur laid siege to milwat and daulat finally surrendered and he died en-route to bhera where he was to imprisoned.Thus in less than 3 weeks of crossing the Indus,Babur had become the undisputed master of Punjab.

Over time daulat proved to be an unreliable ally and kept oscillating between aiding and opposing Babur while his sons either opposed or sided with Babur.This explains the inconsistencies of unfolding of events.Daulat may have hidden his opposition and also shifted his loyalties multiple times in between events making it difficult to gather the exact chronology of events described in sources (even on the internet)

It is evident how with passage of time Babur's terms grew tougher and tougher as his military position grew more and more stronger.

Nevertheless Alam khan's failure and daulat's expiry left Babur as the only power capable of taking on Ibrahim.After Alam's failure Babur realised that ibrahim would not let him rule Punjab and that he had no intention whatsoever of ceding it to him.Ibrahim however could not let Babur linger in the punjab because he could use it as a staging point for further expeditions.This undeniably left them both on a collison course where only one would prevail.Had Daulat thrown in his lot with ibrahim much earlier before his surrender at milwat,Babur might have been in a precarious position.

He needed kabul to protect himself from the Uzbeks.Kabul and its surroundings in afghanistan hardly yielded any income and he needed the fertile tracts of the Punjab to sustain himself.To defend his existence in punjab he needed a "Panipat".It may have been that it was at this time that Babur fully decided to make a gamble for delhi itself and expand eastwards.

Thus it was a fortuitous turn of events that unfolded which he took complete advantage of.Not a one dimensional well planned invasion to conquer as most would believe.He was expansionist no doubt but it was not a decision made once on the spot.

It is funny how attempts to escape the Uzbeks and to defend his existence in the punjab ultimately escalated into a conflict for the mastery of delhi and north india itself.The subsequent events at Panipat need no mention.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Research and Development: Settlements

Continued from above....

This is where it all gets interesting and funny....Babur as time would prove instead, kept expanding his terms of negotiation as and when his military position became stronger...it turned out that all of them misread his hunger..

The upcoming events would prove fortunate for Babur as in 1522 he would go on take Kandahar(like i mentioned before in family tree section)and secure his south-western frontier.After this his position in balkh would grow strong as well..

Meanwhile Sultan Ibrahim having heard of his nobles' intrigues at Kabul dispatched the sultanate forces.The sultanate armies evicted Daulat from lahore effectively rendering him useless as an ally to Babur.When Babur arrived in Punjab proper at lahore in 1524 he found that Daulat had been driven away and the city was in sultanate occupation.

The sultanate forces sallied out to give battle and Babur consequently routed them off the field and conquered lahore,burning parts of it for 2 days.

Thus Babur became the defacto master of Punjab.Daulat's defeat at the sultanate hands simply eliminated an ally too powerful...it simply made Babur's conquest of punjab easier for him...He no longer had any use for Daulat khan...

Continued below..

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Research and Development: Settlements


Maybe consider adding Bhera,Kalanaur ,Milwat,Dipalpur,Jalandhar in Punjab region...these places have historical significance and its a part of an interesting story of power struggle..

Here is an interesting snippet....

Around 1519,2 important events transpired...Forts of bajaur (gabarkot) and Bhera/Bhira(was taken for ransom and was spared the fate of Bajaur)were taken by Babur....around this time he also supposedly allied and then fought(because a new usurper reneged on the previous pact) subjugated and reconciled with Gakhars whose base was the Pharwala fort(which was given back after victory)....

It is after these expeditions that Babur laid a vague claim to the areas of the punjab and sent an emissary to sultan Ibrahim Lodi.

The envoy was however stopped at lahore by Daulat khan lodi,sultanate governor of punjab en-route to delhi.He rejected Babur's claims over punjab and even dismissed Babur's officials in Bhera...

However in 1519-20,Babur led another expedition retook bhera and conquered as far as Sialkot(which was considered a gateway into the sultanate).But alarming news came from the west about the arghunid sultan of kandahar(i've expanded on the arghunid sultanate and their struggles with Babur in the family trees' section) and Babur went back west to control the situation..

But his conquest of sialkot triggered a diplomatic activity and in the coming days the diplomatic traffic to kabul increased....various discontented sultanate nobles sought Babur's help...Daulat by now having realised the intent of delhi court sent his son dilawar to negotiate a truce in 1521-22.It also seems that it was around this time that Babur also recieved an envoy from Maharana Sangram singh to invade delhi...There is a very good chance Maharana Sanga expected Babur to plunder delhi and go back to kabul after which he could occupy the vacuum in North india created by the defeat of lodis..or perhaps he expected the victor of the conflict to be vulnerable and then take advantage of the situation.

Alam khan lodi(also regnally titled Alauddin khan lodi) a pretender to the delhi throne and ibrahim's uncle also went to kabul to negotiate his position as well...though all their motives are impossible to guess it seems as though the initial agreement between Babur and the sultanate dissenters was that Alam khan would gain the delhi throne and daulat khan would retain his powerbase in lahore(whilst ceding certain areas of the punjab to Babur including the ones he had conquered upto this point)...

Continued below.....

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Faction Colors and Flags

Mysore Kingdom

Ruled by the wodeyars who claim to be Yaduvamshis...descendants of Yadu(son of Yayati) and Krishna

Their royal insignia featured the two headed mythological eagle "Gandaberunda" very much similar to the eagle of the Holy Roman empire and its successor states/empires(like Austian empire and Kingdom of Prussia)

Apart from this other flags with a chakra of vishnu also can be used...since the chakra symbolises Krishna's most potent weapon the sudarshan chakra

Good karma+2 votes
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions


65.any idea for berar and kozhikode flags?

I havent come across any source for Berar's flags atleast until now.There is not much info about these smaller sultanates.So we'll have to go with a guess.

Any random color with crescent should do i guess

The founder of the Imad shahis was a kenarese hindu convert.Thats the only thing about the origin ..which doesnt give us much.

As for kozhikode....i remember lionheartofengland shared a popular myth or legendary story about a sword or something given to the zamorin...that could be a good idea....maybe he could post that under flags and faction colours article(https://www.moddb.com/mods/india-total-war/news/research-and-development-faction-colors-and-flags)
where i've already posted the previous discussions on other factions(Vijaynagara,Mewar,Marwar,Gajapathi,Mughal,delhi,gujarat,malwa,bengal and Mysore etc)

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Research and Development: Settlements


Almost forgot....for ahmednagar sultanate region just ensure apart from whats there already;Ahmednagar qila,Daulatabad fort,Aurangabad,paranda fort,junnar and shivneri(optional) are included in the map

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ (OUTDATED) India Total War 1519, Alpha Build 0.5


I thought the elephants are too prone to rampage ....maybe reduce the vulnerability to arrow missile damage.....make them vulnerable to fire arrows and Gunpowder weapons more

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ (OUTDATED) India Total War 1519, Alpha Build 0.5

Try using the batch file in the previous version...replace the batch file with the one in the previous version and try to run it without administrator privileges

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ (OUTDATED) India Total War 1519, Alpha Build 0.5

Even I don't use the steam version...I'm using the gold non steam version

So I don't know why the batch file didn't work....but yeah the batch file in your old version worked for me for some reason

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ (OUTDATED) India Total War 1519, Alpha Build 0.5


The batch file doesn't work...I used a batch file from an older version.
And it worked ..is that fine??....did I play the right version ???.
huzurat how did u get it to work?!
Anyways dude playtested it....if I played the right version the battles are perfect !!....I happened to test a few scenarios with custom battles..it's fine


I'd say for battles increase the number of cannons to 4 per unit and increase the number of musketeers per unit

Also make the musket and cannons a little more decisive...increase the morale effect of artillery on enemies especially wet troops

The battle as of now is fine...make artillery a little more decisive
Give musketeers stakes too(if not for all atleast the mughals,since they are a gunpowder faction)

As for the campaign....ill go through it once
I didn't see many settlements I suggested for Berar and Bijapur though... go through the article comment section once....however I may have been playing the wrong version

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions

answering the question as it is....Bengal itself as a province/vassal of the Delhi sultanate was established by Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji.Born in Afghanistan,he was an afghan mercenary born into the khalaj tribe and was probably Turkic in origin.If my knowledge isnt betraying me he was actually rejected for military service by the Delhi sultan(I think it was Sultan Qutb-ud-din Aibak) himself.Nevertheless he was highly determined and crafty.Using his genius he overthrew the ruling Hindu house of Bengal in a daring raid on the royal residence itself with a band of followers.The king fled the capital and over the years bakhtiyar strengthened his hold over Bengal.After carving out a niche for himself in Bengal he pledged nominal allegiance to the Delhi sultan but ruled as an independent defacto sultan in Bengal.

Also it was a practice among powerbrokers/pretenders who had great ambitions in the sultanates to call their fellow tribesmen from their natives to settle in Hindustan so that they could develop a clout/faction for themselves and whose reputation they could rely upon in times of crisis and coups.

It was not uncommon for slaves and commoners who ascended the throne as sultans to call their fellow clansmen to Hindustan and resettle them here

Sultan Bahlol Lodi,also an Afghan came to India as a horse trader.When he ascended the throne after forcing sayyid alam Shah to abdicate,he also called in his tribesmen to settle in India

So while muizz and his slave aibak were responsible for establishment of Islamic rule in North india,an Afghan Mercenary Bakhtiyar was singlehandedly responsible for firmly establishing islamic rule in Bengal.

Actually when seen in the context of being afghan,Ghori himself was an afghan.His tribe hailed from the ghur mountains in Afghanistan.

Also,Bakhtiyar established islamic rule in Bengal somewhere in the early half of the 13th century...we are talking about nearly 300 years by the starting time period of the mod.An entire generation of Afghans would have settled here for years.Many of them considered themselves Hindustani.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions

62.Were Afghan mercenaries common in bengal/arrakan before the fall of the Delhi sultanate?

Well it depends on the perspective of the question....can u elaborate on the question a little bit

I cannot Speak for the Arrrakanese

But traditionally the Delhi sultanate doesn't "fall" until Ibrahim Lodi dies on the fields of Panipat in 1526.To be historically accurate the Lodi Sultanate is an extension of Delhi sultanate.So I don't know exactly what time period of Bengal u are referring to when u say before the fall of the sultanate...i dunno if u are talking about Ibrahim's fall or the decline of the sultanate in aftermath of Muhammad bin tughluq's death and Timur's 1398 invasion.

I think Afghans were common in bengal and eastern Indo Gangetic belt.

Muizz al din muhammad shahabuddin ghori's victory at Tarain 1192 paved the way for islamic rule in the subcontinent and opened a whole lot of opportunities for Afghans and other islamic adventurers around the world to serve in high posts and make a fortune for themselves

The eastern Gangetic belt was a hotbed for Afghans.It was for this reason that after trouncing the lodi Afghans at panipat in 1526 and khanwa in 1527,the last vestige of afghan resistance to Babur came from the far East where the Afghans built a grand coalition of Afghani sultans.Babur however put an end to their western aspirations at the battle of ghaghara.

Also little needs to be said about poor humayun's countless misfortunes at the hands of Afghans

Infact if I'm not wrong in the whole history of Pre Mughal india,all the north Indian muslim ruling dynasties(except Muzaffarids) are called Afghans ethnically.

Let me just put this in perspective..the eastern belt had a lot of afghan nobles.The Afghans were a force to be reckoned with in the east..so we must indeed rethink when Humayun gets criticised for his eastern campaigns.He committed a lot of blunders.But they must not blind us to the fact that they were a genuine legitimate and competent threat to any opponent.Humayun was not particularly bad at war(he was capable of blunders though) but he was lazy and indecisive.A characteristic feature of Humayun's early campaigns is that wherever he conquered be it Gujarat(for which he is not given enough credit) in the west or in the east he did not leave behind a solid mughal administration.He simply appointed his brothers as governors and this led to erosion of his authority.He also underestimated the Afghans led by Sher Shah..it was a gross miscalculation on his part.

Humayun was just 23 years old and inexperienced when he had to face the Afghans as well as Bahadur Shah(who was no slouch)...he was given to stretches of inactivity and he spent nearly a year in inactivity when he should have been campaigning.This laxicity and indecisiveness was a characteristic feature of his.He was also not as shrewd or cunning as his father was with the Afghans.Unlike his father or his rival Sher Shah he also lacked the thirst for bloodshed.Sher Shah could be cruel when he wanted to be.

Also he did not enjoy the full support of Mughal court in contrast to Sher Shah behind whom all the afghans rallied.Adding to this I think he had the worst kind of luck that any prince could have.Given the gravity of circumstances he faced in life it's surprising how he held his nerves and how he did not become an unbeliever.Infact its not at all surprising when he converted to Shia Islam under threat to life and pressure from Safavid Shah tahmasp.

A really interesting feature of these eastern Afghans was their matrimonial trends.The afghan women had right to their husband's property and were also allowed to remarry.This prevailing custom provided ample opportunity to any aspiring young afghan man to scale the political ladder by convenient marital ties.

widowed noblewomen were a suitable prospect and many men acquired their wealth through marriage.Whenever there was danger of confiscation of property the noblewomen could propose marriage to a powerful lord who could protect her rights.Farid or Sher Shah as we know him better was also one among those many men.So Afghans were a competent force here

Good karma+2 votes
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions


24)music suggestions extra

Found some really cool war music by Kevin MacLeod in his albums

Oughta hear it....some of the tracks here are legendary

We need to ensure however we keep the extremely Eurocentric and modern war music away while keeping the milder music so it doesn't take away the eastern touch given by the tracks we suggested above..some of the best tracks will definitely work for battles since battles don't need any specifics to be intense

Some of the low key European music may work well in the menus as well

Some of the tracks can also work in 325 and 1725 mods





Collection of epic history tracks

Good karma+2 votes
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions


Not sure there was a favourite colour for everyone

For most Islamic groups id say green would be a favorable color
I'd say for Afghans Arabs and other Islamic groups green and black
Mughals especially favoured the Moss green
If u see their banners in paintings u will see them in their typical green

Hindu units could have saffron red yellow pink and anything else except black.Some Hindus see black as a bad omen

However even with these I don't think there was a uniform color for all even in many armies except elite centralised units

I would say except for the elite centralised units all units must have varying shades for each of their soldiers

Let the centralised units for mughals mostly don pink,green and black..I'd say even within each unit itself let the colors vary between green,pink,turquoise blue,red and black..let green be a dominant color

For Delhi sultanate let it be mostly black and dark green instead of normal green..I'd say let black get precedence here

But I'm not sure of the other Sultanates here

Let vijayanagara and other hindu kingdoms have slightly more vibrant and colourful armies...let their soldier colors vary between saffron,yellow,pink,torqouise blue and red

I'd give Rajput armies bright yellow,saffron and red

Overall let Hindu armies have more red,saffron and yellow

But let the mercenaries,local levies,rural and garrison units have diverse shades with no dominance of any color irrespective of culture

Let the Islamic mercenaries and other islamic groups have colourful units too but let green,black,pink and gray be slightly dominant(let the dominance of colors be toned down)

For example here is something that should be clearer

Let the Vijayanagara army have it's recruits the way I've said above but it's islamic recruits,mercenaries and other levies keep their nature intact

Another example would be a mughal army with its units in the way I've said above...but it's Hindu recruits and other local levies reflect their culture..

So despite their own character each faction's army must also reflect it's own local allies and recuits and seem a little diverse

As a suggestion id say change the faction color of Delhi Sultanate as well to Black and give it's green colour to the Mughals

This would make them more distinctive

However regarding soldier colors I'm guessing a little bit here...I'd like to see what huzurat knows too

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1725 Factions and Units

To play with high settings I guess you have to change gfx video memory value and a host of other values in preferences text file ...then set it to read on

The developers bottlenecked it by default I guess..

I did it for Napoleon and it worked

Basically doing this in the preferences file is the equivalent to ticking unlimited memory box in Rome 2

Just make sure u are using "Empire total war v1.3"

You can find the value to change on YouTube..changing the gfx value will remove 2d sprites

In ur case keep the unit detail,buildings and textures to ultra

Keep the terrain,grass,effects,particles,water and sky to medium since these are the biggest hoggers

Also in the preferences file I guess u need to change the number of cores to number of cores your laptop has

Use bran Mac born's darthmod empire settings on twcenter...especially the total war slaughter versions,4x4 battleterrain maps,blood and smoke and Dagestan Hannover fix

I have very rare(almost nil) crashes in darthmod Napoleon and it mostly works splendid

But I'll try installing and playing empire with darthmod and above tweaks and see if it has the problem u are facing...going by ur woes it should be even more worse for me since my lappy is a toaster

Just an advice...since u are using rtx2060
U should have no problems running everything in ultra or high with the right kind of optimisation.

Disable antialiasing both in-game and in the graphics control panel

Disable depth of field in-game

Disable ingame hdr

Disable sharpening and grain in the graphics panel

Disable ssao in-game

Keep heat haze and distortion if ur graphics can handle them

Keep anistropic settings,sampling,vertical sychronisation,shader cache,lod,maximum battery performance the way you want

Then download and install the latest reshade...tick and download all the packages

Install reshade onto the game

Load a custom battle and tweak the depth of field,antialiasing(of ur choice..if u use fxaa turn it to max),ambient occlusion,tonemapping,sepia,raytracing,adaptive sharpening,grain and bloom

Also use reshade's hdr rather than ingame since u can tweak it

This is better since the reshade app has a "performance mode"..tick it and save it

As far as my stupid card is concerned only these effects work...urs might handle even more effects well

U may have to play around a little bit but in ur case it will pay off

Since ur specs are high(far too high than mine) I guess u can play with 80 units per army and have grand time..u could play with upwards of 40000+ plus men per army and more than 80,000 involved in one battle map

Good karma+1 vote
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1725 Factions and Units


Guys regarding empire total war for 1725,I know the empire AI is stupid....but I happened to come across certain tweaks

I actually played Napoleon total war which is just as lame as empire total war in its vanilla form....I used darthmod and a certain Bran Mac born submod for darthmod and his tweaks are too damn good.They've drastically improved the gameplay,battle AI and diplomacy.

The AI forms battle lines and threatens your flanks...though not perfect at very hard difficulty this could be very challenging.I played it at hard and I thought it was unforgiving

The battles are really challenging now with to and fro movements...recurrent fighting and racing for an advantageous position makes sense because in open ground AI deploys it's lines to outflank you...vanilla darthmod took hours to resolve a battle but these tweaks improve the speed and casualties...advantageous maneuvers are very decisive

Playing as the french I was besieged by a full stack 40 unit prussian army at Hannover....I sallied out of the city to attack and break the siege..with just 6000 men most of whom were cheap militia and armed citizenry I fortified myself between 2 hills by deploying stakes....I just had 1 field piece atop a hill while the AI had 6-7 field pieces and bombarded me from a high ground constantly...though in this version the AI is aggressive and tends to charge it's cavalry the AI took full advantage of the ground I offered to fortify myself at that position by outflanking me...I nearly lost that battle and my units started routing..only with constant repositioning and rallying by my general did I manage to hold on...I won this only when reinforcements arrived and I took the fight straight to the AI position.

There is a certain Slaughter volley fire version of Bran mac born tweaks.This drastically improved gameplay.Factions now are diplomatically unforgiving yet they are sensible.....diplomatc manuevering now makes sense...They can be reasonably won over where it makes sense with money or technology.This tweak drastically increases Income but with 40 unit armies and huge costs even tens of thousands of income seems challenging to manage.It literally feels like military campaign with 10,000+ casualties in hard fought battles.....I use an entry level graphics card which is mx110=gt940m and even with heavy reshade effects I experienced very little lagging.... he's even released a hard economy version...there is an even more aggressive "Super slaughter" version

After having played this version I doubt if I'll ever go back and play even stainless steel...

These edits also come for darthmod Empire total war and is definitely worth giving a try....not just from a modding perspective but also if u guys wanna have a fun time campaign with tw yourselves..the only problem however is that of provinces though....a shame they can't be modded

I could share all the specifics needed as well as the reshade presets

Good karma+1 vote
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Research and Development: Settlements


We'll keep the uniqueness of the fort models for the end since we must finish the mod first...anyhow when the mod is close to completion and when we start playing it we'll be able to assess if the sheer number of settlements and forts is actually good or bad...in that event we can review all the settlements again(this also enables me to complete my tedious Deccan research especially the Vijayanagar,Ahmednagar and gondwana areas)
And decide which to keep..after this we can decide on fort specifics

After this we also need to decide on administrative centres/capital settlements of the map for the starting position and decide their proportional population and income etc etc

Good karma+2 votes
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Historical Events, Missions, Disasters

Some early campaign mission events....I'll keep posting them later as well...for now as of what I can remember

For Mughals,we can force
1)capturing and annexing fort Gabarkot in Bajaur
Babur besieged the citadel in 1519 and with the help of artillery,his men scaled the walls and crushed the pashtuns ruthlessly and forced them into submission
So this is in 1519 AD

2)In 1519,Babur who was probing the north western frontier to strengthen his position carried out raids across the Khyber subjugating tribes and races ruling the sultanate frontier...the aforementioned Bajaur pashtuns were also crushed for the same reason

The Gakhars who were distributed around Rawalpindi,Peshawar and the Punjab regions ruled the northwestern areas of the sultanate....apparently instigated by Daulat khan lodi(Governor of Punjab on behalf of lodis),the Gakhars had actually thrown in their lot with Babur,but a usurper overthrew their chief and assumed the kingship...as students of history would know Ibrahim Lodi,young and brash had attempted a premature centralisation and the old nobles including Daulat had resented him.Daulat was looking for an alternative and he found it in Babur and supported his invasion initially.Since the arrival of this new usurper had changed whole equation between Mughals and Gakhars,crushing and subjugating them was vital for the success of Babur's eventual invasion

In this pursuit after having defeated them,in 1519 Babur captured the Pharwala fort and re-established the mughal gakhar pact.

Ever since then Gakhars remained loyal to the Mughal emperors

We can probably spawn a minor gakhar army in the Rawalpindi Peshawar area around 1519...

I will elaborate on this interesting story in the ethnic unit showcase and settlements article since it has given opportunity for new forts and characters

3)in 1522,eager to secure his southern flank before his invasion,Babur attacked,besieged and captured Kandahar from Arghunid Sultanate

We can use this event to force a war and eventual vassalage of the arghunids to the Mughals

4)In the early,1520s(between 1520-1523),we can force an initiate diplomacy event to bribe a rebel Daulat Khan lodi with a small amount of money

Winning him over would add Lahore settlement area to the faction

Id say we tweak bribes in diplomacy....I felt the bribe amount in medieval 2 was not to the scale of income a warlord recieves and unrealistic...small isolated contingents demanding florins in the order of 10,000s is really bad...if the loyalty is low and the character has certain traits,bribing should be easy with amounts in 1000s instead of 10,000s....a 22,000 bribe would be amounting to the annual income of a province in a realistic world
...1000 itself would be the income of an entire province in 6 months in medieval 2 scale

5)Somewhere in 1526,Daulat Khan lodi can become rebel once again and defeating him can be a forced as an event

Daulat actually turned on Babur since he was dissaffected with his assignments...he was not given Lahore

Good karma+1 vote
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Research and Development: Settlements


Just add 2 forts
2)Asigarh(not to be confused with existing Asirgarh fort in burhanpur khandesh)

I'll leave the settlement type to ur discretion.Make it a fort settlement or stone fort...ur choice.Given the number of settlements we already have I'd say let these be stone forts

Good karma+2 votes
KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions


53. I need more generic character names for the factions agents/females, if you have any suggestions for common historical names please share

Well hindus have many gods and many different names so any generic name like

Mahesha S
Maheshwar N
Maheshwara S
Ram in the North - N
Rama in south - S
Vikram N
Vikrama S
bikram Bengali
Balarama S
Govind N
Govinda S
Ganesh N
Ganesha S
Bijay Bengali
Shridhara S
Shridhar s
Arjun N
Arjuna S
Karan N
Keshav N
Keshav S
Raghav N
Raghava S
Shiv N
Shiva S
Lakshman N
Lakshmana S
Maruti S
Raghavendra S
Indrajit N
Meghnad N
Ganpath N
Vikramjit N
Bikramjit Bengali
Sugreev N
Sugreeva S
Vibheeshan N
Vibheeshana S
Bharata S
Janaka S
Seetharama S
Nagesha S
Vallabha S
Bhimdev N


All the male names can be suffixed with surnames like Kumar,Singh(for north Indian names),Thakur(north Indian names),Biswas(north Indian names),Nayak,Nayaka,Gupta(north Indian),Sharma,Sarma(south indian),Bhat,Gowda(south Indian),Rao,Tiwari(north Indian),Murthy,babu(andhra I think),shetty,yadav,jadav,prasad,simha,Sinha etc

The N,S and Bengali labels I used are specifically for North,South and Bengal.

Females can be suffixed with Devi,kumari and all of the above surnames for males

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Faction Colors and Flags

Mughal empire

1)Right angled triangular flag
With rising sun lion and shining stars
Red interior with green borders

2)Right angled triangular flag
With rising sun lion and shining stars
Green interior with golden borders

3)Right angled triangular flag
With simply the sun and golden dot pattern
Green interior with golden borders

1),2) and 3) can be seen in the padshahnama of Shah Jahan here


You can also see the Mongol tail standard in the image

4)Right angled triangular flag
With just the sun and golden dot pattern(borderless)as shown here


The above was done by painter Bhavanidas

These flags can also be seen in these images

Some other possible variants can be seen in in this image below

Flags 214 and 215 can be seen in the above image
214 shows a crescent moon with sun

5)Right angled triangular flag
With just the rising sun lion and dot pattern(borderless)

All the above types can also have a normal triangular and Rectangular variants.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Faction Colors and Flags

Vijayanagara empire

Can have the Varaha(boar) with dagger sun and moon as shown here


Multiple other variants can be used with slightly differently shaped flags featuring the boar


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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Faction Colors and Flags

Mewar Kingdom potential flag types that can be used

1)Normal triangular flag in red
With sun god and the throne of Mewar horizontally placed like in this.


2)Right angled triangular flag in red
With the same as above and can be a variant or alternative for the above flag

3)Double triangle right angled triangle in white
With Hanuman and crescent moon on a white flag

4)Right angled triangular flag in red with only the throne of Mewar

5)Rectangular red colored flag
With talvar(sword) and Sun and crescent moon

3),4) and 5) can be seen in this image

Additionally standards held by captains can have a square banner with the sun god symbol of Mewar


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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Campaign Gameplay and Mechanics


Maybe open a page for discussions on campaign missions

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions

What is the use of tags for the mod page.Do relevant tags make it feature in search hits??...If so maybe u could add a lot more...

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Questions



I'm not sure which mercenaries u are talking about but much of the fighting capacity of the Deccanis was made up of Iranis and turanis.

The only soldiers I've read about in this battle coming close to ur description of "mercenaries" are the Muslim troopers who came from Iran and Turan.

These Muslim troopers were fully clad in armor and used the deadly composite bow which was made of steel or two horns joined together by a metal clasp.The Deccanis fought pretty much in Baburid fashion with qarawal screen followed by artillery fieldwork with gaps and then the main force beyond this line.

These deadly bows had far greater range and penetrating power than the useless bamboo bows the Vijayanagar rabble was using.Vijayanagar too fielded a corps of Muslims made up of 6 mercenary captains but these were mostly Indian Muslims especially Pathans who were of inferior martial skill compared to their Irani and turani counterparts.The Battle was essentially a match up between skilled professionals and a disorganised rabble.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ Research and Development: Faction Colors and Flags

Faction symbols in short (not flags)

I've already shared some of them

Vijayanagara empire

The Varaha(boar) with dagger and sun

Gajapati Kingdom

The elephant

Mysore Kingdom

Gandaberunda - two headed mythological Hindu eagle

Mughal empire

The rising Sun lion

Mewar kingdom

The mustached Sun God with rays

Delhi,Bengal Gujarat Sultanates

Crescent moon symbolism with respective colors

Marwar kingdom

Trishul wielding falcon with panchranga(rainbow) background

Arghunid Sultanate

No available sources on symbols atleast as far as my research revealed
A good guess would be the Ilkhanate flag with red square on yellow background.

As for the Deccan Sultanates I'll see what I can dig on them

Considering the lack of sources and with the available info, Golconda can have the bright turquoise background with some black crescent moon and maybe the ahmednagar can have dark green background with white crescent moon

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ India Total War


Might as well watch out for "One Ruler,One Earth" mod...there are certainly some models we can import from there....especially very tribal and local Indian looking levy unit models..

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Factions and Units

4)Final moments
Dara descends from his howdah.his men panic and surrender to Aurangzeb.Dara is surrounded from all sides.Khalil-ullah flees from the battle with his men.Aurangzeb orders a general advance and crushes his adversary.Dara flees

Khalil-ullah (C) - "I'm outta here lol"

[T u l g h u m a]<<<-------
l.................Dara flees...............a
g.........."This mod is broken"............w
m............................SURRENDER [Tarah]
.....................[Tarah]..[Aurangzeb-Qol]-"Dammit!! How does the AI general always escape??"

In a single engagement involving the 3 brothers itself,Aurangzeb distinguished himself.Unlike his naive brother Dara or foolhardy Murad,Aurangzeb neither committed his forces to a dangerous charge nor did he loose control of himself and get excited.He kept his cool and held his nerves till the very end all the while exploiting any mistake made by his adversary.He waited for the very end and ordered a general advance only when victory was in sight.Which is pretty much evident in the difference between how Murad handled the left wing and how the rest of the divisions under Aurangzeb fared.Dara had all the qualities of an ideal ruler except for war.Unfortunately for him what u believed in the 17th century didn't matter much unless u could back it up with military victories.Thinking differently back then made you a heretic if u couldn't defend yourself militarily.

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KrishnaCN - - 371 comments @ 1519 Factions and Units

3)Dara recieves news of rajputs' success and decides to swerve right along the entire length of the front exerting his men.Rajputs on Dara's right have been cut down.Dara's exposes himself to artillery fire on Aurangzeb's left causing panic and confusion.Meanwhile Dara's left flank is being rolled up by Aurangzeb's right.

[T u l g h u m a]<<<------------
........Khalil-ullah (C).....................w
..............[D<<<--------------"if i can't go left,i'll swing right..Wheeee!!"
.....exposed to fire.......[Tarah]..[Aurangzeb(C)-Qol]-"Lol What's he doing..total war AI sucks XD"
....Murad Baksh (C)......

Continued below....

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