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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6

That's not true. If you have problems opening the link, simply type ee2.eu/patch in your internet browser

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.6

Please download the patch from Ee2.eu and use the full installer.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Adding Unofficial Patch 1.5 features is an extremely hard process, done using assembly. You can see how small changes are added in this video: Youtube.com

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth 4 Mod English and Fixed

It's not the newest available English version of the mod.

The author of EE4 mod has decided to discontinue the project, and intentionally removed the download links. I don't think it's nice to re-upload files without his permissions.

The newest available version is EE4 Plus mod: Vk.com and the download link is still active.

The EE4 Plus mod team has stopped the further development due to problems with the original mod author. It gives a signal that he might be unhappy when his work is reposted without his approval.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Dr.MonaLisa

Sorry for late reply, I'm rarely checking other sites than EE2.eu. However, "Empire Earth - The Art of Conquest" is not a part of Empire Earth 2. It's an expansion pack for Empire Earth 1.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II

Problem discussed & explained here: Indiedb.com

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Nie ma problemu, nie jesteś pierwszą osobą która myślała w ten sposób. Często spotykam się z obwinianiem właśnie za programy antywirusowe, często od ludzi, którzy w tym samym czasie twierdzą że "korzystają od 6 lat". Dla mnie jest to troszkę denerwujące, bo jeśli od tak długiego czasu nie mieli żadnych problemów, to powinni nabrać trochę zaufania. Ty od samego początku nazywałeś tą detekcję "fałszywym alarmem", nie zarzucając mi złych intencji, tak że komentarze budziły same pozytywne emocje. Po prostu staram się wyjaśniać jak jest. Dziękuję za subskrypcje na Twitterze/FB.
Przy okazji, zapraszam też na nasz Discord (jeśli korzystasz i masz chęci): Ee2.eu

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Cieszę się, że udało się rozwiązać problem, jednak komentarze typu "proszę pilnować by antywirusy nie pokazywały ze są wirusy albo trojany lub inne robaki" są nie na miejscu. Czy to moja wina, że programy firm trzecich błędnie analizują pliki? A może mam testować na wszystkich 72 antywirusach z virustotal, a potem celowo modyfikować kod, tak żeby nigdy nie zostało nic błędnie wykryte? Takie myślenie jest patologiczne i właśnie działania tego typu wskazywałyby na złe intencje w wydanym software.
W kwestii Windows Defendera, wystarczyło wysłać im pliki do analizy. Mam potwierdzenie z Microsoftu, że były to fałszywe alarmy. Screenshoty można zobaczyć na: Twitter.com
Tak więc przy najbliższej aktualizacji bazy danych już nie powinny być wykrywane. Wciąż jednak wieczne kontaktowanie się z producentami AV nie jest czymś, na deweloperzy powinni tracić czas. To jest problem software, które wykrywa zagrożenia i to oni są zobowiązani udowodnić, że coś jest nie w porządku.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Yes. You can find all required information here: Ee2.eu
"- No CD/DVD is needed to start game. Players with all EE2 distributions are able to play together."

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

You can find the answers here: Ee2.eu
I think asking the developer if a program is dangerous or not, isn't the right thing to do. You should contact the support of your Antivirus program and ask them why it's being detected.
But anyway, besides that, according to virustotal scans:
It's not detected by any serious AV. McAfee is the worst possible Antivirus solution.
"Microsoft" Windows Defender sometimes detects it, sometimes doesn't... They can't decide. This is the last false positive report which I sent in December 2019: I.imgur.com They said their scanners don't detect it.
Another "funny" thing is: In UP1.5 the "EE2.exe" and "EE2X.exe" are exactly the same Launcher files. They only differ with an icon, and are used to overwrite original game executables (which are generated depending on selected settings, and started from a different folder). So if those scanners were reliable, they would detect the same things on both files, not randomly...

Anyway, you can do what you like. I'm not going to guide you how to disable the antivirus, because that must be your decision. I released the first Unofficial Patch in 2011. If there was something wrong, there would be many reports or negative comments on the Internet.

But once again, if after reading the changes log: Ee2.eu
And seeing all the work that was put in development you still don't trust in it, then you're not forced to use it.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Tell it to Multiplayer users. They for sure will enjoy your idea.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Unofficial Patch 1.5 has got a new nuclear missile, "Super ICBM":

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

The best version is always the newest/updated version. The main destiny of Unofficial Patch 1.5 is compatibility with newest Windows (8 / 8.1 / 10+) versions.
The normal version of UP1.5 includes new units and buildings. The files structure in this version has been changed to keep multi-language support.
Developers version of UP1.5 was designed for people who use other Empire Earth 2 mods (for example EE4 Mod, Realistic Mod). All available features in this version are listed on the website.
The normal "full" version of Unofficial Patch 1.5 is more stable, because some game crashes were fixed by modding game files (what couldn't be done on Developers Version, due that other mods replace files in their own way). So I recommend to use the normal version of UP1.5. Even if you don't like new units/buildings - you can disable them by UP1.5 Settings after installation - and play the game in "vanilla" mode, with all screen resolutions support, DirectX 9 mode, new optional options added and crash fixes.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Dr.MonaLisa

Sorry for not replying. I didn't know there are comments for profiles on moddb. However, if anyone has the same problem: There is a new patch: Unofficial Patch 1.5 which contains all previous updates, so installing the official patch 1.2 is not required. You can download UP1.5 at: Ee2.eu

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ EE2 on Windows 10

WTF are you talking about? The patch has over 85200 downloads, and for the last 4 years I received only a few donations. Where did you see any information that the donation is required to download the patch? Are you sure you visited ee2.eu/patch ?

Good karma+1 vote
Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

I don't understand your question. If you would like to get help please provide more details and describe your problem. Also it's better to use forum.ee2.eu to contact me.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

You don't say. You want to see planes "flying" on the ground? Read UP1.5 changes list at Ee2.eu

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

I meant the languages which were originally released. The list of available languages is actually available on the UP1.5 website.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Hi. Sorry for the late reply, I'm not checking this site very often. It's better to post questions at forum.ee2.eu for the instant answers.
I think planes/helicopter behaviour depends on the map type and AI stance.
Unfortunately, I decided to not touch any of AIPs files. Any single mistake in those files causes unexpected and hard to detect crashes, that's why it will never be "officially" corrected in Unofficial Patch 1.5 which is very stable at the moment.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

There always been a developers version of UP1.5, compatible with the other mods. You can download it here: Ee2.eu

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Thank you for the nice review! I'm happy that you noticed all those things :)

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

Hello. Sorry for late reply, I don't check this website, so please post at forum.ee2.eu next time.
Yes, in game settings (Settings -> Game tab) there is an option called: "Allow Units In Multiple Control Groups" which fixes this issue.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

mahailong008, check the official download page: Ee2.eu and click on the link under: "The patch is incompatible with the other Empire Earth II mods, but you can download a special version for mods here (Click)". The version for mods is compatible with all other mods, and works fine with EE4 mod too. I can't upload the full patch here, because of often updates. I want people to always have the newest version, and one download source is the best solution for it.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ EE2 on Windows 10

Yes, the latest version of Unofficial Patch 1.5 has an option to enable a fix for Intel HD graphics cards. Link: Ee2.eu

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.5

No. This information is visible on the official download page :)

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.4

Why? You don't like it? Open file zips_ee2x\EE2X_db_140.zip\dbunitfile4.cfg with notepad and edit: "fighter4.ddf" to "fighter.ddf", "bomber4.ddf" to "bomber.ddf", etc. It will set to use unedited files.

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.4

Disable ceasefire...

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Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.4

Sorry for late reply - I'm not checking this site very often.

You can use: + and - keys on your keyboard to zoom-in or zoom-out.
If it doesn't work - (just for test) run UP1.4 installer again, and select the installation version with "CAM FIX v. 1". But I think it's more like a problem with the scrooling speed in your Windows settings. Try to fix it in the Control Panel.

There's a problem with EE2 and Windows 8. UP1.4 has included Windows 8 FIX from this link:
Please read it for informations how to start and use the FIX.

What's your laptop's maximum possible screen resolution?
Is your screen resoultion supported by UP1.4? If it is not, then you can set your own screen resolution, please follow this tutorial:

I hope it helps.

Good karma+2 votes
Dr.MonaLisa - - 36 comments @ Empire Earth II - Unofficial Patch 1.4

This problem has been solved with gismo359 at ~eW`~>FORUM:

TUTORIAL: Custom screen resolution in Empire Earth II Unofficial Patch 1.4:

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