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Just your run of the mill average person. I am a disabled Navy Vet of 9 years, and a PROUD AMERICAN. Currently working on 4 books (2 sci-fi fantasy novels, 1 non-fiction, 1 poetry). Originally from Upstate NY, been all around the world and even lived in Australia for a year. Big on RTS games and RPGs (NON-MMORPG).

Comment History
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Reign of Conflagration

Sorry, I had to do a PW reset, my response as above mate. We've been very busy with life as Smasher stated. And of course on different continents doesn't help either. But yeah, until you hear it from the leader it's dead, it's in the works. Cheers.

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ BronzeJackson

I feel we’ve all been out of the loop with this one! Now three years later and finding out production should have been start it again…

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Contra

Game does not start, neither 008 or 009 will launch; I am running Windows 10 Pro and Decades. I get the "Failed to Start" error, and nothing is listed under trouble shooting... Any help would be great. Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Atlas Mod

Great mod...However, could not get past the Super Weapons General... I had destroyed everything on her scenario and it didn't end. May need to work on that. Love the Delta Force, but limiting to 5 sucks... also, I would suggest that, as elite as you made them, perhaps make them SAS (I'd say SEAL Team 6, but even as a Naval Vet that has worked directly with them, the SAS from Australia are just slightly crazier and tougher).... And finally, what is with the super fast forward in regular player mode??? that needs to be corrected. Other than that you had done an awesome job! Cheers!

Good karma+2 votes
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Earth Conflict Project v0.1.65

You have some interesting concepts so far. Well done! I thought you'd still leave it open with the generals to play even in demo, but that's okay... One thing I have noticed - you need to get the colours put in still... Also, I have noticed that when playing an actual mission (which surprisingly works), the dormant tanks do their own thing. You cannot possess the Chinese tanks, and they attack everyone. Also, in the third mission, when you get the pathfinders, I have noticed that it's not a "one shot one kill" scenario. I look forward to the updates as you add more to it!

Good karma+2 votes
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Operation Firestorm Beta 01 Main Files

I like the ideas you've put in, and like some of the game play. However, there are still a lot of bugs to work out. A)Solo Play goes to fatal error, B)General Play goes to Fatal Error (also, a few generals are "invisible" when you select, and C) when you are in the solo play to choose maps, where are the choices for just USA, GLA, and China? What about the other bosses? You still have a bit of work ahead. Concept though, I do like. I look forward to playing this when the fixes are applied :)

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Reign of Conflagration

I cannot answer for Smasher completely, but it's going to be a mod the team has been working on extensively when life permits. As Smasher has previously stated, there's been a few glitches and bugs that need worked out. Trust me, once this is finally up and running, it will probably be a mod that will be more talked about than even the infamous Halogen. And feel free to check the video demos :) Thanks!

~Crusader9112001 (ROC Ideas Manager)

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Reign of Conflagration

Looking good so far mate. Sorry I haven't been able to keep up in a while... like you said (and couldn't have said better) - life has taken priority.

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Rise of the Reds

The game doesn't even initialize for me. I tried fresh installs twice now.

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Zero Hour Reborn 6.24

Granted, I know nothing about the coding with modding nowadays, as you used to be able do do it fairly simple with altering INI files and such. However, as glitchy as this tends to be atm, perhaps, it should be renamed to "Zero Hour: Reborn Unstable"? It has potential, and to make a good game, the beta testing and input is definitely good, hence why I try to point out where I see them. In the meantime, I like to crack lil jokes here and there, so hopefully no offence is given to the makers of the mod. :)

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Zero Hour Reborn 6.24

Playing against "Saddam", the little spot near where you start, where there's a hidden network in front of a money crate, you attack that and you also crash. I am going to try to see if a massive bomb alone remedies this, but if you try multi-attacking it, game goes down.... Cannot even seem to do that - when the hidden networks are decloaked, and attacked, game crashes. So there's input thus far for you folks.

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Zero Hour Reborn 6.24

The Campaign still needs work... 1st one in the USA glitches - if you try to overrun the GLA to rescue last pilot, game crashes. In USA campaign 2, it doesn't allow you to start it - crashes.

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Briarius

Did you take off your mod for Myth? I had just caught wind of this mod, and when I went to dL it, I get a 403 - Forbidden message.

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Reborn V7 Content List

Replace the F-35. Ever play the game Ace Combat Joint Assault for the PSP? There is an awesome craft on there called the X-02 Wyvern. I think it would be awesome to have something like that on here. Armament would consist of a cannon (obviously 20-30mm caliber) and give it the capability of multi-role (ability to shoot down craft as well as to make a ground attack), and give it the speed of something like an Aurora, only no 50% speed after attack bs.

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Remix Escalation 0.75 Beta

Seriously, what did you fix on this game? The AI doesn't work, you're missing a lot of scripts. Did you just soup-sandwich slap this together? You have a good concept, and I be no modder or anything of that nature, but when I played this, or tried, you basically wasted 15 minutes of my life and made my IQ drop 20 points. Thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
Crusader9112001 - - 16 comments @ Contra 007

I cannot even bloody get one of the contras to work properly. Personally, I think you should stop trying to make the mod. Granted, I have no experience or know-how in mods, but from the playing perspective, it's definitely a fudge factor. When I have gotten it to work, there were so many bugs that even the world's best exterminator couldn't fix the fudge factor.

Good karma+2 votes