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Comment History
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ PREDATOR - THE HEAT OF THE JUNGLE

It's not about what you ask, it's about the 'idea behind it'. And you don't need advertisement? LoL, a mod which doesn't need advertisement... that's new to me! Remember, registering on moddb is also a form of 'advertisement'...

But mate, let's not argue about it. Everybody has his own opinion. I will visit your mod once in a while because I'm a great fan of the predator. So keep up the good work and good luck!

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ PREDATOR - THE HEAT OF THE JUNGLE

First of all, because it's free advertisement maybe? It's an honor to be published in a game-magazine. Normally, you are the one who has to pay for such advertisment, not the other way! You are not Rockstar guys!

And second, it's sounds like your idea is 'copyrighted' or something. And I really support your work but remember, your idea is based on the idea/creation of someone else...

That sentence was just really misplaced imo. Sorry for the bad english, I'm from Belgium.

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Lost World Returns

Ok, thx for the fast reply mate!

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Lost World Returns

This mod is really looking good guys, keep up the good work! Are you looking for more 3D-modellers? Cause I study gamedesign and I have some experience with 3D max and Photoshop (texturing, that is). So if you can use my help, just let me know!

Dino's rock!

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ PREDATOR - THE HEAT OF THE JUNGLE

'To games magazines publishers: I only will agree to allow this mod to be published if I receive the mag issue for free which has this mod included ofcourse.'

No offense, but that sounds pretty ridiculous to me. Or is there a reason for such thing?

Good karma0 votes
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Completed Weapons

Sweeeeeeeeeeet! :p

Good karma+2 votes
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Black Mesa

That trailer is really AWESOME!

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ First 3D Renders of a Hatchet

The wood looks strange, the iron part looks like it's made of stone and the blood doesn't look realistic.

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ TAC Fighter

I love the design!

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Jurassic Park SNES song remake 1

That's they way to go my friend! For a developer, it's diffucult to keep his work for himself (in the beginning) but at the end, it's the best strategy I think. Most of the time, mods die because there aren't enough updates and people loose their interest (so the developers are not motivated anymore so they quit). OR you create a hype and at the end, the game just sucks. I notice that a lot of people or waiting for the JP-mod (including me!) and I really, really hope that the final product won't fail. But to be honest, I think they will deliver a great game at the end. Those guys know what they are doing and they are not pushing the game. A little bit more updates would be welcome because sometimes you get the feeling that they forgot their own mod! Haha!

Offtopic: What did you think about STALKER? I was never interested in that game but a few months ago, I bought the special steelcase edition (second handed) and I must say: Best FPS I played since Half-life 2. The game was not perfect but the atmosphere was really awesome. Looking forward to the sequel!

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Jurassic Park SNES song remake 1

You are a smart guy. Most people start advertising their mod from the very first beginning withouth having any content to show. And that's just stupid because why promote something withouth having any kind of media to show?

Good luck with your mod!

Good karma+2 votes
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Jurassic Park SNES song remake 1

Thx for the fast reply!

Damned, when you hear the original and then you hear the 'remix' you made: I even more appreciate your track!

May I ask you which mod you are working on yourself?

Brick Top

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Jurassic Park SNES song remake 1

Sounds really good mate, great job!!! I never played the SNES game so I know nothing about the original. But this remake really sounds 'Jurassic Park' in my opinion.

You should also look at other jurassic park/lost world games (Megadrive, playstation,...) because sometimes they also have awesome music (music that isn't used in the movie). Trespasser (PC) also has some good music.

Good luck with it and again, awesome!

Good karma+2 votes
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Lost World Returns

What's wrong with posting renders? People like every kind of media! Renders, artwork, ingame footage,... it doesn't matter. That's how you motivate people to check your mod every single day. The Deinonychus really looks good by the way.

But I have a question for you guys. I just checked your website and the media from the moment you were still working with the ArmA engine. Why the hell did you ever decide to use THAT engine? I am a big OFP/ArmA fan but why would it be a good engine to use for a game like yours? In my opinion, that was a really bad choice. That engine is awesome to create simulator-games but it's way to 'clean' to create an 'emotional' game with a good storyline. What was wrong with the Far Cry engine for example? And even today (with the hardware of today), Far Cry still looks very good!

Switching to the Crysis engine was the best decision of the century. I only played the demo (didn't like the gameplay) but when you release your mod, I buy Crysis immediatly! Keep up the good work guys!

Oh yes, one more thing. I really like the other mod too (Jurassic Park) but why does that game always appears in the list of 'popular mods' and Lost world not? N/o JP-guys but for the moment... The lost world looks a lot more promising! But I know you guys are having a lot of problems with the permission-shizzle.

ps. Sorry for the crappy english!

Good karma+2 votes
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Images

Damned dude, that's sick!!! Are those 'attacks' scripted or random? Because it would be great to have dinosaurs who act like real dinosaurs. So when they are hungry, they search for food. When they are tired, they sleep. ...

I know this requires some kick-*** AI, I even don't know if it's possible or not. Can you give me the answer?

Sorry for the crappy english!

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Images

Damned guys, this looks just AWESOME! Stupid question maybe but is this ingame?

Good karma+3 votes
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Thompson Demonstration

Thompson looks awesome... And I've already seen a lot of Thompsons ingame :)

Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ JP Mod

I am a big dinosaur fan (lol) and a big Jurassic Park fan... So I'm really looking forward to this game. For the moment, I don't own Crysis but when you guys release your mod, I go to the shop to buy Crysis!

And when you create a movie-mod... you will always have problems. I've seen it with a star wars mod (battlefield42), I've seen it with a Lords of the Ring mod (HL2). It's always something! So I wish you guys a lot of luck, you earn it!

Good karma+2 votes
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ Creating a Weapon for Source

I have seen a lot of tutorials but this is the best one by far. Thank you so much man, it's because of people like you that people like me can also learn how to model!!!!


Good karma+1 vote
Brick_Top - - 20 comments @ In Game Alpha Build Footage!!!

Damned, nice trailer guys! Looking forward to this game! Keep up the good work.

What's the name of the beautiful music btw?

Good karma+1 vote