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AstralClocktower joined

Astral Clocktower Studios is a women-owned independent game development studio based in the Northeast US. Founded in 2018 by Alexis Brutman, Tiffany Gomez, and Sarah Schaffstall, the ACS development team has since grown into a rich, robust, and diverse family of over 30 creators hailing from all over the world. Of this wildly talented team, over 30% identify as female, and our female members oversee and lead over 70% of the individual areas of development for the studio—including Production, Game Design, Level Design, Narrative Design, and Marketing. While still a fledgling developer working towards completing the demo for its inaugural title, Kristala, the Astral Clocktower culture and key pillars are centered around celebrating diversity, equality, and inclusion in the traditionally male-dominated gaming space. We encourage an “open door” atmosphere, free from judgement, that celebrates the vast and diverse cultures our team members represent and bring to our family.


