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Hello, I'm the Technical Artist for Rize F2P! I love games, and anything to do with 3D CGI (which is why I'm part of GoldenWolf Games!). I've played games for as long as I can remember, my favorite game of all time is Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance - I've spent hours on this game, possibly even weeks. Having said that I did spend nearly all of Summer of 2012 playing DayZ. My other interests include photography, astronomy, astrophotography and anything to do with 3ds Max.

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Magic Lantern

EAndrew Blog

Recently I took the leap of faith and installed Magic Lantern on my EOS 600D.

It's quite possibly one of the best decisions I've ever made, I've been making no end of time-lapse videos and taking HDR photographs since. Magic Lantern is an amazing tool and the team have done a brilliant job.

One of my favorite functions is definitely magic zoom, it makes it so much easier to fine tune your focus, along with HDR bracketing with a built in self timer. It allows you to take exposures beyond 3 stops unlike the normal Canon firmware. I was taking photographs up to 6 stops, it's just brilliant.