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I like to play video games and have a Youtube channel dedicated to gaming with the occasional tutorial. Games I like playing include L4D2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Minecraft, Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, Team Fortress 2 and the Legend of Zelda. I also like swimming, playing basketball and hanging out with friends. (I added this bit of info to make me look like less of a nerd :P)

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Halo: CE Anniversary on LEGENDARY!

AceGamer445 Blog

So I did the stupidest thing you could possibly do for a video game n00b like me. And that was play Halo: CE Anniversary on legendary difficulty.
And guess what.
I recorded the footage of me playing it and uploaded it to YouTube (at least the first part). And oh boy was it fun!! This is pretty much how I spent my weekend haha.
Anyway, you can watch the video below. I tried my best to keep the commentary funny and stuff, but for the most part it's just me raging and cussing out the game. If you like watching those kind of videos, then please, don't hesitate to click that play button!

Let's Play Terraria! *Update*

AceGamer445 Blog

Hey folks! I haven't posted a new blog post in awhile, but I thought I would give you an update on my Terraria series that I'm currently working on. So far, I have uploaded 3 new episodes since my last blog post and a new episode will be going up tonight.

So instead of eating up your whole screen with 3 embedded videos, I thought it would be easier to just give you guys a link to each of the videos. So if you're interested in watching these videos, just click on which episode you wanna watch below:

Let's Play Terraria! Episode 3: Exploring Caves
Let's Play Terraria! Episode 4: Searching for Caves
Let's Play Terraria! Episode 5: Still Searching for Caves!

If you liked any these videos, then please consider subscribing. I would really appreciate it and, plus, there will be more Terraria videos coming out soon!

Watch me play Terraria! Episode 2

AceGamer445 Blog

Hi again folks! It's AceGamer445 and my brother JkGamer28 with another episode of Terraria! In this episode, we go around causing global warming chopping down trees and finishing our houses. I know this sounds boring, (and trust me it is), but this brings us closer to going into the caves! Yay! Everyone loves caves, right?
Anyway, enjoy this week's episode and expect the next episode to be up on Friday! Make sure to subscribe for more Terraria, and maybe other content as well.

Lets watch me play Terraria!

AceGamer445 Blog

Recently, I got addicted to this game called Terraria. If you've never heard of it before, basically it's being dubbed as a 2D side scrolling version of Minecraft. Now the game has been out since April and I bought it during the first week it came out, so why did I become addicted now? Well my brother bought it recently after watching me play it again, and we have been hooked on the multiplayer since.
After playing the multiplayer for awhile, we came up with the idea to create a Lets Play series, together! Yay! You can watch Episode 1 below:
If you're wondering what we used to make this video, we used Skype for voice chat. I used Fraps to record the video and I used Sony Vegas Pro to edit the video.

Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release

AceGamer445 Blog

Wow! Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release already!? Yeah, that's what I thought too. Looks like Notch is pushing for faster updates for the upcoming official release of Minecraft in November. Notch said on his twitter that Minecraft 1.9 will be released after feedback, and 1.10 will have more Adventure Mode content. We should expect to see Minecraft 1.10 Pre-Release being uploaded soon as well.

So what's new in Minecraft 1.9 that's so special anyway? Well there's 3 new mobs, 2 in the Nether and 1 peaceful mob. There's new items in the Nether and in the regular Minecraft world. And there's the new Nether dungeon. A full change list can be found here, as well as the download to the Pre-Release.

You can also watch me talk about the new update below where I show off the new mobs in the Nether and the Nether dungeon:

Minecraft 1.8 Survival Mode Overview

AceGamer445 Blog

The new Minecraft 1.8 update came out recently and so I decided to make a video showing off some of the new features in the Minecraft 1.8 update! I only talk about the survival mode portion in this video. I will be uploading the creative mode portion (Part 2 basically) later this week. My internet speeds are not on par with the average user so I have to upload videos overnight. But don't worry, I'll get around to it :P

If you would like to check out my channel, you can click here.

UPDATE: You can watch me talk about creative mode here.

Call of Duty Zombies Moon Overview

AceGamer445 Blog

Hey guys! This is a video a made awhile back showing off the "new" zombies map in Call of Duty Black Ops called "Moon." Basically I talk about the new features in Moon and show off some gameplay. I also talk a little bit about the new easter eggs and achievements you can unlock.
You can watch the video below:

If you liked this video, then check out my channel as I have more gaming videos on there ranging from Left 4 Dead 2, Minecraft, and other Call of Duty videos.

Thoughts on Desura

AceGamer445 Blog

So today I signed up for Desura to activate my Project Zomboid game. At first I thought this was gonna be some Steam wannabe or something, but I'm actually pretty impressed with this. Now the community for this is certainly not as big as the community Steam has, but the fact that this has a blog tool that you can use has gotten me interested. And the support for game mods on this is also better compared to Steam, in my opinion.

Now I may not use this for games at all because that's what I use Steam for and I would like it to stay that way, but as far as I can tell, Desura has a great community and, again, better support for mods. And hey, maybe I'll start using Desura for posting blogs. I have never really had a blog before so it should be quite interesting!