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some crap

[GOTIS]Katze Blog 1 comment

There is a certain amount of bias in every person. Be it, their religion, what they've been told, what they've seen, simply being who they are and where they live affects it. I will certainly never say that I am not biased. But I shall say that relatively there are some who are much more biased than I am. Some people may call these people "stupid" other just as biased would consider them to have "true values". But either way its not their fault, and bias isn't always bad. But in some cases, it is.

As some may know, I'm a Sapphist, or lesbian if you prefer the term. And as can easily be assumed I'm bashed for it. By Christians mostly, who consider homosexuals to be evil. I'm also a liberal, and im bashed for it as well, my "tree-hugging", "commie" views make me "stupid". And finally my family is poor, so obviously my daddy is too lazy to get a good job, and/or spends all of his money on alcohol/drugs/cigarettes, and it also means I'm dirty and lazy too.

Of course.

While, I'm not trying to pay disrespect any one else's views, I would like to say that one should make his or her choice of beliefs for him or herself, instead of parroting the beliefs of others. That's propaganda working. So think about it, before you decide that, "GAYS R EVIL" or "LESS TAXES" or "OBAMA SUX" or "SOCIALIZM = DICTATORSHIP". What makes homosexuals evil I don't know, less taxes got us into this mess, Obama prevented the mess from getting worse, and socialism is an economic system in what world is that means for it to be a government, a dictatorship at that? I believe if a woman gets pregnant accedentally, she has the right to choose to not continue bearing it, until a few weeks before birth it doesn't even have a brain. All people deserve to have healthcare, why should they not? Insurance is literally paying a company and getting nothing in return. Privately owned companies haven't the right to steal the sweat from the backs of their workers and keep the money for themselves. And religion has no place in schools, thats discrimination against religions that aren't taught in schools.

I just don't see why radical leftists (communists or anarchists) are chastised and not worth listening too, while radical right-wingers (conservatives, tea party) are all too common.

That's a little bit of what I'd like to say, and all I shall.

Shall't thou commence to helpeth me?

[GOTIS]Katze Blog

*streamers and confetti*
Now that I have made this profile I shall attempt to create a mod for the game Star Wars: Empire at War! However I haven't any experience with any sort of modding before. Thus, I recquire recruits for the following positions:

SKINNER (important!)
CODER (a bit more important!)

Though thats two out of the three main jobs, I myself do fill the position as MODELLER and CREATIVE DIRECTOR. I've got blender and my first model ever, a soviet spaceship, so I actually fill a position this time! I have, also, pages of concept art! Though I can, myself, model I would enjoy a second modeller to speed mod progress.


I know everyone loves communism! And what better fits communism than SOVIET RUSSIA? Now what if Russia had declared war on America? And then conquered the solar system, crushed America, invented interstellar travel, enslaved aliens, harvested Venucian trees, and invented gaseous lysergic acid diethylamide? And furthermore a small rebellion known as the Insurgium has sprung up and the Soviets have to fight them while they try to regain freedom! Well that's what this mod is about. For more information regarding the mod and/or wish to join the process contact me and soon there'll be soviet spaceships firing lasers at some rebel guys!

ComradeKatzen signing out.