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Please try out my Louies RPG game! I really want to know what you all think, thanks! I will become your friend in return! :D

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Be Ready

BlackLouie Blog

If you need help on the game when you start playing, here are the game controls:

Shift is to dash on the map.

Space Bar is to talk to a person or open an action, meaning to trigger an action.

Esc is to open up the menu where you can save your progress, in the 3rd dungeon you will not be able to save until you reach a save point, this goes for dungeons 4 and beyond as well. But you are free to save in towns.

When you start the game, you will be in the forest. If you need some help I will make some walkthroughs here about this game. Please don't be afraid to give feedback on the game. If you don't like it, then delete from your computer or the device you have it on, if you love it, great! Keep on waiting for the full version then!

Louies RPG

BlackLouie Blog


The Louies RPG is a new type of spin off from Bomberman, click on the link above to view the game and the information! You can try the demo now if you wish or wait for the full game which coming soon. It doesn't matter, as long as you like the game! Please do not complain about the enemies, they are there for a reason! You must fight them and level up, it is required that you are stronger in the game before you enter any dungeon. Thank you :D