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I am an electronics engineer, lover of video games and books of fiction and fantasy. I'm working with some friends in a digital board game, so we will soon start a Crowdfunding to finance it.

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Shadow Mirror, Fragments of Truth

Ayslin Blog

Soon it will be in one of the most important crowdfunding and JOIN THE MISTERY

What Is Shadow Mirror: Fragments of Truth?
Shadow Mirror: Fragments of Truth is a digital board game set in a contemporary world where mysteries, monsters and conspiracies mix with horror and dark humor. It is a game where you can travel unexpected paths which reveal exciting parts of the world's truths that you thought didn't exist.
As an interactive story that gives you paths with different endings, you can discover incredible truths in every mission with the help of various avatars players use in the game. Use different character cards to explore the rich world of Shadow Mirror: Fragments of Truth to reach the game's many endings.

  • Different characters - or avatars - with personalities and objectives that you can make your own
  • Interactive stories with different endings that vary with play style and chosen character
  • Hours of fun and discovery
  • A complex story of great profundity.

  • An accessible design and storyline that doesn't hinder casual players
  • A variety of character cards, items, locations, creatures (both enemies and allies), catastrophes, game boards and styles of narration
  • Plus many more surprises.

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