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Hi, I’m Daniel! Just another developer who took a leap of faith—quit the job and dedicated an entire year to developing a game. It’s been a roller coaster, but all in all, very enjoyable. And finally, I have something to share—my game—Desolar. It is a turn-based tactical dungeon crawler that incorporates elements of a card battler. The game merges the classic look and feel of 90s retro RPGs with the strategic depth of chess. The game is currently available for testing, and all comments are more than welcome. Taste the fruits of my labor, be honest (but not too harsh—I have a sensitive soul). Let’s prove to my girlfriend that I am not delusional. Thank you very much!

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Change Log for Desolar - Version [0.3.006]

GridBasedGames Blog

I’ve invested considerable effort into enhancing the clarity of my game. If you previously tried it and found the gameplay confusing, this version should be much more accessible for you. Explore the full changelog here.

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