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I am the Self Proclaimed Narcissistic Godling and Schizophrenic Ruler of the Universe! When all has turned to ashes and the living world is dead, I will still be here. I am the Mollusk of Infinity, and I SHALL PREVAIL!!!!! Also, Travis Hanson is awesome!

Comment History
Efreak - - 15 comments @ EA Games Launcher

Use jdupes to replace duplicate files with hardlinks; this way instead of having 'Zero Hour\generals.exe' and 'Zero Hour Shockwave\generals.exe' and 'Zero Hour Contra\generals.exe' pointing to different parts of the hard drive and taking up a total of 18.5mb, all three will point at the same spot and take up the same 6.5mb of space. This will save you the space the base install takes up for all but one base install. Instead of taking up ~5.24gb, ZH, Contra, and Shw will take up ~2.88gb (folder properties will not reflect this as windows explorer doesn't recognize hardlinks, but disk properties will--right click the drive in 'this pc' or 'my computer' and go to properties to view total disk usage before and after linking files)

The command you want for jdupes is `c:\path\to\jdupes.exe -Lr "c:\path\to\Zero Hour" "c:\path\to\shockwave" "c:\path\to\contra" "c:\paths\to\other\mods"`.
For example, all my mods are installed in 'J:\games\c&c\mods\ZH' and ZH is installed via both origin and TFD, so I use `c:\programs\jdupes.exe -Lr "J:\Games\C&C\Mods\ZH" "J:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Command and Conquer Generals\" "J:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer(tm) Generals\generals.exe"`

You can get to the command prompt by running cmd.exe from the start menu (or run menu).
You can append as many paths as you want to this command; just make sure to include the double-quotes around them if you have spaces or other special characters in them.
Tip: you can actually drag entire files and folders into the command prompt from windows explorer. This will add the full path to that file (including the name of the file itself and any necessary quotes) to the end of the current command line. So you can drag jdupes into the command prompt, type -Lr, and then drag each folder in--just make sure to add spaces in between paths.

You can usually get jdupes here: Github.com but at time of writing, you'll need this link, as the latest version has no downloads: Github.com

tomstefanou you may want to build this functionality into your application. It should be extremely simple to download and run jdupes.exe on the path the application uses.

Good karma+1 vote
Efreak - - 15 comments @ Three New Countries Arsenal Complete

Is this an announcement for an upcoming release, a new description, or what? There's no new downloads since last month.

Regarding your version numbers: You may want to consider something like semantic versioning: Major.Minor.Patch. In other words, instead of saying something like Revision 5 'Change 15 (Part 3 Final More Additional changes and Mini changes)', you can just say Increment the first number (and reset the others to 0) for a new revision (ie, changes in gameplay); increment the second number(and reset the third/fourth to 0) when making big changes, the third number for small changes, and increment the last number when fixing bugs (or omit the last number entirely and just include it in the third number). This would be more meaningful and easier to see how much difference to expect between versions.

Good karma+1 vote
Efreak - - 15 comments @ Yuri's Revenge Aliens Invasion Mod

Try looking into semantic versioning. Even if you don't use it the way it's intended, it's still better than saying things like 'change X pre/final with updates.'

Good karma+1 vote
Efreak - - 15 comments @ Tiberium Crisis

Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.

Please upload the file to moddb.

Good karma+2 votes
Efreak - - 15 comments @ Tiberium Crisis

Cannot download. File is in user's trash. Please distribute through moddb if possible.

Good karma+2 votes
Efreak - - 15 comments @ 4gb-patch

What exactly does this mod do? There's no details here other than that it 'will solve the crash problem of the game'. It's not a mod, and it's not part of a mod (otherwise it could be included).

Edit: file source: Ntcore.com

Good karma+1 vote
Efreak - - 15 comments @ Contra 009 FINAL PATCH 2

It's not just Kapersky. Windows Defender from *Microsoft* is saying that there's a trojan. It might be worthwhile to simply write an .hta file: Stackoverflow.com in vbscript or jscript. While I'm happy to make an exception, Microsoft really likes to scare (warning on unzip/access, needs elevation to unquarantine, then needs to open another menu entirely and elevate to whitelist).

Good karma+4 votes
Efreak - - 15 comments @ Efreak


Good karma+1 vote
Efreak - - 15 comments @ Subject 9

Is there some reason I can't find this mod and install it from inside Desura?

Good karma+2 votes
Efreak - - 15 comments @ C&C: Untitled

I was about to pass this by due to age and the old message at the top about crashes. If you're releasing an update soon, I'll go ahead and check it out.

Good karma+1 vote
Efreak - - 15 comments @ 100% Orange Juice

She says:
I dont think the download is the problem since i used the same installer for my main and my VM, and i copied my working VM over to my main."
"Ive reinstalled and briefly fiddled with some options in my graphics settings. I cant figure out whats causing the weirdness. Google wasnt of much help either im afraid"

She says "my VM is the same version of windows, except without any updates...WinXP SP3 32 bit."

Anyways, we'll try and figure it out on our own; I don't know a whole lot about the setup, but she's using a virtual machine. If you want any more details, lemme know.

Good karma+2 votes
Efreak - - 15 comments @ 100% Orange Juice

I wonder how I missed that. I further wonder why I posted this as a reply to the other post. Anyhow, thanks for clearing that up for me.

Good karma+2 votes
Efreak - - 15 comments @ 100% Orange Juice

My friend is having graphics issues, as seen here -> I.imgur.com
Any idea what's wrong here? It runs just fine in a virtual machine, but not at all otherwise.

Good karma+2 votes
Efreak - - 15 comments @ 100% Orange Juice

Any particular reason why we don't get a desura key? Desura would be far preferable to the sole DRM-free download indie royale is giving us (no need to deal with installers, etc), and considering they're the same company, I would think it's easy to do.

Good karma+1 vote
Efreak - - 15 comments @ finally

> also made many other small changes that I forgot
I like this part best. If you compare sources, you should be able to find the changes (assuming you use revision control...).

>Maybe after the release of this version I will finish work on the mod. Also, I think to release the source code for all, but has not yet decided whether I will do this
This would be awesome

Good karma+2 votes