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Hello, my name is David, but many people call me Viking IRL because i was a rave Dj / owned a Rave Production company. Proficient in Modeling / Mapping / Design i can't really code too well, but plan on starting school for Game design.

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Joined Return to Mana team

AzViking Blog

I'm excited because I joined the Return to Mana team today
The other team members all seem really nice, best mod team I've been on by far.
I had to design a giant cannon, going to start modeling it tomorrow,
They have a secret forum, for team members only, it's much more active than their regular forum.
I get to look at all the posts in the forum, about the progress in each area, and screen shots / W.I.P
I watched this mod for like 5 years, and now I get to see all the little gems it's hiding that others wont be able to see for a while. I get to join Alpha soon, either tomorrow or the next day.
The only bad thing about this I realize, is I won't be able to enjoy the game when it comes out, because I would have played it a million times already, but I guess it'd be cool to play with my other friends online for the first time, and seeing everyones reactions to the game and being able to point out the models I made, nvm, I think I'll have fun.
it's 5 am. I've been rapidly sketching drawings of Giant cannons for the past few hours and started the basic shape in blender.
I'm not really a Blogger, I only blog when i'm excited, like now.