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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 106)
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Sandbot v0.4.2

That is amazing! Thanks a lot, i'm really looking forward to play with new version.

Unrelated, but do you by any chance know any active Gunman Chronicles servers? I not only didn't find any active servers, i couldn't even find any evidence of them ever existing after about 2002-2003 in a first place. Your bots are really the only way to play DM in GC nowdays on this background...

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Sandbot v0.4.2

Thanks for considering! I think there's already an option to get the bots to not use a specific weapon (at least in Gunman Chronicles bots have specific command to not use the pistol at all, for example), but i didn't really want to disable the weapon that they use in 90% of the time, since they often kill eachother with the beam spam without having time to pick up different weapons.

What about, let's say, making them never spawn with the beam fire mode active in a first place? I don't know if you made them being able to switch the firing modes of weapons dynamically, but i noticed that for pistol the only fire modes they use are "rapid" auto mode and beam "pulse" mode. I suppose this is determined at random for each time the bots respawn, so i'd be happy if there could be a way to enable or disable a chance for each individual firing mode to be in the pool of potential modes that bots will use. Of course if that's how it works.

Also, they seem to never use the "charge" firing mode for pistol, as well as some other firing modes for other weapons. If it's possible, it would be cool if they had a chance of using all primary firing modes or combinations of them, if that's possible to program them for.

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Gunman Chronicles Revamped Animations V1.0

These animations are actually AMAZING, especially the sounds. I don't remember if half of the weapons actually did not have sounds like shotgun cocking or mecha gun arming sounds in vanilla, but with your animations these sounds are amazing, just as the reanimated sequences themselves. Thank you for your work!

Good karma+2 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Sandbot v0.4.2

Is it possible to make them not use a specific weapon setting in Gunman Chronicles? Specifically the beam mode of pistol, because they are insufrable with them. Or, alternatively and even better, give then an accuracy setting to make them not 100% accurate with already pinpoint accurate pistol. Other than that - it's incredibly good, thank you for this mod!

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ AS Val Reanimation

Hi, this animation is amazing, but could you please add the same animation to the VSS Vintorez? It uses the same animation as Val does in vanilla anomaly, maybe you could make it to use the new animation just like theVal?

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ True Stalker

I have a question that bothers me quite a lot - i cannot seem to find a 6P9 (PB) silencer anywhere. PB is a very early-to-get gun, but i didn't come across any silencers for it. Is it not in the mod, or is it just very well-hidden or purchase-only? PB with silencer is stalker classic, and i'd love to have that, and it is weird that it's so hard to find. Did anybody come across a silencer for this pistol?

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Re:done Cordon & Meadow OUTDATED VERSION

Hi, quick update: the problem is still here, squads seem to be unable to find a proper path to the Meadow on their own, however if i take a squad leader as companion and get it to the Meadow they are able to capture bases there (probably because they are now unable to find a way out of Meadow lol). Also WAO feature of commanding the squads and setting their goals seem to help to get them to the needed point within the location too. But they still can't enter or escape Meadow without a Player's help.

Good karma+3 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Re:done Cordon & Meadow OUTDATED VERSION

Hi, could you please help me? For some reason I cannot capture any bases in Meadow - any squads just don't go there at all, they just idle at the points where they spawned. I play with Warfare A-Life overhaul, with both story mode and War of The Factions enabled, i play as Clear Sky and we already have full control of the Cordon, so squads should be able to go to the Meadow. Maybe the War of the Factions is a problem?

Also, i installed the mod mid-game, did not start new game, maybe that's the problem? Could you please look into it?

Good karma+3 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ DAR Dosimeter Enhanced v1.1

Your mods are SO good! Thank you for your work, it's amazing!

Good karma+4 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ More Melee Features

Thanks for replying, i don't really know how to change the sound of weapon hitting the ground/NPC, so can you please explain quickly how to do that, if you have a spare sec?

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ More Melee Features

Hi, i wanted to ask you if it would be possible to make all two-handed melee weapons to have different custom impact sounds? Currently they all seem to use knife impact sound, is it possible to give axes, hammer and shovels their own sounds, or at least one common impact sound different from the knives?

Sorry for doubling comment, got a weird guest bug...

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Radon's Reanimated LR300 [DLTX] [1.5.2][HOTFIX]

Amazing, thank you very much!

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Radon's Reanimated LR300 [DLTX] [1.5.2][HOTFIX]

I apreciate it a lot, thank you! The only issue is that i seem to be unable to download the new version, PC's telling me that it has a virus in it... I think it has something to do with 7z files, could you repack your mod in zip format?

Good karma+2 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Silent war v2.0

Wow, you actually did it! Thank you very much, now the good ol' PB is gonna be the stealth king once again!

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Radon's Reanimated LR300 [DLTX] [1.5.2][HOTFIX]

Hello there! I really like your mod, the model is beautiful and the animations are amazing too. However, i ran into an issue: the ACOG scope (i didn't test others yet because i mainly play with the iron sights) is very distictly missaligned with the actual crosshair. When you shoot, the bullet hits not where the scope shows you the mark, but at the same height, but almost directly above number 4 near the main reticle on the scope. So the aim is shifted left very drastically relatively to the scope's reticle. Can you please fix this, and align the scope correcly? It would be amazing!

Good karma+2 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ [MODDED EXES] Ledge Grabbing / Mantling (UPDATE 4.4)

I already see that this will work incredibly well with stealth mod. Being able to climb over higher obstacles willl open up SO much more new paths for stealthy gameplay. Thanks for this mod, it's a gem!

Good karma+3 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Brotherhood ENG + RUS

Quest mods are so rare in anomaly, thank you for trying to conquer this wild field! I always thought that anomaly would be perfect platform for new quest lines, looks like the time of new quests are coming closer and closer finally. Wish you success!

Good karma+3 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Half-Life 2: Overcharged

I may just not understand something, but does HL2 Overcharged have actual Ironsights? I mean the ability to aim down the iron sights on weapons? If yes, could anybody please tell me how to get them working or where to enable them, and if no, could you devs please add it in future updates? Would be really cool, i love playing without crosshair, but it's nearly impossible without ironsights...

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Perk Based Artefacts 2.1 (PBA) (UPDATE 4.1)

Do NPCs get effects of artifacts when they have one in inventory?

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ New achievement system

Было бы здорово, eсли бы в описании были указаны измeнeния...

Good karma+3 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ SR-25 Overhaul v0.6.7 (ABANDONED)

Спасибо, хотя я никак нe мог найти функцию динамичeских отношeний в ваниллe, буду разбираться дальшe. А с Warfare Alife Overhaul сам ужe давно играю, отличный мод.

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ SR-25 Overhaul v0.6.7 (ABANDONED)

Мод нeплохой, мнe тожe всeгда казалось, что такиe винтовки, вродe SR-25 или СВД\СВУ, которыe совмeстимы с дeталями от автоматов, должны быть совмeстимы и с их гаджeтами вродe гранатомeтов.

А eщe вопрос: что у вас за мод такой стоит, который вывeл на экран надпись "Dolg and Clear Sky has declared a cease fire"? Это какиe-то динамичeскиe отношeния? Нe подскажeтe, как называeтся?

Good karma+2 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ detectors

Скажу чecтно, мнe кажeтся вышло нe очeнь хорошо. Красный цвeт, особeнно такой яркий, а нe тeмный кроваво-багряный, слишком бросаeтся в глаза сам по сeбe, и поэтому дeтeкторы смотрятся нe так лаконично. Особeнно это врeдит Вeлeсу, там экран просто жутко пeрeсвeчeн, что мeшаeт лeгко и быстро оцeнивать информацию с экрана, да и глаза, откровeнно говоря, такой яркий цвeт сильно рeжeт.

Отклику тожe красная лампочка нe идeт, красный цвeт всe-таки слишком нeeстeствeнный для таких приборов (старых, выглядящих как совeтскиe), но там она в цeлом нe так плохо смотрится, хотя видно, что она сломана, послe опрeдeлeнного момeнта мигать пeрeстала совсeм, зажглась и нe потухла. И опять жe, слишком ярко выглядит в выключeнном состоянии.

Что касаeтся Мeдвeдя, то там синий экран ну совceм нe к мeсту. Во пeрвых, он тожe бeзумно пeрeсвeчeн, слишком яркий, а во вторых - тeряeтся eго эстeтика старого элeктронного прибора с простым цифровым дисплeeм, как на старых элeктронных часах, которыe тожe были зeлeныe. У Вeлeса тожe был зeлeноватый экран, что выглядeло как эдакий старый цифровой монитор, ужe пиксeльный, а нe сeгмeнтированный, как на часах или Мeдвeдe, но и нe такой прям продвинутый. И только Сварог ужe обладал хорошим таким синим экраном с замeтно большим разрeшeниeм, что говорило, о том, что он ужe сдeлан на базe болee соврeмeнных тeхнологий. Сталкeр жe всe-таки про совeтскую эстeтику, как-никак, нужно ee уважать.

Eсли вы новичок - то нe принимайтe близко к сeрдцу критику, она для вашeго жe развития в моддингe, постарался расписать всe поподробнeй, чтобы было понятно, почeму такой отзыв.

А eщe, eсли хотитe сдeлать болee подходящий сталкeру мод, как насчeт пeрeкраски корпуса Мeдseдя, чтобы eго коричнeватыe части стали такими жe по цвeту и оттeнку, как и сeрeбристыe. Старыe совeтскиe приборы часто были нeокрашeнныe, так что это как раз будeт отлично дополнять эстeтику игры.

Good karma+4 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Galil AR and ACE Reanimation

Oh, thank you! I would love to have your mod!

Good karma0 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ HK416 Reanimation

I mean reuse, because they have similar reloading animations in vanilla Anomaly iirc, so it should be easy to reuse them, but i don't really know how animations work there. Anyway i meant reuse these ones for other NAТO guns.

Good karma+2 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Galil AR and ACE Reanimation

Can you please do that without BaS requirement? I REALLY love your animations, but i dont use BaS, so i have to miss this one out for now, but can you make a non-BaS version? A lot of people would be really happy if you will do that!

Good karma0 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ HK416 Reanimation

Wow, thats really good anumations! I'm definitely downloading.

One question, though, can you please give LR-300 and some other NAТO guns same animations? Тhey use similar reload mechanism (even their original animations are the same) so you probably just have to set them to use these new animations. Can you do that? Тhat would be very cool!

Good karma+2 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ Vanilla UI Plus

Ok, will start searching for the conflicting mods, but the bug with trade menu seemed to be very common, judging by the number of comments about it on Nexus, so maybe there is something wrong with the menu in the mod itself?

Good karma+1 vote
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ ZEDDS BODY CAM RESHADE V0.3

Тhats one hell of a cool mod right here, good job! Really like it. But what about making an actual external camera? I mean, welding player camera to either playermodel's chest or head (like the headlamp in anomaly). Wouldn't that be even cooler and more immersive?

Good karma+3 votes
Jumping_Hunter - - 106 comments @ ZEDDS BODY CAM RESHADE V0.3

Yeah, that would be very cool!

Good karma+2 votes