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Amatarasu, Map maker extraordinaire at your service!If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me here or at the link below. i look forward to your downloads in the future months to come. normally i make them once every two weeks to perfect them and check for bugs or longer if necessary

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long time ago...nah!

amatarasu Blog 1 comment

wow its been a while since i posted a blog... im not even sure if people read this anymore. but for those who do this will kill about 90 sec of your life so just a forewarning... anyway im glad i got some help on Alderaan's Rebirth 2.0. im currently fixing up some bugs in the skirmish settings andi've started on makeing new GC campaines for the mod, adding a new faction and new land units. this way its not just a space mod but a full allaround mod. any way i hope this lightnes things up for anyone curious enough to read this.


amatarasu Blog

finally the mod is complete and has been up loaded to filefront and moddb. just awaiting approval :)
i hope that everyone who downloads my mod will find it fun and exciting. there are new super weapons that i cant wait to tell you all so i'll announce them now! the rebels have the Rebel Destructor that fire a weak but effective super laser and the planetary ion cannon from its bow. the empire executor now fire the HVG from its bow. the underworld eclipse has a MK II version, smaller it can move easily through the battle field and fires the underworld starbase's super weap. for balance issues the super lasers can not target other super weapons since the executor does not have a super laser(they have the deathstar and it cant be targeted)

mod almost complete

amatarasu Blog

its finally finished. i need at least three days to test Alderaan's rebirth before i release it. its taken many months to finish this mini mod and i cant wait to unveil it to every one. after this i will be giving my all to help with the STAW mod. (Star Trek at War) thanks to all the people who helped me throughout this long process, with out their advise, this would no be possible.

new units

amatarasu Blog

iv'e added some clone wars ships to the mix and created my own one of a kind hero unit. Brudisious Vaunt. Brudisious can only be bought at merchant and Hutt bases. in skirmish can be bought by all factions. iv'e coded him so that he can be only used by one faction at a time, so its first come first serve. add;s a new unit type to the game, "Hired Mercenary" not saying there were never any mercenaries in the starwars universe, im just saying that there's not one in game. Boba Fett doesnt count he only works for the empire. this is a unit that can bought by all factions and not just one. also Unique sound effects for Brudisious in game. ill put up screen shots as soon as i can.

whats realy going on.

amatarasu Blog

OK. i know I've said a lot of things about my new map

Alderaan's Rebirth

but as this map is to be something special. i have decided to turn it in to a mini mod of sorts. so with out further a due. i announce that the map will not just be a map. but a mod of mini epic proportions! the map is finished yes but I and a friend of mine (DucksofGrass) are currently making a mod around the map. I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

almost comeplete!!!!

amatarasu Blog

final testing is underway. i would love to send the newest screen shots but I'm afraid that it would spoil all the nasty surprises in store for you! >:p if any of you really want me to reveal more about the map u can send me a message through my email and ill send them to you... depending on who it is or if im just really bored then those who i send them to must spread the word.

map progress

amatarasu Blog

had a problem with the rebels base till i found out it was the wrong prop. lol never happened before. been rushed this week with responsibility around the community (yard work and other things) so the map might be a day or two late, but I'd rather it be late than a piece of crap! XD but other than being pressed for time the map is coming along great and the game play is flowing smoothly. on another note i used a totally new skydome provided by Enceladus. so if u haven't downloaded his sky dome texture yet the zip file will provide the needed texture's. so this will be a completely original map. i will provide a "read me" file that will explain how to put the texture in your drive so don't worry about it. thanks for Enceladus's support for this map.

land map soon

amatarasu Blog


fter i finish the latest space map I'm working on, i will be making a land map. not very few idea's yet but i have had a few land maps to study from so that i can get pointers and idea's on how to make a great land map. the space map "Rebirth of Alderaan" I'm working on should be finished by Saturday of next week.(April 4 , 09) i still need to put more props, effects, and a strategic environment to make the player solve problems to advance and conquer, and last but not least test the map from all points of view to make sure its worthy for download. if anyone has any suggestions or anything u might like to see in my land map, let me know and ill put your request or idea into consideration.