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G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Players Choice – Best Upcoming Mod 2017

A Rebel in your zize appears everywhere it seams. :D

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I'm not in a faction... i play a free witch hunter with a army of empire-muskets and dwarfen Frontline..

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Special Arrows for the Wood Elves? This guys are allready OP at the moment... not on lower tier but you can go with them on a only-bowman-army and on higher tier you rip every other army. :D

Good karma+2 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Enderal

No races from skyrim because Enderal is a whole new game in a new unice world not relatet with skyrim or The Elder Scrolls...

Good karma+2 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I dont know how, but if this is possible i would be thankfull too. :3

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I have no big problems with the bandits... in the forests i found goblins, everywhere are chaos zealots and mostly i join battles to improve my troops and earn money ect. The game is not to easy but its a chalanging life in the old world.

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Feminine Armor... Amazone Armors in the Lizardman Lands... o.O
And "normal" Midland Armors... i have no idea if feminine Armors in Warhammer exist... but in the real world you have nothing of them. And look at Brienne of Tarth. ;)

But Warhammer is fantasy... maybe... :D

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

This second troop trees of a faction are the royal troops. Only the lords of a faction have them and the player can only recruit them as freed prisoners.
But i heard a rumor you can build a building to recruit them when you are king and choose this faction as your own factions troops.

Good karma+2 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Mostly the problem with invading forces are the fact that we have one lord with 2000 soldiers... he take one city and do no more.
A few more but not so strong armys to bring a new faction in maybe is a better way.
I like the idea because we can have a fresh wind in the later game when mostly we have any very big countries...

Know you the mod "Nova Aetas"? There you can build a new castle on your own... also a very good idea. :3

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Yes, thats a problem in the north. XD
But have you think about invading factions like the Chaos Highlords/Demons ... breake in from north? Maybe only in a alliance with the current chaos-faction?
That will give a endgame-challange... and or you impliment the dwarf-citys in the north to the chaos-dwarfes... they are with units in the game but without a own faction... also allied with the chaos we have no problems with more problems for them but a "meta-quest" for a dwarf-player to free the old citys. :D

The Borderprinces i think are very nessesary for the balance in the badlands how you say too...
In my games the dwarf citys live at the moment... at the moment... i see in the land of Karak-a-karak mostly maximal four lord with 130 soldiers.... and the orcs raid theyr land with many lords and a total of 2000 soldiers... yeah... XD

And... sorry for my english.

Good karma+3 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Hail you, Creators of this Mod...
I will ask you with this post if you impliment in future updates the Borderprinces and Kraka Ravnvake (and the other dwarf holds in the north?

Good karma+3 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I wonder why people they use mods dont know how to install a patch manual. :p
It is mostly far easier then with a modmanager...
Ok, i use mod since morrowind... but ARGGGG! XD

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I think the troop trees are huge enough... we have 18 factions with troop trees in nerly the same number of diferent troops. I think we dont can order more. o.O
Ok, grenadiers and artillerie from Napolenic wars with other textures for the dwarfen... ok... we can dream. :D

Good karma+3 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

That is always a good idea. XD

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Any factions heavy Cav is overpowered against normal soldiers or a feq shots... Spider Riders are the heavy Cav from the goblins... they only dont look so heavy armored. :D

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Can the game ordered that maybe Chaos is everytime a enemy... or made you a extra invading faction with the four popular Chaos-Gods? ...
I think the danger from the north is... no danger at the moment. Kislev on the other hand invades the Chaos lands and made good land. :D

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Bah... you need no Kindergardeners when you broke the mind of your Slave-Scum... then they are happy to die or work for you master. >:D

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I dont found one tournament... but is it changed? In the former versions i win mostly of the fights but lose than against a unfair Chaoswarrior in full armor... and i have only a dagger. :p

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I see a battle with Sylvanian and the Midland Imperium... Yeah... in all battles before the Sylvanians shown himself as a tough enemy and win many timed against all other factions...
Than they meet the Imperial Reiksgarde... XD

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

Hail my Emperor!
Ähm... i mean. I must report another bug that i meet yesterday. I see no repair note in the hotfix and i dont see it reportet earlier so:

When i become a mercenarie for the dwarven-kingdom the marshal send a letter to come with my troops to a point to start a campain against the greenskin. So wide so known... but in the moment i close the message i get a Chatmessage the Quest is failed instand... (a red failure message)... the marshal is not captured or other... :(

Good karma+1 vote
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I found only one bug... and this thing with the changed textboxes in the companion-dailogs is no big failure for such a big mod. :)
Very nice work. No problems, have played this for 6 hours yesterday. :D

Good karma+2 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

By the way... this mod is a fantastic pice of work. Especially for such a small team. I hope you keep on working on it and have great plans for the future to expand the mod.
I have my first contact with the Warhammer Fantasy-Universe through your work here. :3

Good karma+4 votes
G0lgrim - - 23 comments @ Warsword Conquest

I think for some reason the text boxes of the dialogs were
reversed. The Player can chose from that what the companion must say... But the Player-Textboxes are not big enough to show the wohle text. :p

Good karma+1 vote