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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 58)
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Fixed Mos Eisley Ground Textures and Lighting

It is indeed. At least, I haven't had any problems.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Restored SBDroid destruction chunks, which were unused in SWBF2

Imo, it was most likely done to save memory on the console versions, but who knows lol

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Slightly Better Stock Sides [UPDATED]

Hello! I may implement the radiation launcher sound, improved Dooku and possibly the officer texture (if I can find it), but I'll probably make them optional. Sadly, changing the clone commander model would require scripting which might break multiplayer. Although I don't dislike the other suggested changes, they're not exactly bug fixes imo. The Grevious cape and Magnaguard chunks, for example, would require assets not found in the mod tools or the game itself. And Anakin's skirt-thing is a weird one; even after 'fixing' it, it still refuses to appear. That one really bothered me lol.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Fixed Polis Massa Light Bloom [REQUIRES SHADER PATCH]

>.< Sorry about that. Campaign was also broken, but I've fixed that now. Can you see if GC is fixed also?

edit: okay GC is fixed

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

I wish >.< but sadly, that's beyond me. A guy called Ansem was able to port space maps from pre-release versions of the game, though, which you can see here: Youtube.com

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Fixed Polis Massa Light Bloom [REQUIRES SHADER PATCH]

Download SleepKiller's greatly improved SWBF2 shaders here: Github.com

Good karma+3 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Kamino with Fixed Center Platform

Alright, the new one's up. Oh and I think I saw you in the Shader Patch discord? But anyway, I'll be uploading a fixed Polis Massa with better light bloom which requires Shader Patch. I just sorta realized how ugly it is by default lol.

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Kamino with Fixed Center Platform

Hello ;-) that's correct - all are compatible except the big spawn button. My sound fixes are compatible, but there's something I can do to make them work a little better with Anakin's menus. I'll try to upload an updated version tomorrow.

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Mos Eisley with Xbox/PS2 Ground Textures

Thanks! I'm glad someone else think so. So many of the PC changes were really bizarre. Oh and while this download is current, it doesn't link to my other fixes >.< which can be found here: Moddb.com

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Console Version Menus and Buttons

Sure, I can do that. It's actually there by default, as you probably know, but I removed it so that the menu would be less cluttered and also because I just alt+tab out and close the window lol. I'll upload an updated one shortly.

Good karma+4 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

I prefer that font too lol. I've tried to port it, but unfortunately haven't had any luck.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Sound Fixes, Temuera Morrison/SWBF1 Announcer VO

lol yeah that should be fine. however, my swbf1 VO addon includes announcer VO from all four factions. do you think it'd be a good idea for me to provide one which only includes the Republic/Temuera lines?

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

You're right o.o thanks. I won't link the PS2 sprinting animations here, since they cause a crash for a lot of people, but I will update my 'Larger Spawn Button' file so that it includes an improved HUD for those who use old-school 4:3 resolutions. I'll also remove the version which includes the PS2 animations, at least until I know what's causing it to crash.

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ PS2 Sprinting Animations

Sorry to hear that >.< If you don't mind, what other mods do you use and what version of the game do you have? I'll try to figure out what's causing it.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

The border box and loading bubbles might still be present, but the loadscreen itself only replaces the default 'red planet' one, that you see when loading up the game.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

yep, I'm pretty sure everything I've uploaded works online.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

Unfortunately, you'll have to choose between his maps or mine :l although Harrison did fix the Geonosis skybox in his version of the map.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Classic GCW Conquest - SWBF1-style Era Mod

Knight45 is correct - the AI can't be directly ported, sadly. But I did restore the SWBF1 tanks.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Classic GCW Conquest - SWBF1-style Era Mod

Eventually I might, but it would take quite a bit of time, so I can't make any promises.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Classic GCW Conquest - SWBF1-style Era Mod

Oh wait, I'm r3tarded and didn't have one of the necessary fields filled out. Should be available for download now.

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Classic GCW Conquest - SWBF1-style Era Mod

That's correct - I'm using the SWBF2 models wherever possible. I've actually uploaded the file already, but apparently it has to go through some kind of authorization process :s

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Console Version Loadscreen UI

I agree o.o but sadly, I haven't had any luck porting over the console version fonts.

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

Huh, that is interesting. I've put together kind of a 'lite' version without the sniper/EMP sounds, Jango hurt/death VO and I've also reworked the rebel sniper VO so that much fewer .wav files are loaded into memory. I'll send it to you to test, but I think I have to add you on here first.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

Sorry to hear that. Is it just the sound fixes, or does the Temuera voice addon also cause a crash?

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

Yep, it's done ;)

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Console Version Loadscreen UI

It just replaces the default 'red planet' loadscreen, the one used by mod maps that don't include their own. It shouldn't affect any other loadscreens, but the blue loading bubbles and border box will (probably) still appear.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

there shouldn't be any crashing, but the sound mod can cause certain custom maps to have muted sounds. unfortunately, that's something that can't be fixed :/

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ auri0n's Bug Fixes and Subtle Improvements

depends which other mods you're using. any mod that replaces the stock sides (Harrisonfog's Improved Sides, Battlefront Evolved) will be in direct conflict with my 'fixed' stock sides, and apparently my spawn button mod doesn't work with newer versions of Anakin's remastered menus. my mod definitely isn't for everyone - just people who want a slightly improved stock experience.

Good karma+1 vote
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Restored Natural Water Color for Kashyyyk

huh lol, you're right. Although that issue is present on the stock kashyyyk too. I'll look into fixing it, but I'm not great with scripting; I think it would require either a new mission.lvl or some kind of really creative userscript.

Good karma+2 votes
auri0n - - 58 comments @ Slightly Better Stock Sides [UPDATED]

actually, it's funny you mention that. a guy called sleepkiller developed a set of entirely new shaders and one of the features is more realistic lighting/bloom, which affects stormtroopers and clones. I believe the option is called 'disable brightness rescaling' or something like that. you can grab the latest build here: Github.com

Good karma+2 votes