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Design, ink, all-things-callipygian, sphinx moths, orb-weaver spiders, comfort where we overlap / learning in the spans we do not, jitsu, peaceful warriors. OPSEC, spaceship Earth. I make a living showing folks to be less afraid of this world and more secure by their navigation of it, and I'm very serious about using that learned knowledge to try protecting this mudball from the diminished souls taking easy path(s) of destruction and stupidity w/ themselves, others and their environs. Suck it up, drive on, don't be stupid and we'll get along fine. :) Warm winds.

RSS Reviews

The Long Dark

Game review

Terrific atmosphere, stellar music (the musicians seem pretty great humans, as well, after following their Tweets for a bit), realistic (for a composition of 1's and 0's) take on surviving Mama Nature when she's fierce n' burly. As someone who has lived on a couple mountains during the winter, this gives a pretty stirring feeling to evoke the meat-and-marrow of baseline human existence, minus the blinking beeping boxes (that we play it on...ha, the irony). Warm winds!