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garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Conundrum 3

not talking about timing issues. The thing is getting a map restarted as a lose conditions is kind of a bad practice and servers avoid it, specially if the map is easily griefable.
Having a box restart the map when it falls would really get annoying after the second restart. It does not need to have the map restarted but can have the same "lose" effect like for example the box going back to the start position if it falls or destroying it and creating a new one in the start position.

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ 7-2: LIGHT UP THE NIGHT

why not upload it to scmapdb.wikidot.com too?

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ DELETE IT

There is no point in deleting this, its not BAD. If you want to stop working on it you can do the intelligent thing and upload everything you have so anyone can pick it up and finish it or use some of your stuff.

This will make your time invested in this work not go to waste, will help someone else, you will be credited, and people will be happy because thats what happens when mods that get cancelled are shared instead of deleted. Because remember Nightwatch? Everyone got ****** because they deleted everything, and it was cool, and maybe someone would have finished it.

Don't delete it

Good karma+3 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Conundrum 3

People aren't playing this because the maps are griefable. Please fix them.
Players and even NPCs are able to restart the maps constantly, specially in con3_1, con3_2 and con3_7 maps
Can you ripent the maps quick so the maps are not restarted by throwing the pushable boxes? Maybe teleport the boxes back up or add a clip so they cannot fall.

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Sven Co op Buggy Vehicle Demo

ask in the sven coop developer discord. There is a way to make a model be attached to a moving brush like a func_vehicle or func_train. you can ask there, I saw people talking about it frequently

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Sven Co op Buggy Vehicle Demo

take this, you may need it

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-Life Beyond v0.8697

ugh, an .exe

Good karma0 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Development progress on my new mod, HDTF:C's failure

dont waste your time and effort in the work you made. Send your stuff to the new mod or better yet, post it publicly so it is available for everyone. Someone may find it useful

Good karma+3 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Ivan The Space Biker in Sniper_029

the custom .wad is missing

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Alone In The Depths Of Hell

"canceled" lel another one bites the dust

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Syphon

but is this syphon... filtered? *trollface*

Good karma+3 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-Life: Through The City

gordon's HEV was modified to be able to charge with combine technology. Shephard's PCV seems to be the same one from Black Mesa, so it doesn't really make sense he is able to charge it with combine ports.
It would be cool to not be able to charge on combine chargers and wall heal chargers, with only some decayed old places where you can find the old HL Alyx hand wall healer with the grub that doesn't need a port, and the medkits that any civilian can use the same way.
Until at some point you have some npc modify the PCV somewhere along the line, preferable at the beginning.

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Svencoop in Half life 2 d2_prison_03

nice! keep at it. also if you need help visit the sven co-op discords!

Good karma0 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ 545445

I see you are testing it on Sven Coop ;D
maybe make it a mappack instead of a mod, and enjoy the higher limits and features of that game (maps can be bigger for example)

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Sven Co-op

just go to https://discord.gg/svencoop

Good karma-1 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ single cards from half-life 1 to half-life 2 v2

what about beta maps hehehe >:)

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Sven Coop Trinity Render Effects

i dont know the exact details but i think you can do other more obscure stuff with the same files you have to modify to inject cheats. Like breaking the game for someone else and such.
I may be super mistaken here, but so far i think there is no reason for vac to exist for sven coop since it is a coop game, but it is there to stay.
We will have to wait until the devs update the engine enough to have this by default one day.

Until then, dont install these mods, or you will get vac banned if you happen to join a server that has it activated.

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Sven Coop Trinity render

i'm sorry but not only this renderer is obsolete since its outdated, but it also risks you to get vacbanned. DLL files should not be tampered with or you may get banned because the anticheat thinks it is a cheat being injected.

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-Life 2: Bulid 1999

are you completely remaking the maps or porting them over?
idk if porting is easier but my logic is that it should be I guess, just replace entities and textures, then recompile, my best guess

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ HALF-LIFE: Dark Future (Version 1.0)

The download is being rejected as a virus :( reupload?

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Sven Co-op

we are. Actually we are the last bastion of half life modding (with exception of half-life creations, but that one kinda was born from this community too), currently super active in our 2 official discord servers xD plus a couple of more unofficial discord servers

Good karma+3 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission

would you be willing to accomodate in this mod the semi-canon fact about that gina is the one that dies while colette probably didn't? If you couple that with the easter egg of dead gina from opposing force, it could be explained that after the teleport at the end only colette comes back and gina is left stranded to drown at that xen underground pool instead.

Good karma0 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ The backrooms

The floor is actually a bit more green, also like a wet rug, and the ceiling a bit more dark and brown. And its not really a maze, its just square rooms, sometimes separated by a hallway, sometimes rows of rooms together. And it goes indefinitely. Without doors thats ok. Each room has 1 light, powerful enough for that one room, if the light is off the room goes pitch black. Halls also have lights but there is one single light at the center of the hallway ceiling between each two doors to the rooms. Lights are quite dim and illuminate a small area around them, but enough that together they illuminate everything. Some lights flicker, but if a room is dark it means there is something in it.

Source: experience

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Red Shift 3: X-Labs

Thats because (just tested all 3 mods from this guy) this is just unfinished garbage put together with missing textures, maps that make no sense, broken triggers everywhere, and should not have seen the light ever. Each mod is an assortment of random maps put together by someone that seems to be learning, or just trolling. So this should not be considered a mod at all.

Good karma+2 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-life: Red Letter Day

By the way just read the update. Actually there is no other mod doing this, so there is no competition :) all the mods that were doing this are dead!

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ HYPER

Hey its great that at least modders release their stuff before shutting down for good. Many mods would've benefited from this, perhaps some even could've been picked up and finished again by someone else, who knows...
I read that you gave models and npc code to the Red Letter Day mod, thats great, at least if that one releases all this work wouldn't have gone to waste.

Good karma+6 votes
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-life: Red Letter Day

after reading the chapters you are going to make I see you will be doing all the chapters! thats great, I hope you also add the antlion caves with the antlion king boss around the depot chapter, and the junkyard with eli which i dont remember if it was the wasteland or canals chapter

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-Life: Recovery

yeah he said that she was "likely in the freezer with Shephard". Although as other valve devs said, nothing is canon, characters are presumed dead or not canon unless they make another appearance in a future game. So it is still all in limbo.

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-life: Red Letter Day

Love to see that the idea I had once is being made. Everyone told me that using the hl2 maps and porting them would be too much work because fixing misaligned textures and replacing entities would take more time than just mapping from scratch. You seem to be proving them wrong, as was my theory :P

Good karma+1 vote
garompaestomper - - 36 comments @ Half-Life: Recovery

Long time ago it was confirmed canon by devs that gina was infact the dead opposing force corpse called "gina" found in the secret area in xen. Most probably colette suffered the same fate.
Will you be considering being faithful to the fates of these characters?

Good karma+1 vote