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Unity3D Programmer: GUI, Physics, and Networking. 3D modeler, animator, and texturer. And I'm currently working on my current game (I've yet come up with an idea on a name).

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Partheia - Zone A

etag96 Blog

If you're familiar with what I plan for my game, then you know I've broken up the urban areas in the game into "zones." Well, I've been working with max and ps to create zone A. It's going great; the model is very close to complete, right now I'm making the maps for it. It's tedious, but I expect to have zone A completed very, very soon. I may have a sneak demo where you can travel throughout the city. After I complete it, I actually want to begin working on Aquila, the main character. When I complete it, I'll be sure to post a render and a showcase demo here! I've been working with another IndieDB user with his game demo as well, which is giving me great experience and insight that will be useful for this game.

Thanks again for reading my blog! If you want to learn more about Partheia, me, or some assets I'm working on / plan to work on, check out my website at Christiant96.wix.com.

Partheia - Revealed

etag96 Blog

Welcome back, viewers! I have named the continent-island which is the focus and setting of my game, Partheion (whose name comes from the continent's name). The continent is Partheia ("Par" * "thy" * "ah"), which apparently has a greek root which means "taken." I won't reveal core story but here's a basic introduction to what you may expect from the game:
[Disclaimer: It's a long read but easy to follow, and hey: I even made paragraphs!]

It's 2114 in the continent of Partheia, a massive island renown for its rapid scientific, urban, and societal development. Its most prominent feature is its separation of urban areas into zones, ranging from vacation hotspots to industrial centers to suburban plazas. This area lies in the southeastern region of Partheia, above the lush, tropical beaches, and below the thick forests in the west and snow flurries in the north. Each developed zone has it's own mindset, and some even regard other zones with contempt. In these zones, crime isn't primarily an issue. "Non-offending" criminals are sent to correctional facilities, but they tend to escape and flee to convenient places, be them in the forests or the mountains. "Offending" criminals are tried in court and sentenced based on their crime. The beach area has a tourist-safe section within the center loop, with shark-infested waters on the southwest side of the beaches but slight pollution along the city borders. The mountains have underground tunnels and an underground (literally and figuratively) gang society. The people here are thieves, eager to pick fights, and overall rough–as there are no enforced laws outside the developed regions.

You are Aquila, the main character and protagonist (or antagonist, depending on your chosen sequence of events), doing what you can to achieve your desires and goals. You utilize technologies of the latest scientific discoveries to aide your adventures and increase the enjoyment of the game. Weaponry of several types will also be used. At one point in the game, time travel will be perfected and used to introduce a "restart game" sort of option, while allowing the player to return to this saved game. In the story, the idea will be that each save is a possible sequence of time, and the technology allows you to either create a new timeline or return to a previous one. The machine only allows to go back as far as its first functional prototype operated, but luckily that took place towards the beginning of the game. In each timeline, only one instance of the player is active. No overlap of characters occurs, nor do paradoxes occur. This operates under a "multiverse theory" mechanic of time paradoxes.

You can choose to follow the many stories available in the game, acquiring achievements for completing them, developing your character and learn more about Partheia's rich history. Or you can go wherever you want at your own pace, do whatever you want with what's accessible to you. At anytime, you can freely choose to not complete a mission or return to it. Timed missions however will need to be competed by their due date or they will be voided and you'll have to reapply for that job.

Development Begins

etag96 Blog

In my free time that I've accumulated, I have made some designs which ultimately inspired me to begin developing my own game again. This game will be a 3D FPS (or Third Person Shooter, at times), free-roam, Adventure/RPG, taking place in a large, futuristic continent. The continent will contain beaches, "developed land," including thriving and bustling cities, each with their own sets of stories and gameplay story-lines, forests with less human development, mountains, and a secluded developed region. The free play and roaming scenery idea was inspired (but not related to substantially in any other way) by Skyrim.

The game will, as any well-developed or worthy Indie Game, be based upon what I'd want and what I think others would want to play. I've been desiring to play a decent realistic game I can roam around in and do whatever I want, including weapons, vehicles, and a story of some kind in case I got bored and wanted to play a good story. This game will feature all of that, but straying from Skyrim. Instead of Medieval weaponry and magic incantations/effects, my game will feature more modern weapons (guns, grenades, rockets) along with more futuristic weapons (lasers, space warps and even some time travel!).

This of course is all concept as of right now, but I'm painstakingly drawing out every single concept art needed so that I can begin modeling each and every item, so that I can finally work on the art and throw together a nice game (using my forté: programming!). I am most excited to begin working on this game and I hope that anyone reading will support me in the future. I hope to develop something to display on and potentially sell on Steam.

As always, thank you for your time and any support you may offer!

I am now working on the story behind it all and it's coming along great. This project is very exciting as you can tell, and I hope to get concept art and the story posted as soon as it's completed. Pictures to be included will be rendered visualizations of the island-continent from the air, capturing the various properties of the land. The story will do a great job of both describing what you'll be able to expect from the game, and also tell you just what is possible.

Portfolio & Indie life

etag96 Blog

Considering I'm a high school student in rigorous courses, with an offline social life, I might not post a lot here, but in the case that I make a digital design that I think looks cool, a game demo that really shows off my talent, or just any thing partially game-related, I will put it here. I'm also willing to help out my fellow Unity developers! If you want a person who's willing to program in C# or unityscript, or make the textures, I will do it. Have a nice day, and thank you for spending a chunk of your time here.
