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Dr_Ellis Blog

Ive recently found a game by the name of "JFK Reloaded".. now, ive seen past posts on that game in the forums here at MODDB, and understad the mixed feelings or what have you all on the topic of "re-enactment" or "high school shooter" games.. allthough i have no direct or indirect feelings on the matter, i understand that re-living one mans last momments in form of animated violence can seem a bit disturbing. But the game itself i thought was GREAT! it had a hit counter and damage report and stuff in it and i thought "boy would i like to change some of this stuff around".. since i allready had the "crowd" and "grassy" knoll mod.. i knew it was possible. but didnt know where to start.. theni decided to start where any good snoop would.. the install dir.. There i found >WAD files. having played TFC and CS 1.6 till my eyes bled i was semi farmilliar with the whole >WAD concept , and having seen my m8's work over maps and the like i figured i had this inthe bag.. the only problem now was to find a WAD editor and start copy pasting.. right? not bloody likeley it seems .. all of the WAD editor/extractor/reader apps or programs i find are all for specific games like DOOM or HEXEN and other games to that effect.. now stuck with a fairly easy task on my desktop and allmost a dozen useless app's later i am no closer to opening the .WAD files than i was 3 days ago when i thought this would be a good way to take a game i kinda like and do something cool with it so it wasnt so offensive. this is my forst post of anything here on MODDB .. if anyone has read this and can offer any assistance,i would sure appreciate any help i can get.. It just seems funny that out of all the apps ive found none of them would see these .WAD files as a "valid" wad.. looks like my second posty will be a new topic in the forums...