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I'm a nice guy who loves games and modding, I'm a decent modeler and texturer and I first started modding games in 2007, when I started a mod for the RTS game Glest.

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I'm in the 0 AD team!!

amish13 Blog

Recently I just got the urge to model some roman buildings, so I went to the 0 AD website and downloaded a concept art picture from there. I started modeling that same day and finished it after two days. It turned out to be quite good so I posted a request to join the team. I was then contacted by the art team lead Michael Heafer. We chatted for about an 1 or so and he told me to model and texture a shark. I did it in two days(i think it was because i was excited) and sent it to him. He liked it and showed it to me in game. Then he said I could join the team!! I was so happy :) . But I couldn't jump in joy 'cause I was cutting onions. Anyways I' am now in the team and already finished two more models. You can now see them in game!
The Shrak

Models, Models, and more Models

amish13 Blog

We've got an idle modeler on board who is spewing out models fast. Fluffy203, has got nothing to do so he is making models, and he is quite good at making them. In the last 2 days he finished a building and completed a unit which was started by a fast rising newbie modeler archmage101. I'm going to start texturing these new models. I'll also try to texture the Oblivion Portal(which I think should be renamed Underworld portal) which was made by John d.h., and has got a nice animation. ATM I'm quite busy doing some illustrations for my mom so I'll start texturing in a few days time.