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Just a girl who likes Horror games... a lot.. I also like Pewdiepie :)

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The Kite

hmhartwell98 Blog

I just finished "The Kite" and I'm going to be honest here, I love the graphics of this game. Some people don't like the whole black and white thing but I love it! Um.. the whole storyline of it I think is good at some points but at others I kind of was like, "um..what?" but that doesn't mean that it's not a good game. It does have this message to it that I really like as well. That message being that the child of a family that has domestic abuse problems kind of gets lost within everything. The parents sometimes don't realize what it does to the kid and that the abuse goes way beyond physical into mental abuse. Never judge anyone by their looks because you don't know what's going on in their pretty little heads or the situations that they have to deal with on a regular basis. Love you guys :)

This one's about me bros..sorry!

hmhartwell98 Blog

Hey peeps.
Wow, Hadley. That was so stupid. Oh well :) Anywayss.. My name is Hadley and I am 15 years old, I'm from Kansas, and I'm a Sophomore in highschool. I REALLY like Horror games but I end up quitting them at some point in the night but starting again within the next 15 minutes because I love them so much :) umm..yea :) I will be playing ONLY free games because I'm not so addicted to video games that I buy them on my computer. Xbox is another story, however :) Honestly, my computer, Xbox, and my phone are MY LIFE (other than my friends and boyfriend, of course!) Anyways, I will be talking about graphics, lag, etc. so read if you would like. (but if you don't like my blogs..I really don't care. I don't stress myself out about strangers :))