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CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Wz2100UltimateScavsModMap

So I'm just curious; What exactly is this?..and (if only because of the screenshot) can one play as the scavengers in this mod?

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Ultimate Apocalypse Progress (November 2021)

(I am not a legal expert.)

Actually due to fair use copyright law so long as whomever does not try to take credit for or profit from “thing” they may do with it what they like.

So in short, while it is quit a rude entitlement complex and disrespectful of and inconsiderate towards a and having a free and open creative environment for whomever to demand that whomever else get their approval just to use something that they had happened to make (without effecting the original BTW;), neither you nor anyone requires any sort of permission or what have the to do whatever they want with the assets that another person has happened to make; as it should be: and thank goodness; if there weren’t Ssuch a law in place every person who had ever made any sort of a mod for a game ever would be thrown in jail; or at the very least horribly sued!..so yes just FYI!..

Good karma0 votes
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ C&C: ShockWave

In response to the content of the installer:

(I am not a legal expert.)

Actually due to fair use copyright law so long as whomever does not try to take credit for or profit from "thing" they may do with it what they like.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Red Alert 3: Revolution

In response to the content of the Installer:

(I am not a legal expert.)

Actually due to fair use copyright law so long as whomever does not try to take credit for or profit from "thing" they may do with it what they like.

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ What Happened



If there is no custom map support then how do you explain what comes up when you search supreme commander 2 custom maps on YouTube?..just as a basic example...


Good karma-5 votes
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

So I have been playing this for a while now and really like the rescaling and increased unit variety and also have a few things to say:

Firstly and perhaps most importantly, I strongly suggest that you all get rid of the tier system: while I appreciate that you all are trying to imitate the first supreme commander however in all honestly from everything I have heard and from my own gaming experience the tier system in supreme commander breaks the game and does not work; and tier systems at the very least when taken to their extreme do not work period; if only because when there is a tier system that either has say a 10+ step based upgrade system for unit(s) where in an un-upgraded unit is absolutely useless and/or a tier system that prevents the player from having access to a bunch of things until an exorbitantly priced upgrade is completed makes it so that it is not so much about strategical gameplay as it is about racing to “tier up” in that whomever gets there first becomes overwhelmingly powerful and no longer needs to really if at all worry about the strategical element. That is exactly what makes supreme commander 2s research system so well done is that not only dose it not just put everything behind a pay wall; as well as having a more limited number of upgrades that are also meaningful by not only improving units somewhat while not having it be to a ridiculous degree, and also augments units so that they have certain capabilities that they did not have before: it also makes research strategic by making it so that the player only has so many resources resulting in the player needing to choose what they research rather then them suddenly getting everything at once: so with With all of that in mind I would suggest...

1. Again stop thinking of the units and structures as belonging to tiers at least as such and think of them more as either; light, medium, heavy, and/or perhaps; basic, main line, advanced, and in turn try to have them be closer in stats so that while some units and structures will obviously be faster/stronger etc. then others there will not be some standard units at least that are inordinately more powerful or cost inordinately more then any of the others; and so that each unit and structure would have at least some use and/or be useful in at least certain situations: leave the inordinate power and cost to the experimentals;) though I would also suggest lowering the amount of time units in general take by a bit if only because the way things are set up makes the game kind of unplayable to be perfectly honest; I had played a game for 8 hours straight and was barely able to do much of anything really.

2. Give each faction a build cost and build speed upgrade in each of the 5 categories, give each faction a tactical missile launcher emplacement (like the ones the factories have) and torpedo turrets: and give an upgrade that finally gives experamentals personal shields...and I hope that you know that there is nothing wrong with adding some more at least modified content from the original:)...

So to wrap up my longer then expected comment I just have a few questions:

1. In regards to the connection points between buildings (e.g. between a power generator and shield generator) would it be possible to make it so that there could be connections made by just the corners of the buildings square circumferences touching?..and if so what would you all think about doing that?

2. What do you think about having experimentals cost a/couple/few research points to build, if only for the sake of trying to keep the resource relevant?

3. While fairly minor is there anything you can do to fix the misplacement of mass extractors on some maps?..and will you be adding any new maps in future updates?

4. Would it be possible to and if so are all of you planning to add the Seraphim at some point?

Good karma0 votes
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Do not ever and try to never be or get “sick and tired” of either working together or hearing things such as “we’re all in this together (so long as it is legitimate of course;)” if only because regardless of whatever whomever may think of it ultimately we are. I can only hope that this pandemic shows everyone one of the many reasons we need to have and live in societie(s)/countrie(s) that actually take care of all of their people and vice versa.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Europe In Ruins

Error report the axis transport truck for the defence doctrine has 0 population.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Europe In Ruins

(One more;)

Error report: the U.S. air-born doctrine’s Sherman (Amex. Tank) M4A3(75)W MP. cost is 9999: and possible error the Aerial Supplies description says “[Currently Disabled]”.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Europe In Ruins

CommanderLVJ 21hours ago
So firstly I saw this mod on steam in a purely curious search for any mods for company of heroes that would be on steam and learned about it on there and would strongly suggest you make an article on mod DB to inform anyone on here that the mod is now on steam. With that out of the way I just have a couple of questions:

1. Could your team please make a comprehensive video on YouTube explaining and talking about this mods gameplay mechanics and overall features? (I ask if only because trying to find information and instruction about the mod is at present an absolute nightmare.)

2. Will the soviets be added to the mod and will there be more content such as minor factions (perhaps in the form of say a Canadian or Italian doctrine) more units or base structure/fortifications or whatever content there could be in general?

P.S. If you and your team were to add some stuff just remember that you may be able to work with people who made mods such as eastern front and or Europe at war and that while (I am not a legal expert.) there is always fair use copyright law which states something along the lines of: that so long as you or whomever do not try to take credit for or profit from “thing” whomever is free to and may do with “thing” what they like.

Good karma+2 votes
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Halo Wars Leader Overhaul Mod

So I obviously have my own opinions and I know this may be sudden etc. before any of that however: I have played this modification for a while now and I have a few questions about what you ultimately want to do with it.

1. Do you plan to at least try to add any new leader powers?

2. How unique do you want/are you going to make each leader unit wise?..the warthogs for example, do you intend to make it so that each of the 4 leaders starts off with an unarmed scout with the ram upgrade needing to be researched before moving on to it’s unique weapon based upon which leader the player is playing as?..or do you plan to keep it as is?..and in regards to the marine squads; do you intend to keep the standard universal upgrade set they currently have or do you plan to take the other individual units e.g. the flamethrower the rocket launcher the sniper etc. and have all the individual units be a part of the marine squad via upgrade differing based upon the leader selected?..or do you plan to leave it as is?..same question for the base turret addons, do you plan to make it so that each of the 8 leaders has a unique addon for the base turrets; or do you plan to leave it as is?

Good karma+1 vote
CommanderLVJ - - 12 comments @ Star Trek: Armada 3

Speaking of the borg I noticed an error with their tech tree where not only is the tactical sphere available to research before the regular sphere is but is also required in order to be able to research the regular sphere.

Good karma+1 vote