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There are two awesome games I love.... Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour and Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts..... Its hard for me to choose which game to play... Coh has realism and requires battlefield tactics and extreme micro management while ZH removes realism and adds raw uncontrolled power!!! Well you know what I mean about power...CoH has population cap while ZH has none.....So you can build about a million tanks only worry about your PC performance.XD In modding terms ZH is pretty easy to mod and has a very flexible engine but you can't go pretty far with a model details..CoH is a bit trickier to mod but it can handle models with kick ass details!!!!!! So my conclusion: In playing I often choose CoH while in modding I'd choose ZH.

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Its pretty hard to mod especially when the game itself restricts you.

I once had an idea about a new ZH general called Advanced Weapons General. The idea looked good on paper until I knew how to mod. Most of the abilities I planned wasn't supported by the engine!!! Abilities like the tractor beam and the magnet tank were not supported. I hated modding after that. After some time I realized that you can still create a lot even with those restrictions so my interest in modding returned.

So here I am. A proud member of ModDB modding community.