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Ok, what to say? Well, like everybody else, but still an individual. Joined Moddb in search of "upgrading" my PC/tech knowledge. I also like to draw stuff, write music, and even compose some tracks. Pretty much interested in knowing everything.

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War Pig drawing

GanonJaret Blog

(I don't add it as an URL link because Moddb doesn't allow that for the users that registered in under 7 days, so... you need to check my gallery/images to see him)

Well basically I had the urge to update my profile blog with some new post, so I uploaded one of my other game/media drawings. I think he turned out pretty good, and I surely like him, but his waist... God I hate his waist. I can't modify it, because there's no original drawing, and do not say "use Photoshop" because I'm too lazy for that and it kind of defeats the purpose of this drawing being a PENCIL ONLY drawing.
But All in all, He turned out just fine. If you like him, you can use him for any purpose. Give credits to me though...

Hello guys

GanonJaret Blog 2 comments

Well, I'm just posting this... because I hate that text that Moddb posts if you don't post anything... Will post something cool when something cool happens ^^
Umm, 300 characters long?......................................
Umm, word that is 80 characters long? I don't see... ah, the dots. Gonna delete them.
Is it now 300 characters long? :D