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tap a gap - taptic arcade experience

dandevign Blog

Let me start start with a few words about us. I am Daniel, an architect making mobile games.. well, made the first game. After switching to Graphics Design and meeting Chris, a fabulous coder and game designer, we saw the opportunity to create something of our own.

Our first project: tap a gap.

tap a gap is a hard to master, simple to play arcade game.The task to close rings by tapping a gap seems to be an easy job... but as always in life, time is not your friend. Luckily there are three bonus modes made for help. Laser, Ray and Freeze might become handy the more you work out their strenghts for breaking top most highscores.By time you will figure out new tricks like swiping to close neighboring gaps. Uhhh uuh, speaking of tricks. Here is a secret tip for everybody reading this text: Try sharing via twitter and Facebook, and take a look at that generated picture. It has a pro tip for you!
Inspired by an old game tap a gap shows how modern mobile gaming feels like. Create your highscore now!

Have a look now: App Store

Still reading? Cool, interested in some developer fun facts?

  • Chris became a father during the development of tap a gap. Twice.
  • International: game was developed in many different places like living room, bath, in a car(standing in a garage), Germany, Denmark, USA, India...
  • tap a gap is inspired by an old game everybody knows.
  • Daniel learned to play piano for playing theme tune.. also based on an old folksong everybody knows.
  • Chris was listening to Three Investigators audiobooks most of programming time, Daniel is thanking 'Two Steps from Hell' for motivation and inspiration.
  • 9 month old baby girl got a highscore of 3142 points! True Story!
  • Read dozens of Books, PDFs, Blogs, Papers.. still the feeling there is so much left to learn..

Even got this far? Be proud, Sir/ Ma'am. You won an autograph from the developer. Yes, it's true! Just write an email to iwantanautograph@knalleridee.com ... or just be sure we thank you a lot for supporting two tiny developers with a lot of passion in their heart. Thanks!