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Now Open for Commissions in Moddb Profile Customization

gelolololo Blog

Hi Everyone,

You heard that right, I'm now open for ModDb profile customizations.
I can help you make your Moddb Profile to be in theme with your Mod.

I'm opening this due to some modders may or don't have extensive knowledge of CSS properties for Webpages.
A Mod needs a Good Page Layout for Presentation.

Currently I have my Moddb Mod Profile as sample
Yuri's Revenge Zero Hour Sample: Moddb.com

I'm not limited to Command and Conquer, this is open to any games. So feel free to message me, as we can discuss about your dream ModDb layout.

Thank you!

Geno [Gelolololo]

1st Blog entry

gelolololo Blog 1 comment

I don't have something to say, well my hard drive is crashed and I am trying to recover every possible data I can gather from other drives before I store to that crashed one.

Yes, my mod files is in that crashed hard drive. But it didn't stop me on modding, since its still in recovery. I still got few modding files left, the released version and the MOD LOGO hahaha!

Anyway, this is genobreaker and stay tuned with the development of YR:ZH mod.