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My name is Derek and i'm a former competitive FPS gamer. I took up level design last year as a hobby and I've been stuck ever since. >:|

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dwillsc Blog

It has been a while since i've been on. Last year around September i created my first map, ctf_bankjob.

It had a problem crashing servers and i attempted to fix it numerous times but had no luck. Some time around November/December while i was getting ready to leave Korea (i'm military) and move on to Europe.. my computer took a dump and both my hard drives, PSU, and mobo got fried. Luckily.. i had backed up everything on an external harddrive and had all of my 2d art + concept art on a thumb drive.

Things seemed to be working out OK.. yeah it sucked i lost my computer but i still had all of my work and was still researching causes for the server crashes using my laptop. I learned a lot during this time but still... could not find any reason why it crashed servers. Not a single person who owned a server had an error message or some type of reason why this happened. Everything works fine on the map when ran locally and on some select servers. At this point I had to put the research on pause and move on to visit family, then on to Italy for my next duty assignment.

Now here I am... in italy and just now getting back online and it's April. Why? Well... I left that thumb drive on the plane, but still have my external hard drive. I lost all my art and some important documents that can't be re-created. Settling in here in Italy turned out to be harder than imaginable.. it took 2 months to get my internet set up. I also got married and have been trying to get my wife over here with me.

Finally.. i am able to get online with my laptop and i see that people are still loving my map. Some think its lame, but the majority love it. My youtube video still gets comments and views every day. I still get emails from people saying "Good job!" .. my email box was stuffed full of compliments. As luck would have it....

One of those emails gave me a clue! :D someone got an error on their server saying something along the lines of entity: CAN NOT ALLOCATE! or something along the lines of allocating entities.. i've done numerous searches but can't find anything. It turns out this guy didnt even get an error and it was just another dead end.


Left 4 dead was left 4 dead it seems ... but the new survivor mode makes me excited to map again :D

Frustrated with crashes

dwillsc Blog

This is the first time I've ever even considered typing in a blog. No idea if anyone will even read it but right now i'm trying to fix a mystery crash on my map, ctf_bankjob. It crashes some servers without any error logs or anything.. I'm trying to go through a troubleshooting process with causes (right now i'm looking at custom models) .. which is also a pain because i dont have a TF:2 server and have no interest in buying one. So i'm tied up with creating my first website, making my first map work, ...work (about to go there in a litte bit), getting ready to move to Italy, and playing warhammer online.

hopefully i find this mystery bug soon. >:|