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I’m not only a game producer, but I also introduce myself as a futurologist, a passionate of innovative virtual media and the internet. My profession is to develop business models in the IT industry. For over 12 years, I’ve been the owner of SuperNova Interactive, where I have implemented tens of IT projects, start-ups, whole companies and games. In my job, I look for projects which are considered as the “lost pearls” in whose history and development something has gone wrong but they still show great growth potential. I found such a spark of potential in Ski Jumps that was just put up for sale at that time and without much hesitation, I closed the deal. This project fitted perfectly into my product portfolio but of course needed the appropriate amount of work and effort put into its restoration and modelling. At the moment this game has over 50 thousand registered accounts which, as far as ski jumps are concerned, is a very good achievement and should be considered a triumph.

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Content and expert articles from the game⁢ industry

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The Internet, which appeared a quarter of a century ago, has changed the face of the world at that time - today it is used by over 4.5 billion people, which is 60% of the population that is already online. The IT industry is one of the fastest and fastest growing branches of the economy and the demand for IT services is constantly growing. Nowadays, IT knowledge is used in all spheres of business, which is why companies from almost every industry invest in new ICT technologies.

computer vision 1

In today's world, the conviction that we live in the age of media and telecommunications that has covered the entire globe is becoming stronger and stronger. The rapid development of new technologies that we experience in the modern world inevitably leads to far-reaching changes in the social structure, culture, system of values and norms that bind societies. The Internet, which appeared exactly 25 years ago, managed to change the face of the whole world at that time. Along with the www network, modern forms of entertainment and its various manifestations have appeared, directly related to innovative technologies. It turns out that one of the important factors attracting new users to the global network is easy and relatively cheap access to all entertainment, more and more often referred to as online entertainment (the so-called cyberentertainment).

baza tresci

Here is a list of materials and expert content prepared by Jarosław Jasiński - a business developer with over 15 years of experience in the IT industry, owner of the SuperNova Interactive company and startups Ski Jump Simulator, Portal MMO, SiriusMag.pl and Ski Jumps.

List of articels:
ŚWIAT - WIEDZA - NAUKA - Wirtualna Rewolucja
ŚWIAT - WIEDZA - NAUKA - Zjawisko gier internetowych we współczesnym świecie
ŚWIAT - WIEDZA - NAUKA - MMO pod lupą socjologów
ŚWIAT - WIEDZA - NAUKA - Gry komputerowe jako zjawisko kulturowe
Jak wyróżnić się w branży e-commerce? [Poradnik]
Unikatowe opisy produktów kluczem do sukcesu w e-commerce
Polski rynek transakcji bezgotówkowych
Innowacyjne metody płatności internetowych ułatwiają handel w sieci
E-handel motorem rozwoju branży RTV AGD
Rynek płatności elektronicznych i mobilnych
Jak rozwija się polski handel elektroniczny na tle rynku światowego?
Sektor FMCG otwarty na e-commerce
Sprzedaż internetowa, czyli jak sprostać rosnącym oczekiwaniom klientów?
Personalizacja współczesnego e-handu
E-commerce rośnie w siłę - zmiany zwyczajów zakupowych Polaków
E-commerce - kto zyskał na globalnej pandemii, a kto na niej stracił
Omnichannel - nowe spojrzenie na wielokanałowość
Sztuczna inteligencja w e-commerce rewolucjonizuje sprzedaż
Sztuczna inteligencja - Obrazy AI - Generatory grafiki [PRZEGLĄD]
Chat GPT - Jak włączyć po polsku i korzystać? Czat OpenAI PL