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20+ Years of General Gaming. From the Nintendo to the Xbox 360, from the ancient PC's (Empires) to the new stuff (Warhammer Online), I've played every genre, owned most of the gaming platforms, and caused more havoc online then more people would like to admit. I've gone mostly by [T.A.R]Drake, Grimworg, FoxNorth, Warriorhold, AvecFoxx, and anyone who knows me by those names can testify that I am not the greatest gamer in the world, nor come close to them. But I never just roll over and die.

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Starting Somewhere

DrakeNorth Blog

As my profile stated, I've been playing video games a long, long time.
However, I'd like to start MAKING Video Games, but lack the education, and funding to do so.  All I can do, for now until I get myself out of this little hole I've dug myself, is spout ideas, and some general (if not poor) concept sketches if and when I can get off my lazy bum to draw anything.
To Start in the gaming, I'm wanting to post a Mod Idea, a complicated one that has two, wholly unique sides with not "Just likes" on the opposing team.
And when I mean Unique, I mean;
-Differential Class Selection (one side will have better specializations and extreme versions of Light/Heavy type classes, while the otherside has a more generalizating "All purpose," Classes)
-Weapons and Weapon Customizations (as in Flashlights, Bayonets, etc)
-Differntial Spawn Time (One side has specially trained soldiers, who take longer to 'replace,' while the otherside is 'Conscripted' infantry, who don't take as long)

The Enviorment they two sides will be figting will also be 'unique' in a sense since it will be equally hostile and treacherous to the opposing forces as the players themselves.

But, I'll go more indepth and in detail once I can post in the Mod-Idea Forum.