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Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

Really glad that July/August update came through.

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life


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Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

fall update? ;)

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Colemon - - 32 comments @ Collision Course

I love the idea guys! Keep up the great work.

Just a suggestion which I guys don't think you will go for, but I figured I'd suggest it anyways...the other JP mod, which is now dead, released all the work they did. The Visitor's Center isn't too great, but the Jurassic Jeep looks great and functions perfectly. There is also a raptor's pen which is scaled a little small, but can easily be made bigger. Of course you would have to ask them for permission to use these objects (I'm sure they wouldn't care since the mod is now dead).

I also realize making your own dreams come true by yourself is a lot more exciting then just taking someone else's stuff...just thought I'd share that with you :P

Anyways, good luck :)

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP:Demo

Can someone please give me a quick walkthrough on how to install this, or at least give me a link to a website that will? I've tried every possible thing to get this baby running. I've kept every file in there and just loaded it up in Editor/Singleplayer mode and of course the map works, but no objects show because there not installed correctly..and I've also tried putting the files in the correct Crysis folders (objects in objects folder, map in level folder, and so on). HELP!

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

Well release what you have at least. How can you quit and then just trash all the stuff you've been working on for so long. At the very least release vehicles and the incomplete VC. SOMETHING. IF YOUR TELLING ME I'VE WASTED 10MINUTES EVERYDAY FOR THE PAST 2YEARS VIEWING THIS GAME THEN YOU CAN SUCK MY FAT ******* LEFT TESTICLE.

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

release something :D !!!!

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

It's been a month and no update :'(

Good karma0 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

Is it hard to have it go from a prop to a drivable vehicle? Maybe just have a prop version for multiplayer so we can drool over it and if it's not too hard, make it a drivable vehicle as a bonus for like singleplayer or something...

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

Thanks for the quick response. I have no problem waiting for the same reasons you listed. I'd rather wait for a good, completed mod than a half-*** one. Keep up the great work! Before I forget to ask you once again...I'm sure there is some surprise content you'd rather keep quiet until the release, but if you don't mind answering this: I was looking back at the old '93 Ford truck pictures you uploaded and I realized it hadn't been brought up in a while...will it be released as a vehicle to drive since theres no real point of having it on a track since there is no singleplayer? Or have you guys just decided to leave it out? Doesn't really matter...I'm happy enough with the jeep :)

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

Two more days till January is over. Can we expect a possible demo before February? Or unlikely?

Good karma+2 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

I was just thinking how it really shouldn't be a big deal that there is no singleplayer..think about it. Multiplayer will be a blast, but what if you just want some free roam by yourself? I'm not sure if it's as easy as this but why couldn't someone just create their own map from scratch with tons of trees/dirt roads (I realize not everyone knows how to create a map, but just creating a big flat map loaded with trees and plants can't be too difficult) and import the dinosaurs, VC, jeep, raptor pen, and all the other stuff? You could have dinosaurs spawn wherever you want. Obviously this would be for personal use only and should not be distributed, unless of course the creators are ok with people releasing there own version of JP. Just an idea for all those who are angry that it's an online game only.

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

Please have an update soon! Remember that new years resolution you made..one update every month..four more days till January is over :)

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

So what else is left on the to do list? Tons of texturing and fixing bugs? Oh and making the underground bunker?

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Kitchen WIP

Wow! Seems like theres a possibility a demo can be released before January is over!?

Good karma+2 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Rotunda In-Game WIP

Loving the daily updates! Tomorrow will be the jeep video right? :)

Good karma+2 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Teaser :)

beautiful. that track running in front of the VC, is that for the Ford's, or thats just a random line?

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod


Good karma+2 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ It is coming very soon.

Imagine if the winch worked :p

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

I've been following this mod everyday for quite a while also...this, the Jurassic Park mod for Crysis Wars and recently Primal Carnage are the ones I've really paid attention to. Jurassic Life=best singleplayer, Jurassic Park=best multiplayer, Primal Carnage should be good in both categories :).

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ New sandbox demo of JP coming today.

Same, I can't wait wait any longer!

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Primal Carnage-Concept Art

I like the two on the left, but the front and rear are so-so. Instead of having the goofy looking "cage windshield" on the drivers side, just have it the same as the passengers windshield. That random big light has to go, just make it a full light bar with normal sized lights...looks like a random magnifying glass chillin sideways :)

Good karma0 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ WIP Visitors' Center released for testing

When I load it theres a few errors. One is something about an error with weapons.xml and after it finally loads there is nothing but trees and a yellow ball floating where I guess the Visitors Center is supppose to be. Does my editor need to be updated?

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

has the release date been pushed back or is tuesday still the big day :) ?

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

I want this game more then anything, but if you guys haven't finished by December 1st, please continue working on it and maybe aim for a January 1st release :)

I don't mind waiting an extra month so you guys can get everything completed.

Good karma+2 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ JP Mod

How many updates can we expect before the deadline?

Good karma+2 votes
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

now thats a well said reply. And sent quickly. Now if only pictures could be posted as quickly as your reply =)

I'm just anxious to see this mod come to life, just as every watcher/developer for this mod is.

Oh and I knew from your english you were not French, you can actually speak correctly =0

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

one picture..Wow. I'm looking forward to another update by next year with one picture and another "we STILL need you" picture to go along with it. You guys blow at updating. And your response to my lovely message? "Well we need more members to help us build this mod" or "stop your complaining and help the team out". Don't give me that crap. Hell I can write a damn book in the time it takes for you guys to release a ball sack picture of Uncle Sam. Step up the game frenchies.

Good karma+1 vote
Colemon - - 32 comments @ Jurassic Life

its may..you guys always release an update in may =]

Good karma+2 votes