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I've been hooked on strategy games since i was......7? and recently i've started abbling in the mystyrious art of modding and map building. If any of my attempts re successful enouh I'll put them up here

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Maybe making a small mod

connah_r1 Blog

've been getting loas of Emire at War mods ecently and by far one of my favourates is the ISD Vs Venator mod, but there were some things i wanted to move fromone mod to this

its now turned from just fidling with a few thingshereand there to creatng a small mod

so far i've changed the population cas for all factions

added in the orginal GC maps (i got fed up of the zann consortium corrupting planets)

made a rebel version of the Venator - basically launches X-wings and Y-wings. I got fed up of having to buy individual squadrons as the rebels

and changed the venator so it no longer launches ETA fighters, i just plain didn't like them, not a very strong fighter and its ion cannon ability was wasted on something that couldn't really damage a larger ship

i know thats nothing for a experianced modder, but its alot for me. If i can just figure out how to get some of Warb Nulls models into the game and working then I might release it for download (with proper credits of course)