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KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ [DLTX] Simple Weapons Pack

And even using DLTX, that's great. Cheers!

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ [DLTX] Simple Weapons Pack

Simple, immersive and clean work. The only things I miss from the WWII side yet are the STG44 and MP40 (or MG42?) maybe, the rest is perfect.
You definitely put some thoughts in the creation of this pack, good job!

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

I discovered what's the issue with the enormous degradation of 9x39 rifles.
They have a 10 times higher degradation per single shot as well as an almost 8 times higher degradation per shot in full auto-mode than most automatic rifles, both NATO and Warsaw version.

I guess that's because these degradation stats are aimed towards the VSS, only the Groza has comparable degradation like normal rifles.
Originally only the AS VAL was the third rifle which was supposed to be seen similar as the VSS Vintorez I guess.
Though only for the VSS this makes sense as this rifle is mostly fired single-shot only.

So the 9A-91, VSK 94, Vikhr and VAL all have the VSS degradation stats which is way too high for assault rifles/carbines of course.

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

Alright, I'll take a look at this then.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

Wait, are you just telling me that it was possible to reproduce the AN-94 real life mechanism all the time but never utilizied by anyone (as far as I know)? lmao
I mean not even in StCOP weapon pack was this obviously done before as the only one who has ever edited this so far is you.

Funny enough, it seems like "rpm_mode_2" only exists in the AN94 config file and is therefore unique and only available to this weapon.
So why did this never surface?

Maybe this comes down to the fact that most people would drop any AK-74 family weapon anyways as soon as they get a NATO or 9x39 weapon in their hands in the vanilla games and so this perhaps was never adressed by modders as well.

Whatever is the reason, I'm happy that this is possible though and will definitely be a change in the new version of my mod.

If there should ever be a H&K G11 included in a weapon pack, this line could be used to make it's 500 / 2000 rpm three round burst work like in real life as well!

About the condition drop of 39x9 weapons, I never lookeed upon that. Might be a StCoP thing as you mentioned.
I don't know exactly how this works at all, I guess the condition will decrease by a certain value per shot, therefore making high rpm weapons decrease faster if you use full-auto to empty your mag really often as you will fire more bullets and empty more mags in the same time than when you're using a 600 rpm weapon.
But like I said, I'd need to look at how this works in the first place, like if there's a maximum base condition for each weapon etc.

About the pistols, did you meant to say that those with a lower magazine capacity should have the higher damage?
It seems like you accidentally switched them here.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ DoctorX Questlines 1.25 [CoC 1.4.22]

Will there be also a 1.422 CoC version of your updated questline mod?
Because the greatest and more universal mod support still lies within the old CoC version.
Or is it not possible due to limitations of the 1.422 version?

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack (v.5 / V.5.1) Weapon Sensitivity Fix

Hi there, I'm the author of the STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2 mod.

I can't remember those sensivity issues as I haven't been playing CoC for a really long time already, but with the updated sensivity values from this mod it should be possible for me to create a version of my mod with a sensivity fix included.

I guess it's way easier for me to replace one value with an identical one for every gun than for the author of this mod to paste all my different damage and recoil changes into his files.

I can't promise you though how long this will take, as my mod pack itself needs an update and I'd like to release both changes at the same time of course.

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

In summary:

- I will not change the 9x39 - 7.62x39 balancing.

- No changes for the AN-94 mechanics so far. I'll take a look at it to check if it might needs a slight buff for recoil, spread or whatever. Can't remember exactly anymore how the gun performs with my edit.

- I'll adress the balancing of the pistols and maybe shotguns.

Btw don't worry, you're not the only one who's spamming here ;)

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

Last but not least, the AN-94.
The lovely AN-94 has even in Battlefield games always been a special weapon, yes.

Unfortunately, what you said about using full-auto for the AN-94 as 600 rpm at the same time as the special 2-round burst is exactly what I really had loved to do and is also exactly how it works in Battlefield 3, but it's not possible.

All weapons have one fixed fire rate value in their config files which is normally absolutely alright for this game, as every other single weapon doesn't work like the AN-94 so that's why there isn't any script that supports a true AN-94 style. Remember how the AN-94 in all STALKER game works just like a basic AK-74 with slightly improved accuracy stats.
This is what the devs should've made different in the first place.

With a 1800 rpm it's not an option either to allow the player to use full-auto for obvious reasons.
Not that this is even controllable, I tested it.
It sounds OP for close quarters, but with all recoil values it just works against you.

So I decided to balance this weapon like in BFBC2, it has only 2-round bursts, while it's low base recoil value and good precision allows you to hit your targets really well at far distance. Also, because of the high fire rate, it allows you to stack the burst intervals very closely to each other which results in a lot of damage before the enemy can even react sometimes.

It's a beast at long and mid range, so we could see it as another balance aspect that it's weak for CQ.
Not that 600 rpm in a video game is good anyways, you're better off with an SMG, shotgun or higher rpm assault rifle, even in Battlefield3.
In this game, it was always a special style to use the AN-94, having a strong revolver, auto-pistol sidearm or the shotgun grenade launcher attachment was what I used as helping gadgets when diving into CQC on conquest mode.

If I'd make it a 600 rpm weapon then it's just a reskinned AK-74 again, this way it's at least unique and you get highly rewarded if it's your style to play.

At least the AN-94 has gotten some love and attention here, in most weapon mod packs it's mostly ignored and treated as an AK-74 which might also be the reason why there was never a script invented for to include two different rpm per weapon.

If someone would be able to do this it'd be definitely awesome!
I guess I'll create a forum thread soon to ask our script-nuts whether and how it's possible to do this.

Don't you ever carry a shotgun or SMG with you and only sniper rifles alongside the assult rifle instead?

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

What you mentioned about the pistols, I'll take a look at them again.
I admit my prime priority were the rifles all along.
I did make changes to the pistols, but it seem like I need to look out for this once more.
Especially what you mentioned about the Desert Eagle sounds highly off what I intended to do.

About the shotguns:
I've always felt like they're devastating, even the non-automatic ones. Maybe that's because I never use exoskeletons.
Do the NPCs in your game have a good aim?
Are they even close to you when firing the shotgun? Because they're really not clever in that matter and would fire a shotgun even from 150 m distance at you.

I'll look into it. Balancing this could be difficult though, as the value you edit has for some reaons an entirely different damage result for each caliber, even if you use exactly the same value!

This is also why it was so difficult to approach the pistol balancing, a "1.2" value for one caliber in the config files would in the game result in a higher damage level than if I type a "3.5" for a different caliber.
Sounds messed up, is messed up.

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

Hello there. I haven't been active in Stalker mods since... a really long time but recently I felt like I ant to play CoC again. I'll dive into what you said about the 9x39 and 7.62x39 rifles.

Let me tell you one thing: As mentioned in the description before, the balance here doesn't try to make the guns balance out as they work in real life, it's more some arcade attempt at balancing them like in Battlefield games so that what weapon you want to play depends from what style you prefer, the weapon handling is also an important aspect here.

So, why is the 7.62x39 caliber more powerful than the 39x9 in my mod?

- The 9x39 rifles have a way lower recoil in comparison
--> Because of this, the precision of the weapon is also still quite decent
- The 9x39 rifles have a way higher fire rate in comparison

This concludes that the 9x39 are in these aspects simply better and their lower damage output is the trade back for it.

Only the NATO caliber weapon handling is mostly easier than the 9x39.

This is why even with my mod I still prefer the AS VAL over most other rifles, it allows you precise short bursts even on long range, just like in BF3.

For me it's still the better all around weapon than the AK-47 from my edit, the AK-47 requires more single shot than 2 or 3 round bursts and is more devastating in close quarters.
Well, the AS VAL still has a significantly higher fire rate then the AK-47, so...
Increasing the damage for 9x39 rifles furthermore would make them too convenient to my style, OP and boring to use again in my opinion.
Most NATO weapons have an even easier handling than the AS VAL, but still a less high fire rate.

Also I'm using the weapon pack redistribution mod, so both the 9x39 and 7.62 calibers appear comparably rare, most weapons are generic warsaw or NATO weapons.
The AK-47 is also listed to appear on rookie bandits for example, while none of the rookie bandits will carry auto-shotguns and 9x39 with themselves anymore.

The AK-47 is intended to be that one vintage beast like in Battlefield games, that's difficult to use but kicks damage out really hard if you master it.

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ Zombie Assault Mod

That's the one I was looking for, thank you!

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ Zombie Assault Mod

Hello there, I remember in an older version from 2014 or like that there was a different main menu theme song. Can you tell me the name please?
I don't have the old client anymore and I'm still searching for this song without any success although I understood the lyrics and tried searching by using them.

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

It's an issue with Gnomus scopes as far as I can tell. If you install Gnomus scopes, the mod description says that you have to change then texture path of the G36 and L86 I think and if you don't have this mod, then it's apparently incompatible with the setting I made in the weapon .ltx files so they fit to the Gnomus mod.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ DoctorX Questlines 1.25 [CoC 1.4.22]

Do you mean more than one task at once from the same person? No, it isn't possible.

Good karma+3 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ Outfit Loot Vanilla CoC 1.5R6 - Fully configurable

Really nice mod! Especially that you show the possible edits to ensure maximal compatibility with other mods is a very good thing here.

Good karma+3 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ DoctorX Questlines 1.25 [CoC 1.4.22]

Yes, i tested it. As zombie you don't have the psi "protection" like a Monolithian.

I have another ideas for a zombie-play btw. Like that the Yantar device will always turn you into a zombie while the Brain Scorcher will most likely turn you into a Monolithian or into a zombie, if the Scorcher wasn't adjusted right this day and treated your brain more harshly than intended.
I realized that playing as zombie is pretty much like playing as Monolithian for now. I'd suggest a nice thing would be if a zombie player can't interact with most trader characters and the Monolith faction anymore, only with his zombiefied comrades and that one or two characters that will try to cure the player because they think that zombie lives matter. Now combine this with a base HP boost (if this isn't already implemented, not sure about that) but with the lack of the abilities to sprint and aim properly anymore. Either by a big weapon sway while aiming or by disabling the aim-key, so the players will feel what it's like to not be a sane human anymore. Hopefully this isn't too hardcore :D Zombie players will be forced then to stick with their zombie friends all the time until they find that healing artefact and to raid stalker squads as they still need food and ammo but can't buy it anywhere. Like a zombie apocalypse survival scenario but with absolutely reversed roles.
Apart from the player movement tweaks, we'd need the function to talk with zombie squad leaders to get their squads as companions or else the player is a too easy prey.
I know, this sounds like an additional independent mod project, but would fit the best if it's merged into your questline addon, so being zombified will not mean the end like in several other mods but to have the chance of a cure and to continue the main questline that's added by your mod after getting cured again.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ DoctorX Questlines 1.25 [CoC 1.4.22]

Can you include a feature that supports the zombified stalkers? I made tests and realized it's possible to use the Brain Scorcher to join the Monolith faction or become a Loner. However, I'd need a Psi-helmet or would need to use the god mode to get there as zombie.
I thought about playing as zombie as some kind of prequel before the real story as Loner starts. The memory loss will be the same like Strelok had it in the beginning. A zombie rather needs a cure by e.g. soul artefacts so the brain will be intact again, turning off the Brain Scorcher will not really help a zombie stalker to recover. Imo it'd be a good idea if you have to do tasks for cetain scientists and be their subject for experiments so they figure out how to cure the brain with the artefact. In this way there'd be a different way to change factions than Monolith players already have to do it, without taking away the challenge to turn the Brain Scorcher off later.
To become a zombie stalker, maybe stay for too long near the miracle machine at Yantar, if that's somehow possible to do. I heard that there are mods that do something like this.

Additionally it'd be nice if you could talk to zombie squadleaders to stage some hilarious assault, but I guess this issue should be handled by vanilla CoC in the first place.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ DoctorX Questlines 1.25 [CoC 1.4.22]

Wait for it, you won't get always quests. A character maybe says "I have no quest" but when you return some time later he'll offer you something. It's a feature of this DoctorX mod.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCOP 1.4.22 - Sound Overhaul (+ extras)

Really, really awesome!
No more shooting confetti plastic guns, this is serious stuff now.

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ TRX: A-Life revamp - Increased respawn timer

Edit: I made a post in the support forum about this. Here's the explanation why the Cordon is still crowded, regardless of the higher respawn timer: Moddb.com

In detail, Cordon has a total of 4 normal bandit squad spawns, which is too much. Wipe them out in the Cordon and it can just result in Garbage bandits entering the Cordon.
Nothing has really respawned in the meantime.

Good karma+2 votes
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ melighos

melighos, you made some CoC mod that affect respawn timers, right?
I made a post about a problem with respawn timers in the support forum for CoC, may you look into it? In short, when you increased the respawn timer with your mod, did this work for the Cordon map as intended or was it still a mess with bandits and soldiers respawning too fast?

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ TRX: A-Life revamp - Increased respawn timer

I tested it once more. Cordon seems to be absolutely bugged, even if I change the respawn timer to e.g. 3 days, it takes like only 5 minutes until new bandits, soldiers etc. spawn. I have no idea why this doesn't work as intended though.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ Outfit Addon 1.4.7 [CoC 1.4.22]

Nevermind about the GP-5, I had something wrong in mind here.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ Outfit Addon 1.4.7 [CoC 1.4.22]

Aren't the outfits a bit OP/unbalanced compared to the vnilla ones? For example, GP-5 is so much better than any other gasmask or the steel helmet, while the NBC suit is much better in any way than for example the CS3a-armor + M40 gas mask. Some of this stuff is not only better but also cheaper than vanilla gear that is on a similar level, so why should anyone use a suit/gas mask that isn't added by this mod?

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

I think we are close to the source of the problem then. I have Gnomus scopes and don't have the error you mentioned. I'll look into the Gnomus mod again, I'm pretty sure in this mod or the compatibility patch for Gnomus + STCoP weapon pack was something noted about manual edits of the L85/G36 scope texture directory.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ TRX: A-Life revamp - Increased respawn timer

Then it's a general problem with the TRX: A-life revamp mod. Ask the mod author of this mod whether it's compatible or not.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

With or without Gnomus scopes? This reminds me of something... I think in order for Gnomus scopes to work with it or use the right scopes style, people had to change the scope texture path in the weapon files of the L85 and G36. There was something, but I can barely remember...

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ STCoP Weapon Pack Rebalanced 0.2

Fixed the wrong name of the folder directory.
Is your crash issue related to Gnomus scopes or something?
Because the base mod normally doesn't change scope graphics and I only edited the damage values of this mod, nothing else.
So the issue you named should also occur if you only install STCoP weapon pack without my tweak files. The issue is most likely somewhere else then.

Good karma+1 vote
KOCMOKOPCAP - - 64 comments @ First Strike

So, will there be Openspy multiplayer servers for First Strike too, as it's possible to play the mod now with Reclamation and the new BF2142 Hub launcher?

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