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Hi! I'm a huge Star Wars fan and have been most of my life. I also love Halo and follow the Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed series also. I can't stand Call of Duty, £50 for a game that last's me a year before I’m forced to by the next to get into a multiplayer match? Ridiculous. I play Basketball and really enjoy it, although I find it hard to follow in Britain (BBL) as it's ever on television. I'm a PC gamer but I also play Xbox 360 too, but I’m not a fanboy! I like the PS3 as well, GT5 FTW! My favourite sport to watch has to be Formula 1. I love the sound of the engines and gearbox and find it so exciting.

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How to Play Modern Warfare 2

HawkCommander Blog

Hi Folks!
Today i want to talk to you all about Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. It's very addicting and loads of fun, but to the new player they can find it not enjoyable and will easily move on to other games. Well this is a guide to help them stay into Call of Duty and to get good stats.

Firstly ill give you the rundown of my stats which i think are average
2nd Prestige Level 43
Time Played: 4 Days, 17 Hours, 50 Minutes
Kills: 13,160
Deaths: 11,249
Kill Death Ratio: 1.17
Win Loose Ratio: 0.74
Accuracy: 24.50%

Ok, no matter how much your stats mean to you, you should avoid worrying about them and getting angry if you kills and deaths aren't up to scratch. Secondly, in no way does your Win Loose ratio matter at all. Sometimes it's not your fault that you loose if you have a bad team or they all quit.

Kill streaks
Kill streaks are important and will vary depending on how confident (stupid) you are and how good you think you are at the game. I personally use UAV (3 kills), Care package (4 kills) and Predator Missile (5 kills) are i prefer to get my kill streaks quickly so i don't keep thinking How many kills do i have now? One more until i get my AC-130! as this would put me off. I suggest looking at your highest kill streak and saying If i can get a 14 kill streak then I'm more than capable of getting a Harrier (7 kills). You should also look at what amount of kills you get per kill streak, but don't do this by looking at your kill death ratio; each time you get a kill streak going (2+kills) count how many you get. Over the course of several kill streaks work out the mean and then you can work out what kill streak you should equip.

Map Layout
One of the most important things is to learn the map! Knowing where every hiding place is, how to get to secret locations, camping spots, and where most enemies go is important. If you know where the enemy is, there as good as dead. You can do this by watching Videos explaining how to get to places and by just generally walking around and trying out different stuff. People always find awesome hiding holes and clever locations so just keep looking and you will loads of great locations. Another tip is to know where the enemies don't go. This is great when you're using and AC-130 or kill streak which leaves you vulnerable on the ground.

Load outs
Equipping the right weapon is what can save you or kill you. You need to try out all the weapons to see which is best in your hands. We can't all be good at everything so leave the other stuff to the other people. You need to also see what person you are. Do you get in close and personal? Do you hang back and take them out from range? Or do you sit well back and wait for the enemy to break form cover? When i first played cod 4 the SMG was my friend. Then i moved onto the Assault Rifle when i unlocked the M4 Carbine. Experiment to see what types of weapons you like and which you don't, then build your classes on those weapons.

Evolved Camping
This is a little strategy i came up with that allows you to get loads of kills without having to stay in one place. The idea is that you move into and area and camp. When you get a kill or two then you should move to another spot in either the same area or and area leading to you original location. The people you just killed will then come looking for you and you'll be able to surprise them from a different location. After doing this twice it's best to move to another location as they will have worked out what you are doing. This will help you get kills but will stop you from being called a noob by other people.

I hope this little guide helped you newbie's out the. Now ill see you on the battlefield Soldiers

Just Cause 2 Review

HawkCommander Blog

Hi guys,
I recently picked up Just Cause 2 from stores and decided to show you guys what its all about but first, here's a little gameplay from IGN:

Liked the look of it? Well, I'm going to be talking about it now, first off i have to say that I have never had so much fun in my whole life.

The game is set in south east Asia on an island called Panau. The map is massive, and I mean massive, its over 400 square miles. I've played about 22 hours on it and I'm only 30% through it. You will never get bored of Panau.
The game also has over 100 vehicles, these range from boats to sports cars to jet fighters, it's awfully fun just to drive around in vehicles for hours and see the sights.
The weapons in this game have a good variety, but there aren't many of them. you will only find one Assault Rifle, one SMG, one Sniper etc. but this won't really bother you that much.
What this game has in scale, it lacks in story. The game has a good story, however it is too short. There are only seven missions, and while it is a good story, it has a quick ending, and no edge of your seat climax.
To show you how big this game actually is I have a little video to show you:

Enough said? I think so.

Storyline 6/10
Content 9/10
Attention to detail 10/10
Fun Factor 100000000000/10 :-)

Overall 8.75/10

Mass Effect 2 DLC Planned late March

HawkCommander Blog

Here some good news to you Mass Effect 2 fans!
The "Firewalker" DLC is planned as a late march release, this contains 5 new missions and the "Hammerhead" hover tank. Good news to us Mako lovers out there (there are some of us you know). The Hammerhead fly's over the battlefield at 120kph (EPIC) and has guided missile systems (EPICLY EPIC). It's planned for a late march release and is free with the Cerberus Network. Also Bioware has hinted that a new heavy weapon is to be released as well which will cause awesomeness to players who like pwning weak beings.

Mass Effect 2 Review

HawkCommander Blog

Hi there readers! This is my first ever game review on moddb.
Today I'm talking about Mass Effect 2, the sequel to Mass Effect (If you couldn't figure it out). It follows Commander Shepard two years after the Geth attack on the Citadel, and the Reapers are at it again.

The game starts of with a bang when the [MINOR SPOILER] SSV Normandy is attacked in the Terminus Cluster while looking for the last few pockets of Geth resistance. While the crew gets to the escape pods Shepard goes to persuade Joker (the ships pilot) to abandon ship. Joker safely gets off ship in an escape pod but Shepard is lost when the ship is blown up. Shepard it seems is dead... [SPOILER END]

The combat system has definitely been beefed up making it way more enjoyable and seems more challenging than the original Mass Effect. The cover system is much more noticeable now because crouch has been removed, on the higher difficulties you'll always want to stay in cover.

The weapons and armour has been scaled back. there are now less than five variants of each type of weapon and armour is just different armour plates to your N7 armour but still provide combat bonuses like health, shields and how fast you sprint, however downloadable content from the Cerberus network, preorder, collectors edition and Dragon Age: Origins Codes add in different Armour types like Collector Armour and Cerberus Assault Armour.

The game still has a massive RPG element with good conversations and choices with you can make on Mass Effect 1 which will affect Mass Effect 2. The big choice at the end doesn’t affect the overall outcome, but there is a clear difference between what was the Paragon or Renegade ending.

One of the things i like most about this game is the ability to import your Mass Effect 1 character. Keep all your choices and who you let live or die. This really effects how Mass Effect 2 plays out and makes it a way better experience.

Over all Mass Effect 2 is a great game boasting over 24 hours of content not including DLC to come, and you will almost definitely want to replay is numerous times in different classes and have different relationships with other crew members. I would recommend it to and gamer and would recommend getting Mass Effect 1 first.

Storyline 9/10
Content 8.5/10
Attention To Detail 10/10
Fun Factor 10/10

Overall 9.4/10