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Hello, my Name is Gardyan. I was a Newbie.. but i was really love about men of war vietnam. i love the graphic soldier, environment, the jungle, all entity, and everything about men of war vietnam. but i really don't like a when i played single player... it's not fair game i think. 5 vs a hundred. or 4 vs a hundred us army. So i'm in try to change a code of saved game, that i can manipulated enemy soldier become my squad member.. AND I WAS WONDERING SOMEONE TO HELP ME IN THIS CASE... OR I REALLY NEED THE GAME ENGINE to make my own game of Men Of War

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Turn enemies into my squad

gardyan Blog

This is a NVA enemy soldier, you could juggle the enemy into your squad.
in this case you can change the save game, then open the file "C:\Users\susan\Documents\my games\mow vietnam\profiles\player\save" then, open the "mission.scn" with the note pad.
here they are :

This is enemy NVA :

{Human "single/nva/ak47" 0x80cd
{Position -2852.31 2856.98 59.18}
{xform zl -17.24}
{Player 1}
{MID 9}
{MovementSpeed 0.0777778}
{NameId 0 29}
{FsmState "stand"}

This is the NVA Tags :
{Tags "nva_patrool_2" "nva_base_patrool" "nva_patrool_2a" 0x80cd}

And this is the NVA Inventory :
{Inventory 0x80cd
{item "pistol" "ammo" 100 {cell 4 0}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 20 {cell 4 1}}
{item "f1" "grenade" {cell 0 2}}
{item "f1" "grenade" {cell 1 2}}
{item "f1" "grenade" {cell 2 2}}
{item "f1" "grenade" {cell 3 2}}
{item "f1" "grenade" {cell 4 2}}
{item "bandage" 5 {cell 0 3}}
{item "bandage" 2 {cell 2 3}}
{item "ppsh" filled {cell 0 0}{user "hand_right"}}

And this is you should changed :

This Your Squad (Change the NVA to your Squad):

{Human "single/usa/gb_m16" 0x80cd
{Position -2852.31 2856.98 59.18}
{xform zl 82.17}
{Player 1}
{MID 9}
{MovementSpeed 0.0777778}
{NameId 0 29}
{FsmState "steady"}

This is the US Tags : (You Must Change this code to :)
{Tags "playersquad" 0x80cd}

And this is the US Inventory :
{Inventory 0x80cd
{item "m16" filled {cell 0 0}{user "hand_right"}}
{item "bandage" 5 {cell 4 0}}
{item "bandage" 2 {cell 4 1}}
{item "m18" "grenade" {cell 0 2}}
{item "m18" "grenade" {cell 2 2}}
{item "pistol" "ammo" 90 {cell 4 2}}
{item "m61" "grenade" {cell 0 3}}
{item "m61" "grenade" {cell 1 3}}
{item "m61" "grenade" {cell 2 3}}
{item "m61" "grenade" {cell 3 3}}
{item "m61" "grenade" {cell 4 3}}
{item "knife_rus" {cell 0 4}}
{item "hat2_usa" {cell 2 4}{user "head"}}
Ok this is the EXPLAIN
"0x80cd" this code is like a name, and link to "Tags" (DO NOT CHANGED IT)
and this is the position the soldier
{Position -2852.31 2856.98 59.18}, better you don't changed, or you can copy position your soldier and paste to the position NVA (soldier you want to change).
{MID 9} and {NameId 0 29} don't changed it.

Ok, how about the "Tags"?
this is NVA :
{Tags "nva_patrool_2" "nva_base_patrool" "nva_patrool_2a" 0x80cd}

Change code to :
{Tags "playersquad" 0x80cd}

Ok the last,
this is about inventory :
delete all data from NVA inventory from :
{item "pistol" "ammo" 100 {cell 4 0}} to {item "ppsh" filled {cell 0 0}{user "hand_right"}}

and Change the code to US inventory (see the code above)

The another soldier form you could see from the save game (the name you save), open "mission.scn" and you just need to search (CTRL+F), "Single/usa/sniper", example or "Single/usa/m16"

You Can change as many as you can..
I hope this article is useful to you (people who still play the men of war vietnam)