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BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever ™


I have been writing to you for the last 5 years about issues with this mod. The mod looks great, but it's nothing but issues. I've never had a problem with the original game from UBI. I have no issues with any other game on my computer and my computer itself runs rock solid.

Your game crashes to the desktop at random when I'm in the middle of a great game. Today I was in the middle of a game and all the sudden I lost all control over my units. Harvesters stopped working, they parked themselves next to the refineries but were standing still. They were not responsive to my clicks. My fabricators stopped building what they were in the middle of doing. In other words, as soon as they start to build, the object they were about to build just disappears and they stop.

You mentioned to me that you have no way of creating log files from the game because you don't have the source. If you don't have the source code that's understandable. But as far as I'm concerned no matter how beautiful the game is, it's a failed project that doesn't work. If I were you I would try to contact someone who worked on the game for UBI as difficult as that might be. You keep telling people to delete the root folder. I've tried all your suggestions for the last 5 years. Nothing works. The original game works.

Your mod has an issue and it's not going to get fixed by the same redundant suggestions. You need the source, you need logs.

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ «Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever ™» v.8.8.0

This new 8.8.0 version is giving me random green video screens and sometimes the video will just disappear, but I can still hear the game running. If I tab out of the game a few times, the video will come back. And I am still haveing random crashes to the desktop. The game will freeze and then I'm thrown back to my desktop. But this video issue is something new.

The original CFW never crashes on it. It's something to do with this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever 7.7.7

What I'm finding is, This issues seems to be related to the Mantis race. Because when I only play with Terran and Celarean, I don't have any crashes. There is something going on with the Mantis race.

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever ™» v.7.7

What I'm finding is, This issues seems to be related to the Mantis race. Because when I only play with Terran and Celarean, I don't have any crashes. There is something going on with the Mantis race.

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever ™» v.7.7

I thought I had this crash issue resolved when I changed from a wireless mouse to a wired one. The game is still crashing. I had 4 crashes to the desktop this week. Windows 7 Spk1

As I mentioned time and time again, I have no issues with the original CFW. So what ever is going on is definity related to this mod. I doesn't matter if you say no one else is having an issue. I am having one, and this is the only game I'm having issues with. I have a few other games on this computer and they don't have any issues. So I don't know AllGray. You can't seem to find the issues and I've been complaining about it for over 3 years now. If it crashes in the middle of a game it's not a game. I find it hard to believe that no one else out there is having this same issue.
There is an event log in windows for this:

A request to disable the Desktop Window Manager was made by process (Conquest) The Desktop Window Manager was unable to start because a composited theme is not in use
Event ID: 9010 and 9003

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever 7.7.7 Patch

Hello AllGrey

I'm thinking it was my mouse. I've been using a Microsoft wireless 3500 for a few years. The mouse just went bad so rather then getting another USB mouse, I went back to a standard wired PS2 mouse. I have not had a crash since. It could have been the mouse driver also.

I've never been a fan of USB devices, hard drives.. ect. USB is fine for cameras and things like that, but I don't trust hard drives with USB interfaces. It's proven to be too unstable over all the years I've relied on it. For example, I only use (internal) hard drives via bays on the front of my computers to backup my data. USB sucks. Anyway, No more crashes in CFW2 since I replaced the mouse.

Good karma+2 votes
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever 7.7.7 Patch

Ok, but when I installed the patch over the top, I got two separate folders created in (C:\Games), one named CFW and the other Conquest..ect. But the folders were the same size. The CFW icons on my desktop also had an ugly null icon. I also got the DACOM.dll missing error when I tried to load it.
So I uninstalled from the windows CP and also manually removed all the folders in (C:\Games) and just reinstalled the Frontier Wars Forever 7.7.7, without the patch. The game ran for about 30 mins and then crashed to the desktop.

AllGrey, I'm sorry but there is something wrong with the code in this mod. I've been taking about this for a few years now. I put the game on my friends computer last night and it crashed after an hour of play. Now this morning it crashed on my system after 30 mins. The thing to note is, I can install the original CFW from from the original developers and it never crashes.

By the way, why is it that on this site (you) can only receive good + karma votes? No one can ever disagree with your statements?

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever 7.7.7 Patch

I've been running previous versions from ver 7.7.7, now that I've upgraded, )removing the old folder first for a clean install), I get a DACOM.dll missing from windows 7

Also, why is there a second file labeled patch when it's actually a full install? Is it a patch or a full install?
That confuses people. I ended up overwriting my directory because I thought it was a patch. It should be labeled a new version if that is in fact what it is.
Now I have to uninstall and hope I can get the old version to run again. I've never seen this DACOM.dll missing error before.

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever ™

This is by far one of my favorite games, and mod.

Sady I've been having issues with this mod since it came out. I've talked to you in the past about this AllGrey, and without you having the ability to implement a log system to track errors, I don't know how we're going to resolve this. It's getting annoying to the point where I'm not even wanting to play it. I've re Installed Windows 7 on multiple occasions as well as the game. I've been though multiple video driver upgrades as well as different videos cards. I'm running the latest version of the game at this time: v7.7. Nothing has has changed with regard to these issue on my end.
I've tried attacking platforms with Ctr for each race as you mentioned, I can't seem to reproduce the issue at will. What's difficult is, these issues don't just happen at the beginning of a game, They always happen half way though the game.

I'll give you three examples: I'll be in the middle of a great game and all the sudden, nothing will respond. You can hear the game working, but none of the units are moving on screen. Sometimes other things happen. Like everything will be moving, but I can not control them. clicking on units and telling them to do something, they ignore me. Its as though there is a problem with a script somewhere. The third issue I'm having is sometimes the game will just crash to the desk top. It seems to be an issue when I have Mantis in the game. If a play a game with out the Mantis army, then I don't recall getting crashes. But I get a crash almost every other game I play. It's really getting frustrating. I have no issues with any of the other games I have installed on this computer, ArmA3, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, Sudden Strike..ect. NO issues with my other games.

If I were to install the original CFW on my computer, I have no issues with it. There is something wrong with a script in this CFW2 mod. I contacted you about this over 2 years ago. Nothing has changed. You need some kind of error log system to track this.


Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever 5.9 [En-Ru]

Sorry AllGrey, As I said before, this game crashes on me every time I get a good game going. The original CFW never crashed. There is an error in your code as we discussed before in multiple emails. I was not able to pin point the issue as you asked me to. Without a logging system to track errors, I don't know how this is going to be fixed. But this is getting annoying. I can't play this anymore because it's constantly crashing. No issues with the original CFW though. It's too bad because it's a great mod!

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever ™

Disregard. the message below AllGrey. I see how the PM system works now. Sorry about that. I sent you a privet message. Did it go though ok? I'll send you what ever you need to resolve this issue if possible. Again, I'm having no issues with he original standard Conquest Frontier game crashing. Only the Mod. And sometimes it will freeze where you still hear the talking and sound, but clicking things won't do anything. That issue is more rare. But the crashes are more common and really make it impossible to play.

Good karma+1 vote
BoSS-Starstreams - - 12 comments @ Conquest 2 - Frontier Wars Forever ™

How do I contact you AllGrey? I can't find the link to your contact. I'd like to send you log files, or what ever you need to troubleshoot this issue.

Also, I'm having trouble finding my posts on this form unless I bookmark them. The main download section of the site for CFW 2 is not reflecting all the posts.

My original message below before I became a member:

Conquest 2 v5.8 En is crashing just as 5.7 was on my win 7 machine. I keep my system very clean with minimal things running. The original CFW never crashes on me. I love this mod though. Can someone please tell me how to generate a log file or where it's stored, and where to submit it for the mod team?

I can't even play the mod because every time I get a good game going it crashes to the desk top.
Again, not an issue with my original CFW (which happens to also be installed on this machine).

Good karma+1 vote