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Apprently, here i'm ment to put how Awesome I am, or that i really like cookies. Well, I just play because I enjoy it. either to just play the game and beat the boss at the end, or play with friends just to be socialable. That's just who I am.

RSS Reviews


Game review

Being an alpha tester form the start of NeonXSZ, I've gotta say I've had so much fun playing this game.

Now i'm not the best player of flight-based games and i have died a fair few times, but it's all part of the learning curve(damn them drones!).

The gameplay model for NeonXSZ is something unique, and it's leveling system takes things to the next step, allowing customizability and versatility at the same time. Want a faster ship, Overclock it's engine. Need a bigger shield? get a shield booster! Make your enemies wonder where you went with Blink, and laugh at their futile efforts with Impunity.

With different ship models from Tank to Agile, and ship customizability between them all you can can make it YOUR ship to dominate the space station!

This game also has controller support, so External controllers can be used to play the game, Got a spare flight-stick? use it!

Don't like the way the game world looks? change it in real-time, with themes to suit everyone.

I can't wait for this game to be fully released so everyone can enjoy the game.