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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 51)
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Rise of Nationality

Hey mod devs.

I don't think ( or hope ) this was born out of foul intent, but these are very sensitive topics and your description of the Russo-Georgian could be a bit more impartial. It is basicaly a copy paste of the Russian narrative.
Those conflicts in Georgia didn't exist "always" but became prominent in the 20th century as a result of Bolsehvism and Sovietization. The country is literaly thousands of years old and it's peoples lived, fought and tried to survive mostly against foreign invaders.
Georgia launched a full scale operation, but even the IFFM states it was provoked by the separatists. So it didn't begin by Georgia waking up some day and declaring "hippity hoppity, get off my property".
The conflict escalated as a result of both sides provoking and stinging eachother over the years, and the separatists were able to do so because they had full backing, received support, armament and training from Russia the entire time, violating their peacekeeping mandate, which states them to do the exact opposite and remain impartial, a gorillion times over. Even Russians don't hide the fact they do so just to prevent Georgia from joining NATO. They openly boast about it. Heck, I even understand their perspective and reasoning on that, but it has absolutely nothing to do with "peacekeeping". That is laughable. They have occupied territories that lay far beyond any conflict borders into the main land itself and most of the world recognizes it for what it is. An occupation.
I'm not writing this to start a political debate or to push a pro-Georgian narrative. I would just welcome if the descriptions were a bit more impartial. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but that's just the impression I got. That's all. Thank you.

Kindest regards,

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Skalgrim Mod 1.8.1 (Hotfix included)

I had a similar problem with the previous version, and I think late game save stability depends largely on how heavily you customized your campaign in regards to size.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Skalgrim Mod 1.8.1 (Hotfix included)

You're amazing. Thank you for this.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Skalgrim Mod

This is awesome. Thank you so much for your efforts !

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Skalgrim Mod

Nearly 2 years after release, the game still suffers random crashes. They should fix that first of all, and than unimportant stuff like EAC ... smh.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Hrafnkel


Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Skalgrim Mod

First of all, absolutly awesome work man !
Thank you for the clear and easy installation guide.
I'm having a total blast with the epic fluff based titans you created, and better battle scale. It really feels genuine and hitting the mark. Great job.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Skalgrim Mod

You can customize your campaign. Granted I only tried Necrons in skirmish so far, but they seem to kick absolute ***.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Imperator Somnium

I wanted to say "Fair enough" on that, but then remembered that the Phalanx is in the game lol

Would probably take a lot of time. Fair enough in that regard though.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Imperator Somnium

Brilliant, are you also gonna add ships like the Sparenza and the Rock ?

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ New Tyranid Titan - Infected Behemoth

Your work looks amazing. Great job !

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Victorian Era

Unfortunate. Still very much looking forward to this. Thank you : )

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Victorian Era

These new models look bloody amazing. I was not aware this mod was getting such a huge update. Will you include units from the South Caucasus in the Russian army trees, or Georgian principalities ? Georgians in particular played a decicive role during the Caucasian war.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ European Warfare : Napoleonica

Ok and what is the fix ?

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Samarsk Uprising - Wh40k Total Conversion

Yeah I feel you.
But I remember the modding community of A3 / BI forums being very useful and supportive when you just asked for help. I mean that's what those ppl do.
Have things changed now ? haven't been up-to date.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ The American Revolution Mod

The United States 1700 campaign is unstable for me. Random crashes just about when it's my turn again. Not always but like half the time.

At first I thought it had to do with certain units or buildings, but it's completly random.

Would really love to try that one.

Other campaigns work fine.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ The American Revolution Mod

For people who have the "Font" issue, make sure you have the game language on English. You can easily change that in Steam ETW properties.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ The American Revolution Mod v3.2 Tenth Anniversary Edition

NVM lol
You literaly just have to change the game language. Mine was in German. So it worked when I changed it to English both in Steam and alsot he mod

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

Game stability has significantly improved, thank you for your work. Only real issue I got is that it still keeps perma freezing after a while, about 1 hour, sometimes 30 mins in. Mostly on the galaxy map. Can't figure the cause, my rig is pretty good.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Samarsk Uprising - Wh40k Total Conversion

Holy Emperor, why are you alone on this one ???? you deserve far more attention.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

I don't think anyone can really tell the percentage, but you can visit the mod thread on twcenter (http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?1767) which shares a little more information on the status of the mod. There you will find the 'Campaign Map Master Thread' too.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)


So in that case, historicaly Queen Tamar was the regent of the KoG in 1212. However, she dies only a year later. So, idk what would be better:

1. Have her be the faction leader, with the above mentioned successor George IV - also known as "Lasha Giorgi" ( George Lasha ) be the heir <- which would also be absolutly historicaly accurate.

2. Or start with Georgie IV right away. However date wise that would be a year off, as he became king in 1213.

What would be the alternate starting dates ?

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

Hey, thanks for replying.

So, what exactly qualifies for your mod ? the most famous regents from 1212 - 1500 - also generals ? and how strict are you on the dates ? like does it strictly have to be someone from 1212 onwards or can it also be 1200 ?

For the proper time period here would be some suggestions for regents:

George IV of Georgia (rule: 1213-1223) - successor of Queen Tamar the Great. Fought bordering rebellious muslim vassal states. Then pledged to Pope Honorius III to partake in the 5th Crusade but a Mongol surprise attack on the KoG crushed his crusader army and wounded him at the end of his reign, which arguably decicively contributed to it's failure.

George V the Brilliant (rule: 1330-1346) - recovered the kingdom from a century of Mongol domination and division, restoring it's previous might and unity.

Alexander I of Georgia (rule: 1412-1442) - was the last ruler of a unified KoG - relatively peaceful period after recovering from Turco-Mongol invasions. However could not prevent the inevitable fragmentation of the kingdom. Was one of the longest rules.

Now, alternatively, if you are not *THAT* strict with dates, then one imo very fitting candidate could be:

Queen Tamar the Great (rule: 1184 to 1213) - was the most famous and regarded Queen regent of the KoG. Initiated many legal reforms. Expanded on the exploits of her predecessors, she commenced several successful military campaigns against local muslim factions and the Sultanate of Rum in particular, initiating the so called "Golden Age" for the Kingdom of Georgia. Additionaly with her Chaldia expedition she helped in the establishment of the Empire of Trebizond and also reconquered territories previously lost to the Byzantine Empire.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Medieval Kingdoms Total War (Attila Version)

Will you eventualy add an iconic leader for the Georgians in addition to the generic generals ? that be cool, thanks ;3

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

Thank you for your reply LoRdNazgu1 ! :)

Yes I'm playing TESTW 1.6, installed the 'tree fix' right away.

Beforehand some further details.
When the crash occured I was at war with the faction Dagoth. I don't know if it connects somehow, but out of curiosity I loaded an earlier savegame and negotiated a ceasefire. That seemed to have solved it temporarily. ( If I didn't cease conflict, it kept crashing even when loading earlier saves ).
Now at Turn 62 being at war with a couple other factions, it does the same, and again when it's the Aldmeri Dominion's turn.

Here's what the log says:

04:34:49.176 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
04:34:49.176 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Sep 5 2014 version development ===
04:34:49.176 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
04:34:49.176 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
04:34:49.176 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
04:34:49.176 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
04:34:49.176 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
04:34:49.176 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
04:37:05.194 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ The Elder Scrolls: Total War

The mod is fantastic !

All the more it saddens me that I'm getting a random crash in the campaign shortly after end of turn with a "has encountered an unspecified error and will now exit" message.
Playing as Empire. Turn is 39, crashes at the 'Aldmeri Dominion's' turn.
It seems to be a classic problem with M2 afaik, but I'm encountering this literaly for the first time and figured it might have something to do with the mod. Playing on Win 8.1 Otherwise runs smooth af.
Is there a way to fix that ?
I've installed the mod and the tree fix right away.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Broken Crescent 2.4.2 Invita

Georgian language hasn't changed too dramaticaly. It was more formal and romantic like English was back then, but if you used modern day Georgian it would be okay.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ SG EaW: TPC Launcher [Installer/Auto-Updater]

Can't wait for the campaign :3

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderYuri - - 51 comments @ Behind the scenes (done by Kekoulis & uncle_anaesthesia)

Absolutly fantastic. More than anyone could have hoped for / dreamed of.

Good karma+2 votes