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Well what else is there to know bout me? I'm a (currently) 17 year old gamer who spends his time on sites like this. I'm an anti-social jerk (think House, but slightly more human). I've spent so much of my time on games that I've decided to make it my career (hopefully).

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wow its been a while...

FittyYen Blog

huh well i guess im almost as bad as scott (VG Cats) when it comes to updating my blog... site... thing. Yeahhhh.... I was lying when I said I had nothing to do with the Snowball: Source mod (I'm its designer). Sadly my underdeveloped modding skills are inadequete to help speed things along. Well, I'll get back to my mapping (its something i can do...). I recently lost one of my damn notebooks so I'll have to buy a new one so I can record my brainstorms, after I get a jod, after my schedule frees up, after I get my driver's licence... :(


FittyYen Blog

Wow, my first blog... rant... thing... whatever I'm typing stuff into my pc. Ugghh... so tired from lack of sleepppppp and braaaiiiinnsss. Oh well, I'll just enjoy my cake when this is finished. Go ahead and leave this page, I'm not going to post anything interesting about any mods or such, I just set this profile up 2 days ago. Really I'm not doing anything cool at all. Go away. Now. What do you expect me to spill secrets about this mod Developer.valvesoftware.com . Why in the world would I know anything about this mod? Your better off asking its team members about the game cuz I have nothing to do with it. Really, now would I lie to you? Cuz I haven't, at least not in this room.