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Comment History
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

1. I really don't mind this, they're typically well equipped so it's essentially walking money.

2. The nade problem has been in this franchise since clear skys so that shouldn't be anything new; should have had tons of practice avoiding them by now =P. Under slung grenade launcher's bother me infinitely more but if you get to use it I guess they should as well.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

About those plates, how the poops do they work? If you apply them your armor stats don't go any higher.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

dont worry gim i got your back

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

oh damn that would be the bees knees.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

D:! I would have waited! Just restarted but I'm still in Zaton and at my current save I'm crashing about every 20 seconds from the point of load.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Shrugs 7870 Ghz edition with 16 gigs of ram here so it can't be a computer resource issue. Crashes I can handle but on account that all my saves are messed up and the game won't allow me to save when I load the one's that do work I'm kinda stuck waiting for the next update.

EDIT: I patched it to 2.0.2 without restarting my current game. Could that be an issue?

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

30 mins?
damn, that's the world i want to live in.

Good karma+4 votes
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Is there an ETA on the next patch? I have a fierce hankering for some misery but I don't want to restart now just to have all my saves bite the big one.

Good karma+4 votes
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

too bad 'xray engine stopped working' never generates crash logs. ever.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

They told us it wasn't thoroughly tested on the initial release. The mod was so massive and they delayed the release for so long they made a commitment to release it untested for our sakes. Now it's the polishing stage.

At least you can play, I'm stuck waiting for the next patch but all the same I still look forward to it more than any other game I'm playing right now.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

It's not that difficult, sure there are some lame instances of being heads shotted a mile out by enemies you havn't even seen or grenades that will always land at your feet no matter the distance but I can live with that, and once you get better armor you at least have time to react. Also that's why stims exist.

Outside of that, the modder's clearly stated very high difficulty so everyone playing should be under no illusion that it will be anything but. I'll be sad if we end up squandering the modder's time and resources on difficulty levels, it's called Misery for a reason.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ Tactical Fleet Simulator

Yeaaa, I remember getting into PDS after TFS, and that was an extremely short lived transition. Ran back to TFS crying like a day later. Have quite a few qualms with that mod, well at least the version I remembered.

On a side note, glad to see you're still at it good sir.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

quite right. alot of these comments.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ Misery Working Quick Release System Teaser

that's pretty badass...

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Oh gosh I can't imagine playing the first one over the second. Besides crashes the second is better in every conceivable way, and by alot.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Correct me if I'm wrong but he rewards you for bringing some things he personally needed. And he doesn't say for free but free labor, meaning that it's cheaper because he charges you just for the material value of the upgrades themselves.

Good karma+3 votes
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Calm down guys, once the mod is 100% stable I'm sure the team will readdress or add new things, among them touching up AI.

Call it unstalker to run away from bloodsuckers by climbin on a rock? No. It's survival and at that point that's how you survive, some of us don't have shotguns. You use everything at your disposal to keep from taking an *** shredding. At least those things don't work against snorks and chimeras. Honestly it's the equivalent of climbing a tree in the real world to escape from say, wolves.

Still don't see what's with all the pissiness.

Good karma+5 votes
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Broseph I have the same problem everytime I open the game, everytime it doesn't launch kill the xray engine, eventually it'll load. Usually takes me a few times with steam.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

So I went back to a previous working save and every save there after whether from menu or quick is corrupted. I had just gathered up all the radio tidbits for nitro, fully upgraded my strelok sig and exoskeleton. Very sad, took me quite some time to get to a point in the game where I'm not slapped around like a wet noodle. If only this game generated crash logs, I just get 'engine stopped responding' yet nothing in the crash folder.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Mine too man, so I just installed it and now the CTDs are less frequent but still there, especially with fog or rain, but now my savs are corrupting D:! Finally just got the dream kit assembled too.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Yeah I understand that cat's are stealthy predators but at the very least they could growl or hiss when they're striking. I don't know a single animal that doesn't make some kind of noise when it's fight time besides maybe fish. Nearby hushed footsteps could help too.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

So I just tried again, crashed at probably about 8 minutes. No bug report posted sadly. Someone mentioned that quick saves could be the culprit? Any Idea on that since quick saves are all that I use and I have not installed the corruption save fix.

I figured save corruption just meant crash on load, which I wasn't getting.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

I'm guest btw, for me when the game crashes I get the engine stopped responding pop up and the application goes black behind it, then I have to manually kill it with task messenger, I've never seen one of these produce a crash log strangely but I'll try now and check right after see if I can find one.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Oh I had no idea that would be a problem, I've been hearing about quicksave corruption but I figured that meant it just CTDd on load. I'm guest by the way, was too lazy to recover my password at the time.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Oh I had no idea that would be a problem, I've been hearing about quicksave corruption but I figured that meant it just CTDd on load. I'm guest by the way, was too lazy to recover my password at the time.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Understandable, but it still feels a tad excessive, I feel like I just slept 6 hours to sunlight, head off to do a quest, and as I'm getting to it my character is already yawning and my camera goes crazy.

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ MISERY

Hey I only recently reinstalled CoP to try this mod, which atmospherically, is quite fantastic, but something that has irritated me to no end is the 'sleep system.' seems that i would run for a couple of km and get caught in a firefight, only to have my character incessantly shake my camera from side to side and my vision to become staticy. Put someone sleep deprived in a firefight and I promise you unless he hasn't slept in like 3 days, he'll wake up REAL fast. Is there some way you can add a warning icon next, like hunger and irradiation, where green you become aware of the problem but not till yellow or red does it effect you?

Good karma+3 votes
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ Dedicated Network for TFS on Tunngle

I'm always in the tunngle lobby for whoever wants to play some games =P. been hoping for years that a multiplayer community might take off for this mod, hopefully tunngle will help

Good karma+1 vote
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ Tactical Fleet Simulator

whelp i take back the balancing comment for the campaign. tactic worked perfectly and i beat the campaign. :)

Good karma+2 votes
Ghilgamsech - - 30 comments @ Tactical Fleet Simulator

I know you've fixed the bugs in the campaign, and for that I'm eternally grateful, when before I couldn't even get past the 1st or 3rd missions due to dead triggers.

I will mention tho that there still is one bug for the mission where you have to collect the broken bentusi hyperspace core, if they get the core into the carrier, the clock will still count down to a loss even if you destroy it (just had to make sure they never docked the core =P).

Though the main thing I'd like to ask you is do you have any intention of balancing the campaign? Because I'm fairly sure that the balcora gate is just impossible with this mod. There's literally a shoal of 20+ battlecruisers, disregarding the veritable swarms of fighters and frigates that blow your way, even at the height of my micro, I only got them down to 4 before my fleet was utterly wiped out. I am going to try one more thing when I get the chance to play again, by holding off with a defense fleet and sending the majority of my frigates, corvettes and fighters off to the side of the gate to see if i can at least rescue the nodes. (plus the usual sacrificial strike swarm to destroy the shipyard)

Anyhooo I love the balancing you've done, especially with ridding the horribly OP shamshir craft though i do miss my light flachette cannon corvettes (forgot what they were called) as I used they fairly extensively.

Good karma+2 votes