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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 32)
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ maidresidence

Gib signature.

Good karma+1 vote
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ x3 Performance tweaks

Thanks comrade.

Good karma+6 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Anomaly Skill System

hot food

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Golden Autumn Retexture [UPDATE 1]

This is cool, thanks for your work

Good karma+4 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

I honestly wish you won't stop at this point. You are a potential clown. Keep it up.

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

Sorry mate, he can't. Two most significant mods he made are stolen ****, the rest are useless pieces of propaganda like burning Kremlin and Bandera glorification. Yep Ukrainians can do cool mods, but not this guy.

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

The only manchild here is the ************ who made numerous account to make him looks...... numerous because the amount of people who complain about him is.... numerous (lmao hehe). Not to mention you are the only one here doing manchild ****, namely trying to spread your extremism all over a GAME MODDING SITE. That's rich, coming from the boy who has to use clone to create allies for himself. Get over it and find a way to get laid first before you call someone else out, the people you call out using sexual experience might have more sex per week than you. Keep struggling, fascist boy.

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

I pretty much have more grass to touch than you, Mr. Bear ******. And yes, you can stop being the thing you cannot be, namely an authentic fascist.
And yes, I like anime, similar to how people usually set their pfp as something cool like a soldier or a dragon. If we talk about pfp then you don't even have one. So clearly your indentity is not on the same level with even the likes of anime pfp. Anything else?
Oh, about touching some pussy. I had sex quite a few times, you prolly haven't sucked a woman's booba other than your own mommy's kek. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Good karma+5 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

Go out and touch some grass, UnDenya. To the point you have to make more than 5 alt accounts to make you fascists look a little bit more numerous comparing to those angry Russians (and possibly other people), pathetic. Did your mom teach you common sense? You are no longer welcomed here. Get the **** out and don't try to make clones to make you look welcomed.

Good karma+4 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Marching song for military megaphones

You don't learn, do you?

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ HD Models - Camouflaged Duty

Not bad, in my personal opinion. I'll use this. Thanks for your work.

Good karma+3 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ EOA [EXTENDED OFFLINE] 1.0.5 Russian Text

If it isn't my man, comrade UnDenya.

Good karma+3 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Maid's Vanilla HD Icons

Turn Duty patch into Catgirl patch and Freedom patch into Furry shiet, comrade :jk:

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Yeah as if there's anyone else here has "Dooty" on his name, Fascist boy. Keep it up. At the end of the day, you and your state get more hate, at the very least on this site. While I am sitting on the sineline, ******** on you, appreciating quality mods. You don't seem to have a healthy mentality since your words often contradict what you said earlier. Imagine speaking about a dude named "Dooty", then said "I didn't talk to you". Sure ****. And you stink like UnDenya, since he usually does the same **** you do, whitewashing and contradicting his own words. Entertain me more, Bandera fanboy.

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Heck he just made another one and accused me of using multiple accounts (what he actually did)

Good karma+3 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Do I need to show you my citizen ID from Vietnam to prove that I am not a Ruski? And yeah? I'm leaning more towards Russia, you have problem with that? The fact that your country since 2014 coup has been a pseudo-nazi state does not help about anything related to Bandera at all. Hero my arse, he and his anti-Russian and anti-Poles stance can rot in hell for all I care. Keep calling me a Russian bot. I would love to visit Russia one day kek. Those from the East must have had enough of your **** to break away. But I'll not dig deeper into it here. The original point is, people do not appreciate what UnDenya and his anti-Russia extremism do here, and many of them downvoted his **** simply because it's totally trash, not to mention some of his **** are stolen stuff, you can dig back to his red and black-contained mods to see arguments there, Grok and Feel_Fried proved that he stole other people's work. Combine stolen work, political agenda, right-wing extremism AND his audacity to put a donation link on his mods, then we have UnDenya. I saw a German guy arguing with UnDenya the other day, as far as I know Germany is on Ukraine side, no? He simply did not agree with what UnDenya did, bringing a heavy dose of politics into the site, and boy it's not even related to the game. Burning Kremlin hello?
About me, originally I did not even care to make a moddb account. After seeing UnDenya's **** I had to make one to express my disdain.
His localization? Remember the texture localization? It's full of **** against the breakaway of the East, you call that suitable? Whatever your stance is, it has nothing to do with the wolrd in the Zone.
I see you are trying to accuse me of using multiple account, which is what UnDenya is doing right now to deal with a very large numbers of haters, Russians or not. And boy I do wish that it was true that all the hate comments came from me by using multiple account, that way I could say that I was Strogglet, Feel Fried or Grok, and they are talented modders who produced quality mods, unlike ***** UnDenya made.
Catch the drift?

Good karma+4 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Maid's Vanilla HD Icons

I thought
I thought it was anime icons something something :'(
Jk, nice work, 11/10 will use. Just what I need.

Good karma+4 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Cut your crap, UnDenya. Nobody buys your political extremism. The more you struggle the more hatred you will bring to your father Bandera and your beloved Ukraine. Here in the games we do not care whether one is a capitalist or communist or anything as long as it is not extreme and you more or less keep it to yourself, not trying to embed your views into every single ******** you "made" (yeah I doubt that). Things were fine, people did not hate each other no matter what their ideology is, because it is common sense that you keep it to yourself. And mods that are a lil tiny bit related to politics like something contains a hammer and sickle for example, it was made for aesthetic purpose since the game is set in a place were Soviet influence is still heavily lingering around. Unlike your ********, either you try to embed your crapsack UPA flag into unrelated mods like battle royale or warfare overhaul (again I heavily doubt it was made by you at all) or you outright made propaganda and hate-stirring mods like that burning Moscow main menu, or this music addon. Pure ********, as far as I know there's no Kremlin palace to be burned in the Zone, or there's an Ukrainian Insurgent Army stalking around. You talked about Russophilia, take a look at your own Russophobia you mtfk.
And no, I'm not Russian. I'm not even a Slav, don't need to be one to see your ********

Good karma+11 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

But this is new, Duty retaining Russian dubs. Thanks for the info

Good karma+4 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

That's cool and all. Color scheme can be coincidental (or not). But blatantly trying to push real life politics into it like UnDenya is doing here isn't cool at all. He succeeded in making some people hate Ukraina. And UPA is no doubt a bunch of fascist.

Good karma+6 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

I didn't know that, Duty has Russian voice in the original UKR language patch?

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ "Our Father" on military megaphones

Alright, I'll use it and kill Military while it plays. The fact that I am a Duty can be damned. It seems you haven't learned your lesson, UnDenya the fascist. And yes I'll stick Russian flag on Duty to boost.

Good karma+3 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Relax Мenu - Fire

And what does Putinka have to do with burning Kremlin? It's not even blatantly an insult to Putin

Good karma+2 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Relax Мenu - Fire

I did not know this site is a political forum for you to discuss this here. If it was a political forum then nobody has to do this kind of political implication embedded inside a ******* mod. Go to Quora or somewhere else and start a topic there if you want further discussion. You think only you know war? Kindly **** off, Bandera

Good karma+9 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Relax Мenu - Fire

And this is not the place for you to express that ****, this is a modding site for game, not your Rada or their Duma. You catch the drift? Wait no you don't, because anyone with Stepan Bandera's mindset can't.

Good karma+7 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Relax Мenu - Fire

People usually dream of what they really want but have no ability to achieve. In this case - the burndown of Kremlin. Good luck, UKR friendos hehe

Good karma+5 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Survival Program 1.2 (Battle Royale)

Trying to push his ...... debatable political view's signs into almost everything he made? (if he actually made them anyway, benefit of doubt, since there are people who claimed that he was stealing other people's work). Though it would just go out of the ears of you Bandera's fans anyway.

Good karma+4 votes
DootyPropagandist - - 32 comments @ Survival Program 1.2 (Battle Royale)

It would have been okay if he did things like this from the beginning instead of stirring up hatred

Good karma+5 votes