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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 55)
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ Xash3D Engine

I see. Thanks for the information, mate.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ Xash3D Engine

Xash3D is great, but I have one complaint about it unfortunately. I have a few dozen Half-Life mods installed, and when in Xash3D I click on 'Custom Game" to select a mod, then the mods are not listed alphabetically, which makes it harder to find the one I want.

Is there a command line option, or a setting in a .cfg file, or something, that will tell Xash3D to sort the mods alphabetically, please?

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ Half-Life: Another Story

That worked! Thanks, mate.

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ Half-Life: Another Story

This looks amazing, but I am having trouble running it properly. Can someone help me? What version of GDZoom, and what Doom WAD, should I use? What line should I put in a batch file to get the mod working?


Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

Fair enough, mate. I don't know WinDbg, so I'll leave it, at least for the time being.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

Sorry, I thought I'd replied already. Yes, even if I load HL, then select the mod from the custom game menu, then it still crashes to the desktop.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

But the first part of the liblist.gam file says:

// Do not modify this file!

Which was what made me think it shouldn't be altered.

Anyway, I've done what you said (I think), and now when I load XDM via _XDM.bat, then when I click on Create Server and START, it crashes back to the desktop. When I overwrite the file that I altered (liblist.gam) with the original file (I made a back up before I edited it) then XDM works fine, but of course with no bots.

The edited liblist.gam file is:

// Do not modify this file!
game "X-Half-Life: Deathmatch"
// type can be "singleplayer_only" or "multiplayer_only"
type "multipurpose"
//gamedir "XDM"
// Seems to be a DWORD value
size "777555777"
date "13 02 2017"
// Seems to be a DWORD value
version "3038"
// Server dll relative path
gamedll "dlls/XBM.dll"
// gamedll "dlls/XDM.dll"
// gamedll_linux "dlls/XDM.so"
// New game -> start map
startmap "CO_ArcticIncident00"
// New game -> training map
trainmap "t0a0"
// Engine/GameUI still does not use this to filter map list
mpentity "info_player_deathmatch"
// These were used by the launcher
url_info "http://x.netheaven.ru"
url_dl "http://x.netheaven.ru"
// BOOL value. Try svonly "1" if clients are unable to connect to your internet server
svonly "0"
// BOOL value. You can also try: secure "0"
//secure "0"
// BOOL value. This game requires its own client DLL
cldll "1"
// Unknown
rating "100"
// Allow players to choose models
nomodels "0"
// Allow players to disable LOD system
nohimodel "0"
// String. Unknown
//hlversion "1100"
// MD5 hash of the client.dll
//crcclientdll ""
// Directory to try to load resources from
//fallback_dir "valve"
// Max number of allocated edicts
edicts "4096"

What am I doing wrong, please? Also, would you consider adding an Add Bot menu system, like in Unreal Tournament, please?

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

X-Half-Life Deathmatch (Windows version) is still not working on one version of HL (as I pm'd you) even though the map names are all down to the game (I've not typed them in at all). The other HL installation loads the mod fine, but I don't know how to add bots or change the map.

If I type exec botmatch.cfg into the console, I get:

Unknown command: bot_minbots
Unknown command: bot_maxbots
Unknown command: bot_skill
Unknown command: bot_reaction
Unknown command: bot_chat_enable
Unknown command: bot_chat_percent
Unknown command: bot_taunt_percent
Unknown command: bot_whine_percent
Unknown command: bot_logo_percent
Unknown command: bot_strafe_percent
Unknown command: bot_use_entities
Unknown command: bot_follow_actions
Unknown command: bot_use_flashlight
Unknown command: bot_create
Unknown command: bot_create
Unknown command: bot_create
Unknown command: bot_create
Unknown command: bot_create
Unknown command: bot_create

and lots more "Unknown command: bot_create" lines

but no bots.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

I've just pm'd you a bug report (it's a bit long to post here, since I've included the error and version data, in case it's relevant).

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

Fantastic! Downloading now.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM


Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

Thanks for the update, mate. Can you not just disable the flame-thrower, and release the mod now, and then work on the flame-thrower for the next version?

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

I'm told it's almost always the last things to do before release that take up ninety percent of the time :o(

Anyway, thanks for posting, and don't worry, we fans know that delays are sometimes inevitable. And I'm sure the flamethrower will make it all worthwhile!

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

That's great, mate. Don't rush it out, of course, a good mod is always worth waiting for.

BTW, Happy New Year to you and everyone else (modders and players).

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ XDM

Do you have a rough estimate regarding the next release, please?

What names are you considering for the mod? Black Mesa Arena might be good, or Lamda Tournament. Or Crowbars at High Noon (maybe not!).

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ //XDM3038 c: FIX after testing

Really looking forward to this! The delays are unfortunate, of course, but we all know that bugs and things crop up and can't be predicted (and please don't think that we don't appreciate the hard work that goes into this great mod).

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ GMDX

No problem, thanks for considering it. I can't remember if Invisible War had different GUIs, either, I.W. isn't too memorable, is it?

I think I.W. would have been much better if it had used an engine that didn't concentrate so much on realistic shadows and light sources, and instead allowed swimming and much bigger playing areas. And more animated NPCs and skill points, but I think the lack of those were down to deliberate design choices rather than engine limitations.

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ Optimizing Performance

What did you do to fix it, please?

It's a good idea to always post what you did to fix something, so that anyone with the problem in the future can fix it too.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ GMDX

This mod is amazing, not least because it blows the formerly brilliant Shifter out of the water! Shifter is still great, but this is my default Deus Ex mod now.

But the one thing I would really like to see is a first person control of the bots and mechs, as seen in Deus Ex Invisible War, where you can hack a control panel and so control the bots, and use them to scout ahead, or use them to shoot the enemy and anything else (i.e. shoot the cameras). Even better would be if you could get a hacker dart like in Project Snowblind, so that when you shoot the dart (called an 'Ice Pick' in Project Snowblind) into a bot then you can control the bot for a time.

Better still, maybe instead of this being something you hack the control panel or fire a dart to do, instead it could perhaps be a function of the spy drone, so that you launch a spy drone, fly the spy drone into the bot/mech, and then you are instantly controlling the bot for 59 seconds (or less, if you choose to abort the control), after which the bot is permanently disabled.

This would give a real reason for choosing the spy drone. It's great that you've reduced the huge cost of the spy drone's use, and made it invisible to the enemy (two changes they really should have made before shipping the game), but there's not a lot reason (if you aske me) to choose it over the Aggressive Defence aug, but being able to use the spy drone to control bots would definitely make it much more favourable (and fun!).

Good karma+3 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ GMDX

Thanks for answering, and please take as long as you need for the fixes, GMDX is great and deserves whatever time needs to be spent upon it.

I'm glad it's so obvious how passionate you are about the mod, as it's then clear to us that you won't be abandoning it, at least not until it's as good as it can be.

Good karma+3 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ GMDX

GMDX v8 is fantastic, and works fine on both my laptop and my desktop. Do you have any idea when v8.1 will be available though, please?

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure

The mod is great, well worth the wait. Thanks for all the hard work, Leon.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure

By the way, I was disappointed in Prospekt (in answer to someone who posted here a few days ago), it seemed so generic and lacking in individuality and fun. I've been replaying Azure Sheep on the first Half-Life, and I'd recommend anyone waiting for Leon's new mod to play the following mods for the original Half-Life.

The They Hunger trilogy,
USS Darkstar
Azure Sheep

and the commercial expansion pak, Opposing Force (which Prospekt was supposed to be the sequel to, even though it doesn't feel like it at all).

Any more HL1 mods that anyone would recommend, please?

Good karma+3 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure

I find it strange too. Leon, if you get a minute, please post to say that you're OK.

The mod's delay doesn't matter, it's just unusual for you not to post, so please let us know that nothing is wrong.

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure

Fair enough mate. We know we're almost there now, and a few days or so aren't going to hurt!

Good karma0 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure


Congratulations on killing the bug, I know it was really irritating you. Thanks for letting us know that it's now a thing of the past, and please keep us updated until the release.

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ Jaguar Alien vs Predator Doom

This sounds intriguing! I've never played AvP on the Jaguar, even though I love first person shooter/explorer/action games, so I'll definitely be watching this mods progress.

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure

It's coming, probably within the next week or two.

Good karma+2 votes
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure

Thanks for the update mate, and I hope you and your family and friends are coping as well as can be expected at this time.

On the subject of the mod, we're all looking forward to it, but we don't mind waiting. It'll be finished when it's finished, and we all have lots of games and mods we can play/replay until you decide The Closure is ready for release.

Good karma+1 vote
ConkerFPS7 - - 55 comments @ The Closure

I do agree that the white glitch isn't much of a problem (assuming it's no worse now than it is in the video at Youtube.com), and it does perhaps add to the game as it shows when you have been hit.

Personally, if that's the only remaining problem then I'd say release the mod now, but it's your project, of course, and so your choice.

Good karma+1 vote