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Morale Boost Games

filfortress Blog

Morale - the mental and emotional condition (as of enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty) of an individual or group with regard to the function or tasks at hand.

Yesterday marks the inception of a new entrant in the indie marketplace. Morale Boost Games was formed by Fil Fortes and Matt Slotnick, two buddies who graduated from the New England Institute of Technology with degrees in Game Development and Simulation Technology this past March, 2013.

As whymsical as it may sound selecting the name of the company to represent us was a matter of fact on the spot kind of decision. We needed a name and a "morale boost" as well. So, Morale Boost Games was found.

This morning I logged into Desura with a renewed sense of purpose. Perhaps it was the fact that I now have to create the content (games/simulations/art/music) to breathe play into the world, help renew its morale.

As a developer I want to make a few promises I would like to keep to you the Player. I'd like to promise to you that I'm going to make games that I want to play, games that I think are fun. No matter how subjective the word fun is . . . I believe the principles of making good games are universal and inclusive. So my second promise is that whenever possible, I'd like to include you in the game making decisions so that innovation in indies stays full steam ahead. And lastly, I promise not to curb your enthusiasm and asure your confidence that Morale Boost Games will be loyal to you, the Player! All Hail to The Player!