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'We never "finish" our movies, we just release them' John Lassiter, Pixar Animation

RSS Reviews

Silent Escape: Induction

Game review

It looks amazing. Boy you guys can map!

Other elements let it down unfortunately.
The firefights were all face to face, very few long range fights. Door opens, 3 combine run at you. Turn corner, combine right in your face.
Found that rather frustrating as Combine AI will always have them run right up to you if they can.
They work much better at a distance when there is no route to the player with lots of cover.

Also, using names like "Kevin" and "James", don't really inspire adventure. I can't recall any names being given to me of the resistance members in the official half life games so this kinda made me feel like i was playing a mod rather than an official expansion (which is what we're all dying to play).

Finally I wasn't really impressed with the puzzles. Battery puzzle took 2 seconds to solve and we've seen it before, the powerbox on the wall that opened the secret door was just plain dumb luck that I tried that. It's tantamount to running round the walls spamming the E key.

Still, the sheer amount of work on this and the mapping put it way about many of the offerings out there.