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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 108)
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Thank you. Needless to say, we are stuck in a ditch... the size of the grand canyon and as deep. I'm still trying to get things reorganized, but needless to say, alot of modders in this mod have just stopped working on it... My suggestion is to look onto other mods, seeing all 40k mods except exterminatus have failed so far. If things turn around, we'll let you know.

Good karma+3 votes
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

We're not dead yet, however, we are a little stuck. Cannot promise any new updates soon due to us losing Longo... Stay tuned, or just stop watching. We'll start reupdating ASAP...

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Tyranid maid

who the hell would want to examine THAT!

Good karma+2 votes
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oh god... Typhus

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Possible map update coming soon, maybe even starting to get ingame footage???? stay tuned.

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Allrite guys, we are in serious need of help. If u r intrested, please contact me. For more info, see the news article above. (We're in a slump rite now guys, and we need help).

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ The Melta Gun

Pretty much is a giant flashlight... that incinerates everything in it's path...

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

No, we are trying not to, but every single model that Longo makes, Snipes yells out that it is from turbosquid. I know Longo bases his models off of those to help him get a better view of what to model, but he does not 'copy and paste', as Snipes is fond of yelling, or at least posting. As for the old stuff, anything that was Longo's from the old mod has been updated into diffrent looking models. So, it's yes and no, but mostly no. Most of it is from scratch, and all of it's done by Longo. Our Guard will be diffrent then the 'There is only war' mod. Their guard were Catachan, we are doing Death Korps of Krieg.

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Almost. The main guy behind the 'There is only war' mod was Sirsnipes and he is not apart of this mod. Me, Longo, Crigh, Ssolrac, and Tommygun were all apart of that mod, but Snipes got a little... how should i word this... distracted and a tiny bit bossy, and so alot of us just stopped working on the mod. Now the "There is only war' mod idea itself was solid. (Afterall, me and Longo were the ones who helped Snipes get this organized.) Me and Longo didn't want to see a great mod choice die, so we got some of our old modding friends, and some new ones, and we got together and made this. So, technically, this is the spawn of the sadly deceased 'There is only war' mod, but it is something diffrent. Yes there is still guard, and yes, the general gameplay will be the same, but we are taking this to another whole level. It is our proud boast that we won't give up. We might fall behind schedule, or be delayed, but we will always eventually update the mod. We woon't stop working on it. Now if u excuse, I need a wee shot of whiskey after that rant. Excuse me ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

We have no intention of dying at all. However, there is a news article that is waiting to be authorized. Basically, it's a recruiting call for help.

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

One year older. 18 man

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Happy Birthday!! I know this might seem corny, but it's my birthday today!

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ The lasgun, a beginning

What!?! A complamint? lol, jk. The brackets for a bayonet are located on the front, Longo just hasn't put them in yet. It's only the base model. Wait, and you shall recieve.

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Only if you have Half-Life 2, sorry. However, me and Longo are debating on putting a version on Unreal Tournament 3

Good karma0 votes
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Crighton

lolomgwtgDAIRYQUEEN lolomgBBtheQ!!!!

lolomgwtgDAIRYQUEEN lolomgBBtheQ!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ The Defiler

If we did do a bloodcrusher, it would most likely be in the Daemons army

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ The Baneblade

little do they know...

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

OMFG! MOD UPDATE! Longo fixed up the textures for the Leman Russ. Check it out, and leave a comment if u like it, or not

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Concept Artist

Good idea, thanks man. I have a bad habit on droning things out longer then nesecary

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Good news! Longo can finally return his full attention back to the mod come the end of next week. We have been having some computer problems along with time managemant and school. We hopefully will have new stuff up by late next week! (Keep your fingers crossed)

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Went to France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany. Great trip! Saw all the Canadian war sites as well! (Juno Beach, Vimy Ridge, stuff like that)

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Sorry for the extremely long delay here guys. We are working on the mod, and are not dead, we are just trying to juggle multiple things at once here. Thanks. -Cpt.Obvious

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

I'm BACK! Great trip to Europe, if u haven't gone, go, u won't regret it. Anywyas, hopefully with me back, things can start rolling again, or maybe not, who knows... Anyways, main point is, I'm back

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Allrite guys, so in two hours, I am off to Europe! From now until May 10th, General_Longo will be in charge of the mod. He's uite busy, so if the mod doesen't update once a week, don't get all done up in a knot. Anyways, I'm outta here, and I'll see you guys back here on the 10th. Peace!

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

I was going to keep that quiet, but yea, we're going Death Korps of Krieg. (I personally wanted Tanith, but nuff said...) Anyways, I hope everyone appreciates what we are doing right now, sorry there haven't been that many updates, and as of Thursday next week (29th of April) Longo will be in chaarge, cause I'm off to Europe for 11 days! I'll be back on May 11th, but while I am away, look to Longo for updates

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

New pics of the Leman Russ up! Check em out!

Good karma+2 votes
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ The Defiler

Allrite, it looks like it. Congratz, you get a cookie, but if you care to notice, the model is generally the same, with some minor exceptions.
1) The Battle Cannons are diffrent lenghts
2) The Defiler on Turbosquid has skinnier, longer claw arms and claws.
3) Autocannons have more detail, as do several other parts of the model.
Longo probably based his Defiler off of the Turbosquid model, but he would not just download and copy. Generally it's the same, so I understand that, but this is his own model. We are not Copyright stealers, nor do we use others work that are not in the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

ok, seriously dude. You are so god damn annoying Snipes. Shut up! We're all getting sick and tried of your critisism! WE DO NOT DOWNLOAD **** FROM TURBOSQUID! If u don't have anything good to say, Shut Up! Longo is working his *** off, and making these models, I know, I see him make them them. If you have some good critisim, We want to hear it, otherwise, just Sit Down, Shut Up, and Hang On...

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Don't worry, we will ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Cpt.Obvious - - 108 comments @ Warhammer 40,000: Emptiness of Victory

Umm... can't reply due to top secret info. As for Landraiders, I have no idea, I would believe so, but for varients and other crap, can't reply, sorry.

Good karma+1 vote