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got pretty into steam, now trying desura because it has a good mod support and a larger variety of games

RSS Reviews

Red Eclipse

Game review

Awesome multiplayer game, i would love to give the game a higher rating, but the game is just a expansion on concept that is already done a lot of times.

Dont't get me wrong, the game is good, but it feels a lot like similar games like quake 3 arena of Unreal tournament. Of course there are a lot of variables added to the game, and this is the only thing that keeps it apart from other, similar, games. The game doesn't even try to be diffrent and new, because there are even re-make maps of quake 3 arena added to the vanilla game. Multiplayer isn't played a lot anymore and this is a shame, because the game is made for multiplayer, although a botmode is present in the game.
The things i really like about the game is the music, its techno rock and it really gives you a adrenaline rush when playing.
Want to try a free arena shooter? try quake live, its still being played by many players and it's playable in your browser.


Lair of the Evildoer

Game review

i dont like to critisise a one man indie company, but this game has some sereous performance issues.
The first problem is the strange fps drop while playing the game, turning off the shaders and lowering the resolution solves this a little (running around 18 fps accoring to fraps).
the second problem im having with this game is that when you change the resolution, the game doesn't auto-fit for your screen, so most of the resolution options aren't possible for me because black bars will occur in the game.

It is a nice concept (i really like the fact that the game calls me female names instead of jassy XD) and it's pretty fun that he implemented a weapon statistic system, because if he didn't the game would be a dull top view shooter
If you want to play a top view shooter, try alien swarm by valve, it has multiplayer and it is free.
I hope you keep creating games, going loud studios and keep improving your indie factor XD, your game DLCquest was awesome.


Hard Reset

Game review

awesome graphics, although there lacks a good story.
It's just completing levels and playing through the game, instead of getting in to the storyline.
Maybe this is because the graphics from the game is awesome an realistic, but the cutscenes are cartoonish.
feels like bioshock 2, but not as well executed