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Some guy from Kyiv who created Ukraine 1836 mod for Victoria II game...

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 47)
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Return of the Clones v7

For testing tryes skirmish as empire on kashyyk space map - 3 CTD in a row.
Next choose smallest galaxy campaign at 8 planets, build one big ship for 6000-8000 credits, take Palpatin on board... and for second battle against another "standard" faction "rebels" - get CTD #4 in a day above Hoth planet.

Game - EaW gold (with FoC), OS - WinXP, so... all as must be for original game for times as it created.
Sadly - mod full of bugs as hell. Probably this is abundant problem for EaW mods in general - probably reason because all corrupted by steam & non-native OS for game...

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Enhanced Space Battles Mod V1.5

After more period of playtrouth I find some issues, bugs & exploits:

- if sell building after Mon Monthma or Palpatine - this can return more profit (oh, economic giants)
- combine with planet bonuses some units have discount up to -85% (You ever dreamed of entire two companies of stormtroopers for miserable 9 credits?!)
- prices for imperial ships quite bigger with smaller number of wings (Victory SD cost 1100 credits more) That makes medium imperial ship unusable economically.
- venators can be ridiculusly spammed (low cost + low life space)
- imperial bobmers with rocket mode become ultimate fighters + they stronger than corellian rocket gunboat (2 torpedos + rockets trouth shields + lasers in one run)
- rebel get ridiculucly large capacity hangars (where is space in that small ships?) so now carrier faction is Rebels (for x-wing spam)
- x-wings now get proton torpedo ("Unlimited poweeer!!!" frame from movie)
- a-wings now actually good fighters with rockets (still slower than x-wing on speed mode)
- all corvettes become obsolete, especially imperial (one x-wing pack wins 1 on 1 in asteroids close up; also - 2 lifespace it now entire old venator 1 with 6+4 wings on board)
- despite imperial SD beats Mon Cal with some help from lvl 5 station, imperial star destroyers became bigger & have some DPS bigger or what... but they kind a feed soft & squishy for their enormous size & big overprice. Also proplem with pathfinding & rallying on target probably become worse becaute them can not pack compactly in one place & did'nt have HP or attack power individually. (all potential damage & shielg regeneration defense spreaded on map)

- All imperial line ships did'nt have previous advantage now. So beside that imperial faction did'nt have anything stronger until walkers or deathstar.
This is problem of many mods because empire must be tanky because limited strategic options (no raids, small ships units for hire except weak tartan corvette, etc.)
When someone adds hangars to rebel ships - somewhat did'nt think about balance battle or price, number of wings, etc.

Still thinking how Empire can be playable without their carrier line ships advantage. (rebels can be always playable due 3 hero raids or x-wing spam or in another ways)

Still with mines spam/sell on invasion pause & venators spam + leader discount this is chilly mod for global galaxy map on autoresolve battles.
Galactic tycoon. Destroy your opponent economically )))))

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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ A galaxy Divided V 3.0

Finally find this mod.

Somewhat it closest to vanilla ideas in spirit & did'nt go overboard (aside bugs mostly balanced).

Sad thing that it have regular CTD, even with patch. When try to play for CIS in global map - CTD was around every 30 minutes. Also many things did'nt finished as mandalorian great cruiser is almost undeployable & totally not movable on battlemap.

Despite bugs mod is fun mostly because it did'nt change interface on some gray blocky panels & icons. Also just share number of ships is fun.

Can describe it as something before global game convertion mods.

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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Enhanced Space Battles Mod V1.5

Quite good balanced mod for vanilla style gaming.

A bit lack of some additional units as small fighters or bombers. Also some lack of empire strength due stronger rebels with hangars, rocket corvets, secret descent to the planets, land light armored vehicles+rocketeers (empire again had none such cheap anti-tank infantry) etc. Empire can eforce by some bigger capital ship, but in mod there is none. So basically most win by the human vs bot skills & game exploits.

Still closer to good global map balance than many others.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ EaW Plus v2.0

Yeah, just finished small short galaxy campaign.
Not as expected - autobattle is just ridiculusly unfair. Autodecisions make in advantage of rebels about 1:1,5-1:2. But this is original game exploit-bug for fanboys.

So... there is no some capital ships for Empire.
Some new hero is make more balance between heroes but empire still weaker in that aspect as must be.
Star Destroyers somewhat dwarfed, so I just win by economic spam of mines & turtling. Just spawning capital ships at choke point (as they can die in autobattle just from corvette, LOL). Still Death Star is cheaty at least, as it must be for fun purposes. But without DS empire is quite pitful in this mod. One new improvement - autohunt for bombers & scouts make some things easier due AI-unit dumbness in game until gived command, but it not solves unit three unbalance.

I said that because even in original game rebels was quite easy to play, & now they even stronger. (if theorethical bot vs bot)

Yet I liked direction as mod goes. Lightweight vanilla upgrade.

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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ EaW Plus v2.0

My compare of balance of mod:

- rebels have more numbers & more effective as star battle heroes
- stealth fleets rebel campaign advantage
- stealth planet assault rebel campaign advantage
- tech steal economic campaign advantage (get what tech need for lesser)

Next pure skirmish compare. Global empire downgrade due lesser adwantage in wings & also weaker smaller battleships. Also rebels have more ships difference as from that more tactic aviability.
- fighters - rebels better + numbers from new desk wings
- bombers was quite balanced due ability vs numbers in side of empire, now lesser advantage
- corvettes some balanced, rocket - total rebel advantage
- small capital ships - somewhat obsolete, balanced (this is bad, not enougth emp advantage)
- medium capital ship - was empire advantage due wings, now not more - small advantage in price, Victory is weaker than rebel battleship 2, old dreadnought somewhat make things odd as saving rope (make empire go in the lesser wings way that make balance in some way but instead ruins global balance)
- large capital - empire advantage also became lesser between SDest vs MonCal
- ultra large capital - total rebel advantage (Mon Cal 2) as was with rocket corvettes (empire fights with smaller weaker ships)

I not some empire fun, I just find that balance is off in many ways that empire vs rebels in direct head on clash is somewhat balanced now. But all balance ruined due more versality of rebels strategies & many bonuses. If empire did'nt have a direct kick & lose even robo spies ability in campaign (that botan spies need to cost in 2-3 times than robot)... it became just sad beating of empire by rebels mod somewhat.
Maybe in global map empire have some megaships, but in skirmish star battles balance is way tip off.

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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ EaW Plus v2.0

Played few skirmish battles. IMO mod is unbalanced by making "sides" balanced. Rebellion have more advantages, empire lose some kick force.*

-Victory battlecruiser become too weak & obsolete as core ship of Empire (quite much global slots (4), not many weapon hardpoints (no defense bonus), not many fighters/bombers, too much credits cost) Obsolete in this mod
- no interceptors in all empire ship bays (bug)
- siege torpedo corvettes became too OP due their deadliness for buildings with new better techs. They feel now better but kills buildings too fast.
- clones battleship is too OP due many hardpoins - it survived 1 on 1 with LVL 3 base ridiculusly long time. Need lowering geatlh due small size & many hardpoints cheaty geometry. Too much rebels wings in bay also.
- Rebel triangle carrier is too small as model who carries so many wings, need small HP boost, model resize, increase in cost. Look SW rebels for see that it quite large ship. Also IMO too strong laser cannons in compare with gravity well ship. As some flak corvette.
- anti-rocket (gravity well) empire ship need to be modified from forces of corruption for move+AMS function ability or it stays almost useless because it never in place.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Some Videos of this Mod


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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Some Videos of this Mod


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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Some Videos of this Mod

New video's:

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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

Oh, wish You feeling well.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures 4

Try re-install on another options of installation on anothers .exe, for example - did'nt give any results?
Which patch/version of game in optons?
.exe is R/BI/Alexander?
Non-steam game?

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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

Please read my previous posts.
Is it it?

Please, check if mod installation folder is correct (xcV is NOT +-30mb)
Also please state Your OS & options during install.

This is BROKEN MOD INSTALLER of v1.0.4.
Dev's already knows about it (as something exotic), but disappeared from here some time.

Please state if is this_same 5/21 error?

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures 4

IDK if in xc5 this corrected:
Nuragic Skirmishers -> Nuragic Slingers

They have wrong global map icon from velites, also generic skirmishers description

Also Liby-Phoeni stormtroopers didn't have 'armor piercing' in perks descriptions (big-axe-on-green-shield-guys)
as in units file they have AP/AP for both weapons & this 'ligt infantry' hack as some madmans

Please check that all "AP"-units had this description tag in xc5, because this is most need for other factions against roman-greek mass infantry tanks.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures 4

"Created about 300 BC it is thought to be the tomb of the great Scythian king Ateius. First opened in 1891 inside they found a stone tomb that was designed in the Greek Style. Since then it has been opened many times most recently in the 1980’s. Many golden artifacts were found in these excavations which now rest mostly in the Hermitage Museum."
(!) - entire burial mountains - that even not levelled by modern tractors for agriculture. For ancient world this is definatelly a wonders from perspective of view of ancient man.
+craftsmanship in museums

So if ancient territories of Ukraine was pretty isolated place from perspective of greeks & romans - this did'nt mean that this is some black hole and provinces must be enourmus like Saharan or plain by mini-wonders.

Also IMO scythian faction is somewhat lack of some non-unit (horse-archers autoresolve is another type of pain))) building representation - only "nomad-horsemens" differ from barbaric standards is bad roads & hyppodrome?

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures 4

Also about Scyths, Sarmathians & Amazons:

Understandable that this is end of the world (ingame and historically)))

Yet where are micro-wonders?

North of Black & Azov seas have many sarmatian mounds, even dev's make entire battle map for vanilla.
Where bonuses or wonders of neolitic cultures - dolmens, menhires, etc (kamyana baba's in ukrainian)?
This geographical place was one of the most biggest prehisthorical (pre-scribe)civilizations before copper, bronze & iron age (game).

That I try so say - info is scarce due ex-soviet union iron wall & almost no-civilization during beginning of scribe history & until the grate resettle of people. But this place is too plain & wasteland'ish.

At least place some mounds new to that time.
& old kamyana baba's that represents matriarchic* society, legacy of that was historically interpreted by greek scribers as amasons (hamazan unit ingame?) *both in nomad & settled people of region was unusual for that time mediterranean cultures to see as equal or even dominant

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures 4

Hannibal has lesser troops on lighter armor - ok we have in game
More & better cavalry - not presented in mod, roman cav still not nerfed enough, cartho didn't have cavalries opportunities, even nubians as mercs ...eeh.
Also over-starred generels of Rome - yes, they have some exp from Italy unification, but in many battles with Hanno romans shows weak generalship mostly.

Pro roman sides:
- armor (presented in game)
- citizenship (not presented - romans was just spamming troops from non-romans submitted cities under servitude for citizenship)
- agressiveness & boldness (well, AI in game seems ok)

I see "citizenship" zerg-mutalisk-rush of romans can be realized in EC V as way lower prices to recruit troops, but armor, shields, weapons, pilums have high industry load in compare(aka too cheap in vanilla & mod, unbalanced because they strong but not cost mucher than other factions weaker troops) + land for servitude = also much higher upkeep of roman troops.
Historically that will be correct - romans had big armies due strong economies, but not too big, and in critical losses from Hanno and Spartacus they historically can fast replenish losses, when another ancient civilizations will be knocked out from numbers of casualties.
So lower recruit/higher maintenance will help Rome be in steady numbers that they do in history.

Also - didn't see retenues or general traits for Carthagian nobles for mercenaries recruitements. Please also correct this as some wide-faction bonus.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures 4

Also disbalance*: Rome have from start +2exp recruiting & +1 weapons/armor & lots of regions in or close to Italy with exp or smith bonuses (micro-wonders, foundries-iron, temples good for war)

As Carthago I had totally useless one of 4 temples (Melqart) - because there is no extremelly rich landfarming close to Carthago - and pops unlike raises for economic impact will be higher than agri-bonuses of Tanit. Egyptian & spanish agro-rich lands are too far, Baal-hamon law-enforcement are preferable because they obliviously farer/more than 50 capital-distance debonus
And Yamn... well, yes ships is fun, but this temple only for small few close reigons with smiths - 2 on Africa by Carhago, 2 on Sicily (also quite harder conquest than northern & southern Italy for romans with they elite-heawy upgraded infantryspam & skyrocket stars generals spam). And it fights for place under the sun with unpopular Melquart, so around 1 or 2 for Yamn temples from 4.

Second - Carthago have no exp+ bonus possibilbties itself at all: only one poor on soil (horrible 0,5) near nubian province (but up to +3 exp cap). No microwonders/subtemples, no temples. Closest exp+ provinces are 2 on south Egypt, 1 on Spainish North, 2-3 on southern France that way closer to Romans.
Generals stars also - eeh.

What I try to say - victory was scribed by victors. And if Carthago was so militarry weaker - there was only one Punic war them.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures 4

Much more stable EC.
Installs also norm & have more install options for player like.

Finded few minor bugs:
-one odd roman tavern (?!) in central regions of France, icon bleached background, description something "u musn't see that"
-one religious building (menhires,dolmens,threes,mounds - aka neolitic) - description error - Region also around France, but I not sure, I can be wrong with second
-one religious building (menhires,dolmens,threes,mounds - aka neolitic) - description error - totally one is present in Britain or Ireland islands - probably Wells region (sure that one bugged must be around northern provinces of the map)
- one religious building descripiton is also missing - region is too vague - or Africa, or easterner than Anatolia - Syria, Arabia, etc not far from eastern mediterranean (also not sure)

errors in "nonplayable factions" of mod BIcampaign descr_strat - celts, gauls, IGS, eastern kingdoms, rebels - aka in cities that normally become under gamer control in later game
Mod was installed as BI-launched, normal borders, lesser AI bonuses

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

If someone have EC V issues - EC IV runs more stable.

So far for me runs norm, for exception of few minor non-gameplay bugs.
(will desctribe them in EC IV theme)

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

Any expected date for v105 or re-compressed files?

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EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

sended max that I can see useful - 2 screenshots, 3 logs, md5's & explanations as I can see it.

All games runs non-steam under WinXP sp3 x86 (aka game primarilly was created for this). In game options v1.5/1.6, registry records seems norm for system or mod installer opinion.

IMO if I not first that see launch error 5/21 - problem somewhere exists.
Maybe mod archive or installer have bad back compability with native for RTW OS. I already have lack of ideas.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

Please read 2nd page.

Already redownloaded by
13.02.2020 at 04:30 +2 GMT

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

totally this is not the case of badlaunching, not-that-versioning, steaming game, or missplased game-mod install

proved by blunt error try method - people not doing wrong
installation itself going wrong
IDK reason why it abrupt on partial install

P.S. thanx for active user support to all creators

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

bug exists (see later comments on page 2)


Problem is failure of extraction during "succesful" mod install.
Prove - ingame folder size of xc5 - 30 megabytes.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

Please release some alternative in form of simply archived folder or somewhat simplified.

also readme xcreadme-history.html not updated - newest about v4 when this is v5
(no one reads readme - still better to update))))

Upd - I manage manually extract archive, game launched in mod, but crippled - no start custom battles, campaign 275bc shows standard 3 fractions, looked in descr_strat - factions seem unlocked. And some another error occured. So - if extract .wim manually - unusable again.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)


Even afrer I start download different .iso, statistics is dare:
- RTW versions 4
- launched vanilla games 3/4 (one was on steam launcher, not installed)
- mod file downloads 2/2
- mod installations (core folder, data, BI, flags Sel.satrapy/BI.exe on/off) - 7/7
- launched EC games 7/7 (initial launch norm+bi try)
- failed to errors 7/7 (screen on top)
- EC installed folder size +-30mb (installed fast then just "complete" or which end button)

EC was fun mod I played few years ago.
EC V is failure even before liftoff. :(
It just did'nt extract fully in folder.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

I just run into install log & see that i find suspicious :)
...after "installing" around 35 megabytes of mod and finish button.
(no, no, nvm that installer around 2 gigs, you need only few megabytes of disk space)))

I'll try some more effotts in some time.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

Map lag can be steam-version bug.

Seen come comments on yt vids about rtw mods on it.

Good karma+1 vote
EvGaS - - 47 comments @ Extended Cultures V version 1.0.4 (outdated)

Sadly - installer is somewhat broken:

Copy to C:\TEMP\RTW\xc5\Data\animations\*.*
Copy failed

I'll try to redownload file, maybe somewhat corrupted.

(aka mod installer didn't work)

P.S. Tryed few times - standsrd/BI exe - no effect. WinXP SP3, vanilla 1.5 BI 1.6 runs fine (non-steam). It will be good to have just archived mod files to overwrite game folder - without failing installer. :(

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