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I'm a game designer/concept artist from limerick in Ireland hoping to find some work :) I've recently completed a higher level 6 game design course with Clane college and have done some work experience with a start up company providing concept art for their current project. my main goal is to become a game artist (Concept or 2D work) but i would also be interested in finding others who could program or create sound effects for my own projects. I've had a lot of experience with stencylWorks and Autodesk 3D max and have created both a 2D and 3D game as part pf my game design course.

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Newb Game designer/artist/concept artist

itchybomb Blog

Oh Hi! Fancy meeting you here :P

I'm hoping to find someone who would like to help me create a 2D game, ideally I would like to find a programmer to help me as an artist to create my first 2D game, but if anyone needs a concept/game asset artist feel free to commission me :P
I'm hoping to make a 2D game of some kind at least for fun, at the moment I would like to make a a simple platform game and create sprites/tiles/assets with the help of a programmer this is doable :) but ....i don't have a programmer so feel free to offer, although it would be more for fun than a job for the moment :) i have a lot of experience with stencyl but the program itself is very limited although its an awesome start. I'm also now beginning to learn to use "Game maker" :)

If anyone has need I'm also always open to helping with other peoples projects by creating art assets etc.

feel free to add or message me :)